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jerely Jul 2013
The same path
The same people
The same place
The same plays

Same time
Same day
Same week
Same month

Some says good 
Some says the opposite
Some lost of thoughts and words
While others find the way back

It doesn't matter physically,emotionally and socially
Cause  I N T E R A C T I O N N N N N
Is way much better than usual 
*C O N V E R S A T I O N N N N
DawynSHunter Aug 2015
"Wow youre so lucky"
I wish that were true
"He's smart and attractive"
I wish i we we through
"Aww he's so sweet"
If only you knew
"He's so strong"
You have no clue

Behind closed doors
You'll nver have to see
Those strong hands choking me
Beneath the makeup
Plum stained cheeks
That rest on my face
Such sweet memories

The spots of poison
that surround my body
Ache at your touch
Hearing the pointless sorries
I tried to go,
to turn the other way
But that charming smile
Told me stay
To wait it out
It was just one time
Until came tomorrow
The unfortunate lie
This is for a friend and others out there who close their blinds on violence.
It doesn't matter what kind or who the perpetrator is, violence is violence and it shouldn't be blindsided.
"Went into gods housse saw the light and walked right out, went into gods house, its more fun in the dark house" (singing)

From the age of 6 to 12 she danced your dance and learned your tricks. You see a child does not understand when you steal its innocenes, but after all thats the point to make it her fault and to take away her self worth. I remember waking to see him standing over her, exsposed and when he was done defiling her body he forced her to the grownd and on her knees to pray for her sin, to pray for her sin. Her eyes filled up with hate and tears, but she swallowed and pushed them down, and began to say her prayer.
"Father in heaven help me from tempting men, drive out my deamons and take away my beauty. Father make me clean, father make me clean, make me clean..."

When he left I looked in her eyes to see that she believed it was her fault, that she was some how responceable for the pain he was inflicting. I went to her and scooped her in my arms, held her to my chest. I tried to find the words to say, but there was nothing I could do except hold her in my arms while she cried. Blood stained tears rolled down her cheek to forever stain my heart. She made me promise not to tell, a promise I kept at the age of 12, I never told a soul of what I knew. We talked all night of how some day she would fly away.

A week later she was found, her body ravaged, beaten, smelling of copper and ***. I lost my faith that day. You see, she said that prayer for 6 yrs and beged so many for help that never came, help nver came. A girl of 12 who's only dream was to fly, help never came. So many before and after have danced her dance and help never came, justice never found.

"Went into gods house saw the light and walked right out, went into gods house its more fun in the dark house" (singing)
keki Nov 2010
Sparkle moon light that dances on the heavens of the earth. Awaking the cries of help that need to breake their souls free,wanting to dance with the stars in the milky way and let the winds of the heavens take them there when their ready to set their life on fire and let their souls be the wind of the souls that nver stop flowing.....the stars are dzzncing under the full moon brezze.
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
the tricks of this world they take
place without your notice
when they strike its like all your power
your dominion is put to test

i sometimes wonder if God tests his angels
for they r as quiet as shinning bulb
but as strong as lion  

1 soul can make heaven happy
no love is just an inttativity of gratitude
my soul as patient as it is waiting for it to assend it has nver spoken a word
my spirite is under the covernate of thy God
my love is paitiantly waiting for the right time for it to arrise and be natured again

1 soul no love
#sad # lonly
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
No love,No love
No not anymore it has torcherd me for
to long i use to serve it i was committed,dedicated, inspired by it but now
it turned the tables on me beated me up until i was on my knees, begging for it to love me again, It told me that you will never get that love again now at that moment, I defended my self from letting it go and
i was then clouded by anger never felt the love on the air,forced to face the fact that love doesnt exist , i now know that those feelings i had for her where worthless
now im all alone and that how i like it
I will nver play with love again better
i like then love

