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Abdelmalek Gucci Apr 2014
Phrase Courte d'amour
Si tu veux une fleur il faudra la cueillir mais si tu veux mon cœur il faudra me séduire.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Je suis un arbre, mes fleurs c'est toi. Je suis un ciel, mes étoiles c'est toi. Je suis une rivière, mon bateau c'est toi. Je suis un corps mon cœur c'est toi.

Avec une larme d'émotion merci de tout cœur. Je me sens la plus heureuse sur terre grâce à toi mon cher je t'aime.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Toi qui illumines ma vie et m'inspires la joie. Tu habites mes nuits, tu habites mes jours, non ça ne change pas et tant mieux pour moi. Phrase Courte d'amour

Tu te souviens pourquoi on est tombés amoureux? Tu te souviens pourquoi c'était si fort entre nous? Parce que j'étais capable de voir en toi des choses que les autres ignoraient. Et c'était la même chose pour toi mon amour.
Phrase Courte d'amour

**** de vous je vois flou et j'ai mal partout car je ne pense qu'à vous, je sais que c'est fou, mais j'aime que vous.

La lune est comme un aimant, elle attire les amants regarde la souvent, tu trouvera celui que tu attend la main il te prendra pour la vie il te chérira.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Phrase Courte d'amour Pour vivre cette vie j'ai besoin d'un battement de cœur, avoir un battement de cœur j'ai besoin d'un cœur, avoir un cœur J'ai besoin de bonheur et avoir le bonheur j'ai besoin de toi!

Un baiser peut être une virgule, un point d'interrogation, ou un point d'exclamation. C'est une épellation de base que chaque femme devrait savoir.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Il ne faut jamais dire c'est trop **** puisqu'on peut toujours devenir ce que nous souhaitons être et aussi avoir ce que nous avons toujours désiré.

Le soleil ne s'arrête jamais de briller tout comme mon cœur ne s'arrête jamais de t'aimer.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'éternité c'est de passer qu'une seule seconde de ma vie sans toi, mais qu'importe cette seconde si à mon retour tu es toujours là.

Aimer est un sentiment d'appartenance à une personne de confiance.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour n'a pas besoin de carte, Phrase Courte d'amour car elle peut trouver son chemin les yeux bandés.

Dans ce monde l'amour n'a pas de couleur,pourtant le tien a profondément détint sur mon corps.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Le cœur est comme une fleur quand elle manque d'eau elle meurt.

L'amour que j'ai envers toi est incompréhensible aux yeux de tous ... Même de toi.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour est un mot que j'écris pour qu'il soit encore plus beau.
Phrase Courte d'amour
L'amour se vit dans la richesse comme dans la détresse, dans la pauvreté ou la beauté.
Phrase Courte d'amour

L'amour commence par donner de l'importance et finit par l'ignorance.

Les plus belles choses dans la vie ne peuvent pas être vu, ni touchés, mais se font sentir que par cœur.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Qu'importe un océan ou un désert, l'amour n'a pas de frontières.

Il Parait que quand on aime, on ne compte pas, mais moi je compte chaque secondes passée sans toi.
Phrase Courte d'amour

Toi mon cœur, mon amour, ma joie, je te dis ces quelques mots en pensent à toi, je t'aime et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi, à chaque moment, à chaque instant, je pense à toi une minute sans toi et tu me manques déjà, alors toi mon cœur, accepte moi, prends moi dans tes bras, embrasse-moi une dernière fois.
Poeme courte d'amour
Edna Sweetlove Jan 2015
A Poeme from ye Penne of
ye right learned Professor Peter Buttocke
collected by hysse Pupille Edna*

There is an ancient Shittah in my Garden, eldritch and right dun in alle Aspect
Wherein dwelleth a loude and noisome Ouzel, ye like of which I have ne'er yet seen
Under thysse our goode Goddes fayre Welkin up in ye Skye above us alle.
This foule and unwholesome Beeste, with trespassynge shote-like ****** Effusiones
Hath performed ye veritable Antithesis of kindly horticultural Edulcoration
For whiche Sinne I shall emasculate ye Brute, so God may grant me Pow'r.
Sudating at ye Nostrilles I advance, my trustie Stang at ye ever-ready,
And I prepare to eject it from yon Pollard, having previous shattered
Alle its horryd Frangibles with one brave bolde frampold Blowe.
Thwacke! A last Piffero-reminiscent Warble escapeth loude from its fowle coronoid Appendage;
Right severe Damage and harsh fatal Ruine of Nature irreversible have I caused
To ye shaggie shamelesse little avian Runte, whereon Goddes smile hath ne'er dawned.
Thus descendeth it to the Faeces-bedecked Herdwick, and I titubate triumph'lly o'er its conticent Corpse.
And were there yet a duodenary Set of ye Frass-Depositors, I would not give a Demi-Testrel for their Survyvall
Should they e'er again infringe the sacred Privacie whych ye ancient Shittah enjoyeth in my Garden.
Fall Nov 2018
Love , trust , herself , blindly will she give you

