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Jonny Angel Sep 2014
I heard Mr. Brown got busted.
Yeah, he was hangin' out down at the Piggly Wiggly,
propositionin' all the lady customers.
He was askin' 'em
if they wanted to buy a ****.
Doesn't that crazy chicken farmer know,
he ain't now ******.
Kinky buys Apr 2014
On the frog
Looking for a dog

On the squizzlly wiggy at piggly wiggly
Lawrence Hall Jul 2018
Kingsville, Texas, 1955

A loaf of bread from the Piggly Wiggly
A quart of milk because MawMaw forgot
A Coke and a Mickey Mouse funnybook
A water pistol and Eskimo Pies

A pack of PawPaw’s brand of cigarettes
So he can watch his Yankees this afternoon
On the Sylvania with the rabbit ears
In gloriously static-y black-and-white

Plays called by Dizzy Dean and PeeWee Reese
In our childhood world, forever at peace
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
Standing on a busy street corner
When a limo pulls up next to me
Out pops the head of Johnny Depp
(Not the body mind you, just the head)
And asks where's the nearest Dairy Queen

Not one to miss an opportunity
I blurted out I'll show you the way
So that's how the head of "The Depp" and I
Spent time together that day

In his limo he had his makeup artist
Which seemed a bit odd to me
Everywhere the head of Johnny went
It had to dress up for the scene

Since Johnny was drooling a Dilly
First stop Dairy Queen
With Johnny's head as the Mad Hatter under my arm
It was a very strange scene indeed

With me holding onto the Dilly's
And Johnny's head on the counter up front
Mr. Depp was the King at the Queen that day
Though his ice cream licking habit did turn some peoples lunch

Later on passing a Piggly Wiggly
Johnny's head said what's up with that
Told him it's nothing more than a grocery store
His reply was let's give it a crack

So undergoing more of his makeup
And in the blink of an eye
I have the head of Jack Sparrow
In the grocery cart with a bag of Funions by his side

Yes, Johnny Depp's head loves Funions
Which to me really ranks the breath
But who am I to tell a Big Time Movie Star that
I'm not the keeper of his head

He even dressed as Edward Scissorhands
Which didn't turn out quite right
Since Johnny's head has no hands
To hold the famous Scissorhand knives

That day we went to so many places
With every stop a new disguise
I guess for entertainment you do what you can
When all that's left is your head and some of your mind

Whelp, that's about it on this days adventures
Not a whole lot more to be said
As I stood on the street corner waving bye, bye
To the limo pulling off into the sunset, along with the head of Johnny Depp
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
Most of my time is spent in a Piggly Wiggly line
So you know the Hollywood rags I have seen
Scouring them inside out, top to bottom, back to front
I know all the skinny on all the skinny stars in-between

This day Mona in a Moo Moo says from behind me
Something about this must be done
So with the east in our rear (That doesn't sound right does it!)
Look out Hollywood California here we come

Not long after landing in Los Angeles
Before we even barely had time
We set up what "THEY" think is an organic juice hand squeezed by ******'s
and Himalayan soy Sushi bar
Out of our Hot Dog cart on the corner of Hollywood and Vine

And yes, we've added a little secret ingredient
Something to fatten those Hollywood types up
So they'll look like the rest of us in America
With the line around the block it looks like they can't get enough

With a little dab here and a little sprinkle there (wink,wink)
Our food has become the talk of the town
You'd think they would have figured it out by now
As each delicious bite adds a few extra pounds

And menu items with names like
-Add Another Roll Sushi-
Or the...
-Don't Look Behind You Sushi Surprise-
Then there's our most popular item
The -California Your **** SuperSize-

Now that we've fattened up most of the Movie Stars and then some
California's so heavy it may soon slide into the sea
With a new concoction we've developed to stimulate brain juice's
We're now taking our Hot Dog Cart to Washington D.C.
Mike Hauser Dec 2013
Most of my time is spent in Piggly Wiggly lines
So you know the Hollywood rags I have seen
Scouring them inside out, top to bottom, back to front
I know all the skinny on all the skinny stars in-between

This day Mona in a Moo Moo says from behind me
Something about this must be done
So with the East in our rear ( That doesn't sound right does it )
Look out Hollywood California here we come

Not long after landing in Los Angeles
Before we even barely had time
We set up what "THEY" think is an Organic Juice Hand Squeezed By ******'s
and Himalayan Soy Sushi Bar
Out of our Hot Dog cart on Hollywood and Vine

Of course we've added a little secret ingredient
Something to fatten those Hollywood types up
So they'll look like the rest of us in America
And with the line around the block it looks like they can't get enough

With a little dab here and a little sprinkle there (wink,wink)
Our cart has become the talk of the town
You'd think they would have figured it out by now
As each delicious bite adds a few extra pounds