#fact love doesnt exist
#dont be fooled
# keep cool calm and collected
9pm the prince guard arrived
He looking for the princess
But nobody was in the castle
The prince already move to th other castle
But the princess not following him
The prince guard confused with this things
He has command by the prince to protect her
But the princess wasn't in the castle

Next chapter

Her sister carry out the prince guard
The queen runaway because she doesnt want to get involved
Another sister said to the princess's step daughter
About what happen to her mother
She said "let give your mother some medals"
"lets make some dance ball and kingdom contest
Because your mother has already get nasty habbit
And no one can even stop her even your own father"

Is this looking like the end of their kingdom?
Is it will broke and she nver get her princ on her own?
Let see what happen in the next chapter
Cause the story has already began.
27th March, her prince guard came visited her nan's house.
Jonas Oct 2023
If I don't find a table to sit at
A group of people, a place where I belong
who support each other
someplace where I am appreciated and sought out
with a purpose and a role to play

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

But I don't know how
I've never learned
and I'm running out of time.

I feel like I missed out on a lot,
a lot of potential lost
over the time,
due to circumstances

Always on the outside spectating,
speculating how it would be
to scared, frozen in place by fear to try
never truly part of something
nver part of the picture

Always trying to stay safe,
yet still hurt in the end
pathetic to myself
politely overlooked and set aside
I was nobodys priority, except for my parents
who could never seem to help either

There seems to be something wrong with me
or maybe wrong the world, or both
makes no difference in the end
a failure from the start
I'm different but not special, not the good kind

I'm there if needed, reliable, dependeable
although lost I'm your guy
hard working, compromising, sacrificing
to earn my worth, my space
I lost my health, my joy, my innocence
no boundaries in place

Full of fears, of origins long forgotten
surviaval instincts that might have saved me then
but are ony a hinderance now
trapped in my bubble, my cage

Trying my best to stay still, to stay put,
stay quiet
they might not notice me here,
avioding the occasional rattle,
a poking from the outside

Being unable to risk means being unable to enjoy your life
which makes me lost
a lost cause
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Hey  Brain , Don t You Observe ?
ItchY Emotions ,
Buzzing Nerves
Emotions's  room within My Heart Has Become Over-Flown
It s Hurting As Kidneys Full of Stones
They are Fighting each Other ,
Hey Brain , Do Something ,
Heart is Fed Up With Tolerating  , He wants to Recover ,
Against The Clock , No Time To Surrender!

Hey Brain , isn t Remrkable ?
Isn t Remarkable They Want To Take mY Confidence Virginity ?
Make Up Your Mind ,
And omit  Any  Opportunity
Keep it Up ,
Confidence is My Girl
She is ****** , She is The Goat ,
She can t Be intimitated ,
I would never let Any ******* Have his Oats
She Is My Prize ,
The Only Female who has to become Spinster
She Is My Girl,
Use Your Noodle Hater !

Am I  Alien ?
Am I Martian?
Because I am Brilliant ,
They NEver comprehend MY Options
They d Nver Catch up My Techniques
That is Why They Name Me "The Idiot"!
Napolis Mar 2019
(to a friend of mine who is slowly passing from a very rare brain disorder, who's life will nver be a cake walk again...)

To the

rest of

the world,

Sunrise creeps

over the

horizon line

slowly without


one day

the same

as the next..

but for you

no morning is a

ordinary morning,

or something

put together

as neatly as

a sailor's bed.

your dreams

lie scattered

across the

floor like

a runaway

train on

christmas morning.

no tracks.

Your train

runs mad,

in pain and


without a


only fractured

stops along

it's way.

and you

want to

get off

you pray

to get off,

but your  fate

is a broken


and your


rainbows falling,

that only the

Gods can

nvinn fonia Oct 2020
may b i m an alien put here on earth for a covert operation you nver know
nvinn fonia Jan 20
noww consider this please whatt iff all were havin a nice time we would nver create bad for each other ever againn

— The End —