Hunger , sleep , others ,yourself , will she protect you

Hapinness , peace , security , are her powers

Regret , sorrow , tears , you feel for her

Uncernaity , fear , pain , father gifts you

Death , lonliness , craziness , shall craves you

Dissapointment , wrath , self-loathing , will this World Make you

Paradis , réincarnation , inner peace , will god promise you

The End , Reality , Dreams , will seem shallow compared to a single person

Words , feelings , gifts , will never do justice to her

Joke, humor, laugh, IS this whole POEME until my death

Try to be a better daughter for her , and always wish her to be your mother
Roses79 Jan 2019
Tiny cracks beginning to appear, water seeping, drip by drip,
Cuts across my ribcage, scars that remain,
At dawn in the mist, the rest of life.
awaits to be destroyed and rediscovered,
permeating through my veins,
The light rises, reflecting off flesh and blood,
Strength reveals its own fragility, shattering these careful intentions,
Neatly wrapped up.
hidden, yearning to be found,
flooding out, it puddles on the floor,
I gaze at the ceiling, on the wrong side of things,
My feet were meant to walk on the opposite aspect of life, stepping over doorways and chandeliers,
All these bubbles, threatening to burst.
just under my skin,
washing away small pieces of soul,
Silence embracing me in its arms,
I am unprepared for eternity,
Lightly evaporating across my skin.
these intricately linked, small steps,
sliding past,
Like images reflected in a window pane,
Imprinted for one note,
I have taken the wrong train, led by a star at the crossroads.
down a path in the twilight,
finally into place,
Pebbles tumble in the outgoing tide,
Better I had never visited that place, caught in the trance of the moon,
Pieces lost, drawn to sea.
flowing, sinking, to a metamorphosis,
ensnared in a puzzle,
Searching, endlessly, for a life behind the mirror,
That I have never cradled
Imbibing the sweet, slow languish.
of innocence.
Ottar Feb 2015
one letter at a time, take
one sound, no mime, make
one word, a play on, no mistake
one muse, ha ha,
no refusal, sounds become a litter
of letters in piles of clothing on
a poets floor, imagine not the
sounds of laughter, but of verse
of rhyme of prose as one discovers
the other has toes and the sounds that
ensue, freely leading to a complete poeme.
The alphabet approach.
I always get stuck at mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Paris est grandiose
Je vois Paris en une fleur d'avril
d'un jardin bien soigne
Dans sa couleur rosee je le vois

En la saveur du vin
le plus delicieux du monde
je bois la finesse de Paris
Dan son bouquet je le bois

Avec la degustation
de delicats fromages
je me transporte a Paris
Avec je me transporte a toi

Je demeure a Paris
guand je visite un muse d'art
et guand je lis un poeme d'amor
Dans ces moments je suis a Paris

Cette cite est tous les
que nous admirons dans l'art
Elle est la culture dynamique
L'art pour l'art meme..c'est Paris.
ogdiddynash Nov 2024
“Remember when we used to pour our own milk in Starbucks? I miss those days,” one patron wrote nostalgically on X earlier this month... Now in the process of  getting reinstatement…
oddity sujet for a poeme. and it begs with
hidden overtones even, for an overture, please,
even the babes&big babies among us with barely a decade to call their own,
long for the un~
complicated places, days, even the moments
momentous that will resonate evermore,

even the most favored nation of that stuffed
animal, that cannot be dismissed, discarded,
who will join them in their no loco parenting of a
snug single of  a freshman doormroom,
with no shame, when the hungry boys are
permitted entry to the chamber, blushing from the hopefulness's of potency of
getting first  lucky,
foolishly sarcastic remarking on
this sad sacred animal presence, and being subsequently serviley, quick dismissed,
with a stupid,wry twisty, puzzled squared landing on their mouth, where the just sensed
passionate kisses  will  ow/now
never arrive

yes, nostalgic
commences amidst the multiple in ~ puts
from early days, ever on,
sorted, filed, systematically,
in a system greater than the
dewey decimal of our libraries

and we experimented with
numerous pours of variable quantities
various “milks”
lesson taught when the station is unbusy,
and cute yong men offer helpful hints,
calorically, nutrient-wise, taste varietals,
and leaving a phone number
on the wax container of the
trialed oat milk
which is so a
hard to miss, hard to lose

perhaps this instant of rapture rappore
will lead to a long life,
maybe till spring semester when
a saturated years older
slightly more cautious,
*and yet^
after a hundred nyets,
in a San Fran Starbucks,
near the first job,
it happens, and memories are
rejiggered, restoring priorities
don’t tell nobody
that stuffed animal
is resting comfortably
on her bedroom
in an apt.
Shared with two others,

To all entering, holy of holies,
as a prescreening no~tech
stuffed, well hugged
animal device will
assign a
pass/fail grade
Reannen Jun 2021
Alexander Scriabin - Poeme Op. 32 # 1

The young man sits down to play, impressed his date wants to hear him play a piece so close to his heart.

Nervous he breathes, praying that he remembers it well enough to amaze her. His fingers begin to dance upon the keys, he's content with how he does.

She is amazed. This man who challenges her, has picked her brain about humanity, and makes her feel like she's the only person in the world, can play a melody so sweet her heart breaks.

She doesn't realize it's a date. But she's in love with the way his hand shakes at the end. The glow in his eyes, pride obvious when she claps.

She has to tell him no when he asks for a kiss. He's perfect but that song will always remind her of the man who tore her heart out, the one who made her not want to exist.

The young man is perfect and in another life they'd have met under better circumstances.
There’s an abbreviated city called Limn
A description confused with a Hymn
It was originally a poeme
When Hibernia was Rome
But that’s according, to Pat Coogan, Tim.

— The End —