With menu items with names like
Add Another Roll Sushi
or the...
Don't Look Behind You Sushi Surprise
Then there's our most popular item
The California Your **** SuperSize

Now that we've fattened up most of the Movie Stars and then some
California's so heavy it may soon slide into the sea
With a new concoction we've developed to stimulate brain juices
We're now taking our Hot Dog cart to Washington D.C.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
A Simple Walkway
By this device just an old ordinary taken for granted side walk there is no place it doesn’t lead
Hops scotch any one key skates on your shoes how they let you zoom oh the prints left there
A bike for Christmas feel daddy’s strong hands hear his feet running to keep up ever feel so freed
Remember when you were there playing mother walked by her perfume caused womanly fantasies

Up town on Saturday shopping day take the sidewalk get a haircut one two Jims the other to Dressings
Montgomery wards that great wide white stair way sports one floor clothes on the other
Get dolls toy guns all kind of assorted toys at Ben Franklin if not there find Woolworth’s full blessings
Whatever, hurry you know the Roseland will be starting the afternoon matinee action packed thrills

Live out the movies Carl Wessel Western Auto arrows fifty cents Coast to Coast BB guns
Can’t afford a bow take a mop stick and cut an inner tube into a strip nail on both ends watch her fly
If you’re not allowed to have even an air rifle use more inner tube a forked stick wa la slingshot what fun
Grocery shopping great on second St Piggly Wiggly or Wempen’s on the alley up from Bryson’s garage

Need shoes Summer’s store or Duez get a pair of Buster Browns this follow the side walk your welcome
If you just need a repair Ray does fine work Pen well’s store has all the dresses guaranteed no guessing
Hustle and bustle going on all over town activity nonstop great foot traffic go to town the past will come
You will stir up endless memories in this new time that could use those sweet happy times at the five
and Dime
Mike Hauser Sep 2014
Standing on a busy street corner
When a limo pulls up next to me
Out pops the head of Johnny Depp
(Not the body mind you, just the head)
And asks where's the nearest Dairy Queen

Not one to miss an opportunity
I blurted out I'll show you the way
So that's how the head of "The Depp" and I
Spent time together that day

In his limo he had his makeup artist
Which seemed a bit odd to me
Everywhere the head of Johnny went
It had to dress up for the scene

Since Johnny was drooling a Dilly
First stop Dairy Queen
With Johnny's head as the Mad Hatter under my arm
It was a very strange scene indeed

With me holding onto the Dilly's
And Johnny's head on the counter up front
Mr. Depp was the King at the Queen that day
Though his ice cream licking habit did turn some peoples lunch

Later on passing a Piggly Wiggly
Johnny's head said what's up with that
Told him it's nothing more than a grocery store
His reply was let's give it a crack

So undergoing more of his makeup
And in the blink of an eye
I have the head of Jack Sparrow
In the grocery cart with a bag of Funions by his side

Yes, Johnny Depp's head loves Funions
Which to me really ranks the breath
But who am I to tell a Big Time Movie Star that
I'm not the keeper of his head

He even dressed as Edward Scissorhands
Which didn't turn out quite right
Since Johnny's head has no hands
To hold the famous Scissorhand knives

That day we went to so many places
With every stop a new disguise
I guess for entertainment you do what you can
When all that's left is your head and some of your mind

Whelp, that's about it on this days adventures
Not a whole lot more to be said
As I stood on the street corner waving bye, bye
To the limo pulling off into the sunset, along with the head of Johnny Depp
Piggly Wiggly sleeps,
and snores,
closed doors,
while someone is cleaning a door,
others are questioning where they are,
a poet,
reads words in a bathroom stall,
someone down the hall,
whisper shouting in another,
asks, "What's the point to all this?"
rehab in winter,
rehab in fall,
a **** and a smile,
but a reminder,
you get in what you get out,
sixty one days sober,
breaking the record every day,
the poet flushes away,
is internal frown,
complaining companions move onto the windows,
piggly wiggly dreams aboot,
bacon and ****,
another record,
the poet asks his higher power,
please let it last,
one day at a time,
everyone stops,
sloppy joes & cigarettes,
Being loved,
when no one asked,
is a weird feeling.

