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Sibyl Vane Mar 2014
Stu-pid. Stu-pid. Stu-pid.
Can you hear it?
stupid stupid stupid
I hear it.
The sound of my heart.
Don't you?
It seems so loud
When it's hammering
In my ears.
Don't listen.
I trusted them.
stu pid stu pid stu pid*
I was stupid.
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
There is one distance or diameter through the center. There is only one D. Cir equals two pir or just pid, big D with e's pie-eating smile. If you look at e'm askant you can see how the i's drop out in a furtive way to leave only cr/p.

E wears cr/p as a badge of honor on e's tee. It's how e chooses to identify with the infinite Volume. Pir or pid, both are too circumspect. D quantifies directly, but really E's just two r or r as a diminutive D half step down.

As a minor E didn't fly. Twice promoted now, D is much happier as a major, three quarters of a Volare. E gets to fly three quarter skies with three roots dug deep, deep down twice into the sunken earth, a visceral connection to a Cantare.
Francie Lynch Feb 2020
Stupid is as stupid does.
Tupid is as tupid sounds.
Upid is as upid sounds.
Pid is as pid sounds.
Id is...
Mark Bell Sep 2017
Sitting on my suicide ledge
A tear runs from my eye
I see a dark horizon
From this an angel.
I do spy
there was no happy ending
Hey ** dip pid Dee doo dah
Fey Feb 2020
today my heart is aching,
ugly beats resonating from its chest.
friends are all fcking traitors,
masquerading empathy with ignorance.

take your st
pid advice somewhere else,
I respect my shattered pride way too much
to care about your so-called "distress".

Where have you been
all the time

© fey (23/02/20)
Kiwalabye Collin Mar 2019
He looks at her
She smiles
He buys her lollipops and new shoes
He buys her dolls
He lifts her up against his body

And the crowd doesn't care
Because he's her ankle
And she's his niece
She's young, beautiful and cuddly
She's pure of heart
Sure she has learnt a vice or two,
The concept of deception, a sliver of selfishness
But that is not her true nature,
She only turns to it when frustrated.  

He's broken but no one knows
He's twisted yet no one sees.
He's eyes crave for the untainted soul
He's mouth waters for the callow spirit
He lusts after her

He grooms her, day by day
Lollipop by lollipop
Gift by gift
Hug by hug
She's blind to all this

She comes to the hospital with a pain
She says it hurts below the belly button
The doctor checks with his probe
He looks at the screen with the black and white picture
Hes does not believe it
Its impossible, It cant be
He cant say it
He doesn't want to think it.

She's quiet
Tears rolling down her eyes
She wants her mommy
She wants to be in her arms
It's where she feels safe

"Give it to me straight Doc.", says her mother.
Doctor, "Mum, your daughter has PID".
"What does that mean Doctor?"
Doctor " That she has an STD."
"But she's only 8 years old,
has not had glanced at her first mini blood bath"
Doctor, "And yet here she is, violated."  

But why
What have you done to her
You ruthless man,
You were supposed to be her uncle

Hope lost, emotions crippled
Only 8 but feels ashamed, esteem broken
She'll never love, will always be broken
Yes, now she'll forever be , emotionally impotent.
Ruthless man, you were supposed to be her uncle.
Inspired from a man who sexually abused an 8 year old girl.
In my lone, apocryphal infancy I happened upon Mithra (including trivialities Mithraical) & lordly Jesus (plus trivialities Jesus Christical). I dreampt that together, in scope (& in character), we could complicate the complexities of complexes; we could complicatedly explore the complexes within complexities; within complications yet without complexions...Oh, I'm eating yogurt. Nothing fazes me, the stays & hanging delays. So, I'm eating yogurt. Nothing by phase fazes me, the stops, quick jerks & delays. For holy ****'s sacred sake I need to yell at decaffeinated coffee personnel during to-day's abbreviatedly-prolonged coffee break.
   I recall your nether hair as wavy, welcoming more sea men than the U.S. navy. ~  "Hi," I said to the man with the gun whose wife weighed one-fifth of a metric ton. She's rotten to the core grown from seed, just like my chihuahua after he's peed. I wiped you up below the wet spot for the fire chief as you're all he's got. Play it simple. Play it easy. Pay me by schedule fee Y or fee Z. I can't stop you, from wearing just 1 shoe. You're more dumb than you are stu-pid, as you'll wear a diaper for a week after you've pooped it. ~ "Take care," I cautioned the **** unaware as I ran a curling iron through his *******'s hair. With this neck brace I draw a fractured line good, as my pole is harder than a ship's bow line of pine wood that points 10 times straighter than ever mine could. ~ When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent, your ***-burns feel like no ***-burning accident. ~ Dear God, my ungodly losses have defeated my wins, because skinny-*** Jesus burned on the cross for our stinking sins. In the ring a boxer can lose his stuffin's, like run-aways lose to ****** pimps their tight clam, cherry-red muffins. I rest my love for flowing synovial fluid's fluidity on the shores of olympical trial lakes & amateur activity among destitute bums, hobos, tramps & humbugs as my partners in crime have forever been raunchy Tupac's queerly-tattooed thugs. My plea is no apology you unhooked, snaggle-toothed *****, because my *** is stairwell-inclined to market a luridly-commercial twitch. It's the jollity, mirth, hilarity, frivolity, merriment, good cheer & glee that turns my skin tone more jaundice than a Frisco China man's ***.

— The End —