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Lizzy Pegler Feb 2013
Do you know what *****?
Not being good at everything.
I sat down at the piano
To practice for the umpteenth time
Millions of thoughts rush through my head:
My form *****
I can't hit the right notes
My fingers don't want to work together
I can barely read the music
I will never be able to do this
I ****.
I was born to believe that I needed to be the best
At everything I did
To please my parents
And get the recognition I deserved.
The truthful "well done" from my mother.
But there came a time where getting A's is all they expected from me
So when I would get above and beyond 100 percents
I got nothing
No well done, no good job.
Yet my brother who would narrowly pass his spelling tests
Would get commended for his work.
Pushing myself harder and harder to be the best
Every second of every day
Has lead me to be unhappy whenever something isn't to the level I think it should be.
I know that perfection is impossible
And that you can't be good at everything.
But every time I fail
It feels like I'm dying a little inside.
Frustration. Anger. Depression.
I can barely hold it all together.
This pressure to be perfect may seem unbearable,
But it's my way of life.
Without it, I have no idea who I would be.
2% happy
2% loved
6% lonely
10% just gave up
10% ******
10% bracelets
10% gloves
9% irritated
20% doesn't give a ****
10% has nothing to say
4% stays silent
1% knows its better this way
3% hates you
3% hates me
?% is emo
that (?%) is Me...
another one like this on the way
Marsha Singh May 2013
Your absence has drawn
fractions on my belly. It's
bisected the axis of my
heart; it has split me apart.
I am charts and statistics.
I'm percents. You were sharp.
So was I; when I left, I cut
those halves into fourths.
I left one in your bed, now
I'm three quarters saved
and one quarter spent.
al Feb 2014
12% why does my father treat me like his son instead of daughter
15% library inside ribs, it holds a world instead of lungs
21% school is an injury education is attempting to bandage
29% there is a reason i used a calculator for these percents
33% hangout with nature and let it break your heart
John Romero Nov 2013
A face two faces a coin a cent.
All seem the same to me percents
Society's hypocrisy
Work hard to pay or pay the fee
A man once said moneys like poetry
But will money be worth a poem
When none of us are free?
StaticNSage Dec 2016
Conflicts better left for diamonds ***** with dried blood
I've had enough of the violence between seemingly heartless folks on a come up and their mothers native sons
I've been walking round here numb since the summer of '91
When you see too much young, it looks like squinting to catch a glimpse of a
setting sun
Pockets lump, class C like a status symbol, the difference between top to bottom rung is relatively simple
List the individuals who we get the rank from, those who get on board, those who get got and the rest forever labeled no ones
The cost of living becomes smoke to the nostrils, essential herbs burn and my eyes water
I had the thought process once of a born to rot martyr
Without a cause death brings no honor, it's all losses
That's the mantra
Another dealer in a corner or a liquor store start up, and my whole neighborhood is thick in the woods
Other words
They hard up
They say troubles pass and this too can't last but I started questioning the facts behind the poetry in that
See I could work a dope spot and pay back debts yet profits on the dollar don't make no sense
Don't act like a thinker like me can't add up the truths in percents, and the unschooled learned some **** foreign to most post grad *** lauds with all due respect
For the first in a lifetime we play by the rules, those who sing get no love
That's the word, that's the hymn
Bucks shots on the concrete and when the blues roll up
No one sees a thing
What I mean is it's hard to see any reason to believe my starving art could paint me into a new scene
I'm a fool to expect it, this exodus for the rest of us restless on the present precipice or cliff face
Calling it change
I've lived in a nightmare well before sleeping
I'm saying
Let's all move on From here, stop the star gazing
Russell Thayer Jun 2019
In the final hour--The annihilation of thoughts.
The death laden hour.
Desperate men take up scythes,
And cut away at their intemperate dispositions,
That are not so much flagellations;
But grand inquisitors that extinguished their brand of prognositicating medicine,
And took them gently by the hand,
Down the thorny road of intellectual suicide.

What became of their volition,
From what abode did the compulsion spring?
It may have been the tyranny of words,
And from that terror the sickness befell them,
Each in their time,
But what did life mean?

It was, for most of them, a dialog--A semantic game.
Some of them were only so many percents certain they existed at all, even if in existing there stood anything to gain.

The future, unnegotiable.
The past, vaguely remembered.
The choice, never made, is still a choice.

So let the existential barrier exclude man, to whom nothing is owed.

“I only want what I deserve,”

But that damnation is self-inflicted,
Ever so diligently Initiated,
By Prometheus,
The other Son of Man.

The fall was impecunious,
No dividends, accrued interests rates;
Exempt from the detriments of the lack availability of silver,
The gross domestic product,
The Consumer Price Index,
Or the ******* price of gold.

Now the tangible is irrelevant,
And value has none.
The journey of journeys is upon them.
It’s terror unblouses the hideous *****,
Of the mother of nature’s hidden agenda,
The milk of whom--before a work of sublimity--destroys a spirit belonging to a toad.

Nature is turned backwards,
And no longer feeding but emaciating,
And taking such impassioned joy,
In destroying life that before was its progeny,
Seeking now, to return being to a shapeless void.

And now absconds Father Time,
The harbinger of toil.
Malia Nov 2019
“Sanity is not statistical”
According to George Orwell
You cannot measure
Human brain-power
Or any of the like.

No percents
Or dotted graphs
Can show you if you’re crazy.

You might be the crazy one
Or the world is the one who’s wrong.
Finn Mar 2019
One percent

In a sea of percents

Still means something

— The End —