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AJ Jul 2013
Call me honeybee one more time,
I dare you.
I love it.
I am so platonicly in love with you.
You are better than starbucks.
Maybe five times better,
But I'm contemplating six and a half.
I just want to make sure you're always super duper happy.
And bring you soup, and tea, and fuzzy blankets, and fab movies when you're sad.
You are the absolute cutest.
You no think I'm pretty.
So dot zee to you.
But I'll get over it,
And I'll never be over you.
No ****.
With all the **** in the world implied.
I feel like I should insert some sort of suggestive emoticon here.
Mikoarenas Jan 2016
I've always wanted to try and fix things but no one can get you
Your walls are to high to see over and to hard to break through
You give enough to stay interesting because you love attention but not enough so people can get you
You have you feelings on a lock, you give the first two combinations away like they're nothing,
The last is your prize possession

You're like a gift that never gets opened, people get excited to see you but never get to see whats inside.
I've always been to scared to approach you and to scared to let go
I was never sure if you felt the same
I got tired of playing that game, so I stopped.

Tell us what we want to hear
If you don't know it, think because its something you fear
Don't lie, because I've heard it before

When you first told me you loved me
I heard music, musicians sang and danced in my head, I loved it
Not only because it was beautiful but because it made it so crowded
The deep dark thoughts became less tragic, it felt like magic
I became attached
Like a leech on skin and peanut butter smoothly slicked on jelly
I loved the get away

Those 3 words were the car outside the bank I was about to rob
They were the cape I used to fly away
And they were my escape from this hellish thing we call reality
but nothing last forever

After awhile you stopped telling me you loved me
You drove away from the bank, tore the cape into pieces, and brought me back!

You closed up
built walls, added extra layers and checked twice for flaws
You locked up your feelings and all I've ever wanted to say since is, Thank you.

Those magical words still linger in my head like warm air on a hot summer day
So thank you, for teaching me how to love others and myself
Thank you for being there for me and being someone I felt like I could always go to
And thank you for making me happy, because lets be honest, it's almost as rare as diamonds

You might not know this but I hope you the best
I just wish you believed in yourself just as much as I still do
I hope you go to college in Hawaii, have a small wedding and find someone who makes you feel special because you deserve water falls of happiness.

You probably think I hate you, so this all must sound a bit weird
but I don't, never have and probably never will
If anything I still love you, platonicly
I get I'm still young and people say I can't know what love is
But I know that I still think of you
I still cry every time I listen to our song
I still wonder what I could have done differently, and I clearly still write poems about you
So if thats not love then Ill just keep wondering what is

Honesty, you'll probably never hear this
Ill probably just delete this
Due to my fear lf this
But if I don't and you do, please understand that this next part is hard for me to say

Im sorry it's taken me this long to finally realize that apologizing isnt weak
I want you to know that I'm sorry for everything I put you through
I just wish that I knew it earlier, so I wouldn't have had to stay up till 3, on a school night, writing this poem to say Thank you and Im sorry.
This is a poem that I wrote months ago, I wrote it for this years slam at my highschool and I'm kinda insacure about it, so who knows if Ill actually perform it or not!! Anyways I hope you enjoy it. (Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or anything like that, It's late so ill go over it later)

— The End —