Sponsor numbers,
and Ibprophen,
what's for breakfast tomorrow?
Hope with a guilty side,
Chinaski hidden in a,
recovery library,
words to the poet,
a secret vice,
are nostalgic tremors,
a giggle for the unknown,
terminal uniqueness,
and a desk map with no ****,
pray for the piggly wiggly roommate,
the hope overpowers the guilt,
and the coffee makes,
me smile,
a good day,
a better,
Trying some prose
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
it came about i graced higgly piggly (to saunter, generally, my flayed marble in the gross determined light( winter specially came upon all the arbor straights slatting it correctly,
The melting *** of town , a tidy restaurant with the smell of sausage and bacon , pancakes and fried eggs , biscuits and gravy with fig preserves and local honey , at high Noon serving the best lunch for miles around . Lively banter from old timers , waitresses eager to strike up conversations , the latest gossip in a one light village , talk of planting , cattle and farm equipment .. A tidy Piggly Wiggly opens at nine o'clock , the local hardware store busy as ever , selling chicks , deer netting , lumber and livestock feed .. Neighbors more than willing to help one another when needed ...
The town closes at one on Wednesday to allow the residents ample time for church service at five , followed by supper in the Communion hall and another round of chat after sundown ...
Back home to quiet city streets and dirt roads , a lone constable patrols town one last time before closing the day out ..
Copyright February 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mike Hauser Oct 2018
Most of my time is spent in a Piggly Wiggly line
So you know the Hollywood rags I have seen
Scouring them inside out, top to bottom, back to front
I know all the skinny on all the skinny stars in-between

This day Mona in a Moo Moo says from behind me
Something about this must be done
So with the east in our rear (That doesn't sound right does it!)
Look out Hollywood California here we come

Not long after landing in Los Angeles
Before we even barely had time
We set up what "THEY" think is an organic juice hand squeezed by ******'s
and Himalayan soy Sushi bar
Out of our Hot Dog cart on the corner of Hollywood and Vine

And yes, we've added a little secret ingredient
Something to fatten those Hollywood types up
So they'll look like the rest of us in America
With the line around the block it looks like they can't get enough

With a little dab here and a little sprinkle there (wink,wink)
Our food has become the talk of the town
You'd think they would have figured it out by now
As each delicious bite adds a few extra pounds

And menu items with names like
-Add Another Roll Sushi-
Or the...
-Don't Look Behind You Sushi Surprise-
Then there's our most popular item
The -California Your **** SuperSize-

Now that we've fattened up most of the Movie Stars and then some
California's so heavy it may soon slide into the sea
With a new concoction we've developed to stimulate brain juice's
We're now taking our Hot Dog Cart to Washington D.C.
And oldie but goldie... I think it's time to crank back up the cart!
Herby topsy-turvy
rolls down
the grassy knoll

Bowled over
One hundred
4-leaf clover’s

Smack dab
Inertia grabs
With a push
Forward whoosh
to the

Little Wendy
Wiggly giggly
enamored with her
spiral jiggly Piggly tails

Both children
Feet in the air
Without a want
or a care


Gazing into the
Cerulean blue sky

Then they
each other’s eyes,
neither one cry
Nor asked why
They knew

This is how
they first met

A lifetime of Love
Blessings from
God above

Their tome remained
At home
As they roam

It became their journal
Life’s journey
Their epitaph

No Regret
Mutual Respect
77 years
Well Spent

Insured songs
1) Brand new key
By Melanie 1971

2) You got a friend
By Carol King 1971

3) We only just Begun
The carpenters 1970
I have been sick for 13 days
since Christmas Day
this is my first poem of the new year.

BLT Webster’s Word of the day challenge
1-5-25 cerulean
describes the blue color resembling the blue of a clear sky
1-6-25 tome
A formal word for a book and especially a very large thick often scholarly book
Travis Green Jun 2018
Back when I worked at my first job, Piggly Wiggly,
I used to stock shelves and bag grocery, staring at
the endless items sliding down the cash register, as
I grabbed each one, placing them into the bag, my restless
eyes fading every approaching hour, counting the time
ticking on the clock, wondering if I could accelerate it
to me working on my masterpiece, dabbing in the thick
gooey paint with my long, thin brush, watching the glossy
paint, as it made spectacular colors in the nighttime sparkle,
much like exploding fireworks lighting up the starry sky,
illuminating the fire inside my soul, flashing lights guiding me
to my new escape, but I was far from freedom, pushing carts after carts, strolling back and forth with grocery bags in my hands, stacking them into different vehicles, my life declining, unbalanced, broken languages, everything disconnected, while the evening faded into nightly duties, cleaning and mopping, scanning aisles and fronting items, sweeping the scattered leaves from trees across the pavement, stuck in a prison, surrounded by disappointment.  I drifted, post cleanup at Carolina Mudcats at nights after a game, had me in a whirl wind speeding off course into alternate wrecked worlds, empty beating rhythms, trailing up and down bleachers and sidewalks, picking up filthy trash, like I was a ***** old man confined to these meaningless duties, forced to carry on the same everyday life until something better came along.  And at Walmart, I worked in remodeling, spraying wet shiny paint on cash registers, its surface a sleek finishing glow, hauling debris after debris into overcrowded dumpsters, sweaty hands and a soggy face was all that was left of me at the end of a long day’s work, familiar voices echoing in the back of my head – these are the working days that will never fade away.

— The End —