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Nora Sayed May 2022
You have failed to accept the truth
Here you are following their semantic rules
Playing the role of a social robot
One that is being brainwashed non stop

It has become a form of art
That ripped your thoughts apart
Indulged you in its pratices
Wrapping you around its clutches

While you rest, they create your reality
Making their words your best rhapsody
When in fact, it's just a treading enemy
Reinforced linguistically and sanctioned culturally

You work hard towards the prosperity of the opressor
And to those who dare fight, you take extreme measures
You have a lopsided point of view of a rigid world
Yet you do nothing to change it and appear undisturbed

Isn't it time to emancipate yourself aginst such actions?
Form your own truth and make your own decisions?
Educate yourself and free your mind
Leave what you thought is the truth behind.
augustinenzimana May 2014
I am a child indeed should have right what are rights. Firstly think of your name without the right given to you by your parents could you own it, no why because you don't have the right to own it. what are rights? rights are human being considered to have, such as the right to shelter,protection,name and identity. children are the backbone of the nation. stop child abuse, discrimination  as well as harmful cultural pratices.

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