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lize kingston Sep 2013
Battle of the two Giants
High noon announced the duel of the giants
Poetry and Hip Hop gunslinging the date was set
One accused the other of ****** the verbal world
As poetry sighted the words of Poe, hip hop did hurl
"Cant you rock these lame %$# words in slow
That dumb %&# Raven needs to be defeathered bro"
Poetry stood back and shook his hands down low
Reaching for his quilt using hip hop as ink he wrote
"The sound of silence is gold when you release your soul,
I need to feel the heartbeat of man so go!"
Hip hop now breakdancing on the floor
Laughed at this poor attempt to show poetrys gold
"You call that soul? I see it as a blind man,
Using fancy words to hide your fears so grand"
As poetry began to write another line
12:00 o clock came up as the sun did shine
Both stood back to back drawing their weapons
As the countdown to the duel approached like a new son
3 steps forward both rhymers turned about face
Two bangs later the smoke cleared both were embraced
The two giants knelt to ground their hearts did bleed
This time not of words but of blood so clean
At the same time both died as they killed each other
Why not write about how we are killing one another
Black vs White, hip hop vs poetry
Same old siht but this time its affecting me
A Lopez Jan 2016
Daddy told me not to ****
I killed myself with men.
Mother told me to get my fill
Of poetry and lyrical pen.
I told myself I'd write the words
That now leaks in my dna.
I told my self I'd be unheard
Yet I get louder day by day.
Sean Banks Apr 2013

Ladies and gents
let me present
To you

The heart that crushes
Makes art blushes
When I see irony
I runaway from me

I’m a tight not with loose ends
I’m thick I bend
I carry a shoe lace noose
and walk
With a mouth that’s bullet proof
I’m poetrys’

Shake me
Shake loose some lyrical tendencies
And you’ll see
Im soft like cookie’s
Ya know?
Kneed me mash me with your fingers
nowhere near your mind do I linger
I still got a tongue like a
Trigger finger

And you used to mock me
when I say peace
To this – I grind my teeth
I take this powder and sell it on the black market
Then I go to the white store
And find myself a racist *****
And **** slap her with a sentence thunderous
to explain there is no race under us
A fist at a fathers gist
Ask the **** why he raised me like this

And say, do you see that miss
That girl is disgusting
Yet her beauty gives her attractiveness
I attack with this
I bow to her like a blasphemist
Look for a bent *** to kiss

I’m yoga preztled trying to fit social norms
This lifelong lifetime will we round into social form
Torn corners
rip me down the middle to find freedom
Where the **** is Lennon when you need him
Oh, yeah,
A bullet
Freed ‘em

We need to understand
We aint’ birds in cages
Yet the bars set in places
Flawed faces
Getting a chance to rejoice
love hoist
Beauty poised?
We are so **** far from this
So instead we stare at unfair bliss
Oh by the way – I’m a ******* ****** killer

*But poetry is a **** good therapist
If i was a perfectionist i would film again to get that wink right. But perfection is for the delusional.
Jake muler Apr 2016
Middle of the hourly awakening
I'm tired, can't sleep
But the hazelnut coffee
Sounds so good.
Even if I can't go
Back to sleep
And my poetrys misunderstood! It's all good,
My eyes will at least be partially open
When my body starts to lag
Because of the hazelnuts high
The good taste for a minutes grab.
Harshit Jain Jun 2017
I have been such a Badass to my poetrys, i care about them only when i am lonely or heartbroken
I do visit them, to read what they had to say when no one's around and when i feel left out
Oh yes, i have been bit too mean to them, to remember them only when i need a shoulder to cry, to vent out what i cannot say out loud

But i hail to those words, those phrases who have been such a dear friend, to be always their for me without any expectations
I love them for being so selfless, and let me feel strong when i can't even talk.
Oh yes, miss poetry you have been my best friend indeed, you were there when no one  was. Yo've helped me come out of the deepest of ditches and on the surface to show me the sunshine. You have been my shadow of night.
Everyone has seen the smiling me,  none but you know the weeping me.
So here I propose to you for a life lOng friendship, mentorship and an unbreakable relationship
The Dedpoet Oct 2017
I'm up with the down,
Friction of the chi,

    Balance in the chaos,

Spoken like


     Prism  owl
Moon shape
Blood shot
And words just speak,


Like the wings of a flutter fly,
Clip the wings,
          Utter die,
******* I
     Am feeling
Like a mad Lora Lee,
    Inspired cordially,
Notoriously Ded and risen,
Hate it love it,
    Specters of the prison


And I'm feeling me,
On my feet
Life not kneeling me,
Onion layers,


Peeling me,
Dealing me out
Because I'm poetrys *****,
Yea I said it,
You read it,
Never regret it,
Fetish for word.....spoken,

Feel me.
For Lora Lee
Tavia Robshaw Jul 2013
Poetrys Definition- Tavia Robshaw

Poetry is what you think it is.
word put into lines that have varies
metaphors. Where they talk about feeling
colors, how this puzzle doesn't fit.
Do they truly know what puzzles don’t fit?
Can you fit several pieces of one puzzle
in a few other puzzles? Using metaphors,
so the reader better understands what they
are talking about. But you can interpret
what you don’t know? Can you understand
without the know perspective of the poet?
You can break a poem down but will you get
what they are trying to tell you?

Poetry is among all words being used in different ways.
They way you shape your poem, so it's appealing to the eye.
They way your poem flows.
The way you want you reader to understand your poem these are the thing you must understand what writing a poem.

Keeping these in mind might be beneficial to the people reading them.
Keeping this intelligence is what you need.
To be, or not to be, no longer
         poetrys  most important question.
But, whether written by human or,
          human, CGI suggestion.

— The End —