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Chintan Shelat May 2012
"Did you hear that?"



'It is nightingale'

'No, no it is lark'

'oh you are such a catastrophic'

'it has to be lark,'

'love is Shakespearean'

'life is denial'

'it's time....'

'yes, it's time, it's time to write death poem'

(the other person stares)

"to what I owe this breath ******,
to what I know this death moody,
lingered upon your wish to die,
to die is intellectual lie
into the circle out in snow,
thus I entered thus I just go"

(Beloved reader, by the way, that was nightingale, imitating lark,
lark was never a bird, it had always been our conviction.)

Here I enter
enter to take the knife from your hand

I cut my throat everyday

Catastrophe is an existence

my friend is a traitor
he did not held my head in lap
one last time

reincarnation is suffering

agony is overrated
overrating is an agony

thus I must not live
thus I must not live
thus I must not live
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Ocean eyes
so deep and blue
I drown in their hue
beautiful and intoxicating
I promise I’m not overrating
Long lashes
silken sashes
but what enthrals
most of all
is the love that I see
When they gaze at me
Satsih Verma Apr 2017
You tell me in no
ambiguity to hold on the solitude.
Life was overrating the return
of a prodigal saint.

In wet distance
would you plant the seeds
of spiritual lockup?

Was it not two timing?
Riding on the waves
and starting roots music?

Shot in the back
of head, you wanted to die quickly
being sincere towards life.

it were you, which was, for
what it was not.

I am counting the tongues
of flames, licking
the acid burned virtues.
Philip Richards Feb 2017
My hearse tracks y axis elation
Tram tries to numb; it's work undone
nerves crackle with ideas above my station
While they're overrating; love and hating
All my love is devastation
I leave ideals in desolation
Camila Jul 2013
Is it wrong that I think I'm not the worst?
That I'm not so bad.
I'm I overrating myself?
I'm I really so hard to love?
Because I've seen bad and I've seen mean
and I can't believe that they are better than me.
Mike Hauser Dec 2016
This World...
is a traveling salesman
that doesn't know when to say when
hiding tricks up its sleeve

This World...
is an infomercial
filled with needy commercials
promising free delivery

This World...
is a picnic
that brings its own ants in
to eat a slice of the pie

This World...
is a mortician
with teeth that sharply glisten
waiting for us to die

This World...
is a New York City taxi
weaving in and out of traffic
overrating the fare

This World...
is a child that is missing
on a milk jug that is empty
with no one to care

This World...
is a train wreck
from which you can't turn your head
no matter how hard you try

This World...
is in need of a medic
with an extensive headache
right between the eyes
Addie Kay Jan 2019
Roses are beautiful
But they’re quite bitter tasting
Don’t reach for her heart
Because it doesn’t match her
Beautiful exterior
Chills to the bone
Is what you will receive
No warm emotions to calm your soul.
Roses are beautiful
But they stab you if you come near.
They don’t liked to be touched,
As most women feel.
No one likes a ***** ladies
Am I right?
Roses are beautiful
But they’re quite sweet smelling.
Poison to lure you into their magic spelling
Once your close and quite intoxicated
By that sweet sweet overrating.
You think you’ve got the girl
And then she pulls out her claws
And reminds you her thorns
Are sharper than her flaws.
Roses are beautiful
But roses will be roses
as long as she’s viewable.
Hold your expectations
For after the luminal.
Blank mind
You’ll find
Works best
For your own rest.
What does this mean to you?
Mike Hauser Sep 2020
This World...
is a traveling salesman
that doesn't know when to say when
hiding tricks up its sleeve

This World...
is an infomercial
filled with needy commercials
promising free delivery

This World...
is a picnic
that brings its own ants in
to eat a slice of the pie

This World...
is a mortician
with teeth that sharply glisten
waiting for us to die

This World...
is a New York City taxi
weaving in and out of traffic
overrating the fare

This World...
is a child that is missing
on a milk jug that is empty
with no one to care

This World...
is a train wreck
from which you can't turn your head
no matter how hard you try

This World...
is in need of a medic
with an extensive headache
right between the eyes
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Value given to Self
Valued except by Ourselves
In the eyes of others
Is known as PRIDE

Success as defined
By our own cognition
Unable to attain
For whatever reason
Valuation based on Estimation
Otherwise known as

Situation not Conducive
People not Receptive
Plans not bearing fruition
Leading to frustration
In the process loosing composure
Devil within known as ANGER

Lack of understanding
Uncomfortable with own being
Creating a non existent living
Mind and Heart detached
Inability to face reality
Living in a world of fantasy
Believing in make believe
Translation into words
Seldom fooling others
Only fooling the I
Meaning of LIE

Wanting to Possess
Wanting to only Possess
Not interested in the process
Focusing on end result
Always half empty
Termed as GREEDY

Inner peace
Destroyed by others Deeds
Focus on others
Lack of Maturity
Filled with Negativity

Resourceful absent
Lifestyle Persistent
Inability to balance
Creates imbalance
Calling on others
Fulfill your desires
Continuing the game
In one word SHAME

Clarity on Vacuum
Blurry on Blessing
Insensitive Cognition
Lacks Perception
Only Half Full

Pray till you get
After Gotten Forget
Fulfill lifes needs
Through Money and Deeds
Goodwill monetized
Live life Kingsize
Memory for convenience
Lack of Conscience
Judas kiss
True self another layer
Unforgivable BETRAYAL

Overrating the I
Revolving around My
Sense of Doership
Give none their due
Ego fanned at Cue
None Equal
Illusionary Potrayal
Others Potential
Put down at Will
Quality Malignant
In one word ARROGANT

Always with make up
Behavior made up
Reflected Outside
Different Inside
Permanency of Potrayal
To self Disloyal
Not Self Worthy

Personal Pleasure
Seeking Advantage
Own Welfare
Devil may care
Exclusive ever
Inclusive never
Disregard the other
Avoidable fetish
Characterized SELFISH

Body language Revolting
Words Wounding
Bad host
Offer not a Chair
Duty Beware
Bad upbringing
Overrated sense of due
Classified as RUDE

Call him a Clown
Break him down
Contradict his views
Laugh at his mannerisms
Part of a crowd
Make fun aloud
Make him look silly
The doer a BULLY

In Ambition Similar
Path unclear
Achieve at any Cost
Destroy career
Does not matter
Dual thought process
Not contend with progress
Feels secure when
The others Regress
Any lengths gone
I alone but None
Date fixed to
Dance with the Devil
Despicable and EVIL

— The End —