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If Life Wasn't Such A Blade Through The Heartt,,
If Onlyy It'd Feltt Nothing Like A Fartt,,
Maybe Then You'd See The Artt,,
Instead Of Onlyy What's Torn Us Apart,,

I've Seen This Coming,,
Wishing I Had Nott,,
But That's Ok,,
I Wontt Dripp A Single Dropp Of Snott,,

Nor Shed Ah Tearr,,
Nott Here Nott There,,
Living This Life In Constantt Fear,,
Foreverr Craving But Hating The Veryy Words We Hear,,

Four Letters,,
One Hope,,
I'm Speaking Of Love,,
But It's A Lott Like Dope,,
I've Been High Off Of You,,
Feeling Like A Hitt Of One Or Two,,
But Instead Of Trying To Smoke,,
This Time I've Justt Said Nope,,

Unable To Fool Myself Anyy Longerr,,
Hoping Thatt Maybe Nextt Time I'll Be Ah Bitt Strongerr,,
But For Now I Noo Longerr Wish To Feed This Hungerr,,
This Fear Is One I Mayy Nott Conquerr,,

I Do Apologize,,
Justt Once More,,
Look Me In My Eye's And Tell Me,,
Those Words Were Neverr Lies,,
Even Thoughh I Mayy Despise,,
The Veryy Truth,,

Of You,,
Noo Nott One But Maybe Two,,
I'm Beginning To Feel Ah Little Blue,,
As I Flood My Mind With These Thoughts Of You,,
Constantlyy Wishing Thatt I Could Sue,,

The Angeles Of Love,,
Nott Justt Those From Above,,
For The Time We've Spentt On This Thoughtt Of Love,,
Justt One More Word,,
Ah Push Or Ah Shove,,
Once Again With The Touch Of Ah Dove,,

This Constantt Battle,,
Feeling Like The Snake With Ah Rattle,,
Wishing One Would Have Chosen To Tattle,,

It Should Have Neverr Been Ah Debate,,
When Thinking To Use Ah Word Soo Greatt,,
Because In The Process You Mayy Be Preaching Hate,,

Forming The Word,,
Even While Doing The Verb,,
You Call It ***,,
Maybe Even Love,,
But How Could You Do Soo When Knowing Nothing Aboutt Your Dove,,

In The Pastt,,
I've Spoken Greatt Words Of Confusion,,
Hereby Leading Us To This Conclusion,,
Soo Before The Veryy Contusion To The Brain,,
I've Spoken These Words To Tryy An Relieve Some Of This Upcoming Pain,,
Speakk Of The Future & Few Will Nott Thinkk Of You As Insane,,
When Truth Is,,

You've Justt Seen This Coming Once Again.......
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2012
This writing might be a little twisted it’s just where I am I’m in a Nott in my soul and in my physical body
Knees that feel like the little bones are breaking then the other night I did the big no no I worked until
Four in the morning I got up before it was just my toes that had that numb feeling like stone
Well now the whole feet are in this shape so Neoprathy goes wild but the piece was important and so is
This one I was doing a job in California the rescission threw me out to do work of any kind it was like we
Followed the people that did bad jobs basically ripping people off but as I went up to the house this
Elderly lady came around the side of the house she had this tape and gauze around her neck what she
Said next had me riveted she was quiet but trembled when she said they surgically cut my throat and
Tomorrow they have to cut the other side she was so frail and truly had fear with torment I just
Blundered up on this horror that was controlling her life friend we all are going to face this one day I’m
Disturbed by the report of Sharon Osborne having to have a double mastectomy that she had done as a
Safe guard from getting breast cancer because she has the gene that causes breast cancer fear I know
She has a great family a support system that is stellar but in private moments the fear strikes deep I
wrote a piece on breast cancer I’m going to add it on to this piece I guess I’m rattled and I’m trying in my
Flaying way to set up a safe guard against this kind of terror I ran this gambit with my cousin and brother
In -law my cousin I would consider a pretty tough customer twenty two years he was the sheriff of a
Small town but you have to run back in his life as a teenager he said this after being raised in a Christian
Home as soon as I get eighteen I’m out of here he kept his word for some thirty years he never came
Around the church he lived it up smoked like a fiend had to have open heart surgery the black picture
Of his life he took the brush out of the saviors hand now he lived the good life decent upright but he did
Those things that brought trouble on top of trouble the next thing wasn’t his fault but a guy trying to run
From one town to this town without brakes and get them fixed there he ran into my cousin’s police
Cruiser rear ended him ultimately from injuries sustained he had to give up his job he had multiple
Operations that done nothing to relieve the pain he faced what the lady did in California they had to cut
His neck open in the back clear across to do a procedure in the midst of all of this he was struck with
Leukemia he stood in church and said he was scared they did the cell implant from his brother but he
Came to a prayer meeting not a church night and he made his way to an old fashioned altar broke
Through to God he found the fountain that ever sustains and gives life the following church night he
Stood up and said I am not afraid anymore and I have had severe pain for seven years and had to take
Powerful pain killers tonight I am pain free at the altar all of those years of mistakes were cleaned and
His feet were now centered on the paths that lead to glory all seemed to being going well he was just
In the hospital for routine help then they entered the room and said were sorry you are filled with
infection there is nothing we can do God called him home he died three days later but he found the
only answer for fear and torment someone needs this

A song bird with a broken wing the cancer like the archer’s arrow pierced the breast the spirit widens
Under storm laden skies from inward hush and silence an opening umbrella of prayer provides a shield
The buffeted retreats to sheltering rocks and finds the hidden stream within depths blessed bindings
In warmest recesses your steps guided by the unseen over and through this dark passing new findings
With down cast eyes you continue the dark streets the home of the sick and the broken pain unspoken
You came upon these deep downward steeps from the flood lights and euphoric accolades of fame
Before your lyrical melodies were joyful expressive now will carry weighty and knowing sterling acclaim
Mined from troubles hard unrelenting walls finally the richest golden ore through your feelings pour
A little ease by the mystical dreams when sleep restores still withdrawn faces in the moonlight so pale
For a time at heaven you rail to costly you barter all that is thine to own backed by a great pink brigade
You fight with unstoppable courage you lead the march you find ground unvisited you go on without fail
Beaconing to legions behind encouraging you carry the burning torch showing the way through the dark
This my only desire I stand in this human body frail knowing my limitations but from the fight I call you
Don’t be afraid and never say give up to many are depending your touch glorious women you defend
Say in song the mystery you found in a city all alone you met sisters not age defined all filled with youth
In your face I see the unexplainable the untraceable a strength born from conflict a secret knowing
This is dedicated to Kylie Minouge Melissa Eatheridge and all breast cancer survivors
Ey my name aint cinderella
I'M not your ***** you fake *** ****,
get in reality you stoopido runt.
i hate your ways and despize you're plays,.
give and take.
I'M wide awake. check your self before you wreck your self.
stop telling your pg tale.
watch my gore .....FEal this ****.....-_-
tahh who cares cadd you nott fit c:
show it with a smile,. it makes them have moreh wonder for the mile,
once you're there through out the walk they no they'll have you through the talk.  
Ey my name aint cinderella
I'M not your ***** you fake *** ****,
get in reality you stoopido runt.
i hate your ways and despize you're plays,.
give and take.
I'M wide awake. check your self before you wreck your self.
stop telling your pg tale.
watch my gore .....FEal this ****.....-_-
tahh who cares cadd you nott fit c:
show it with a smile,. it makes them have moreh wonder for the mile,
once you're there through out the walk they no they'll have you through the talk.  
I will try.  I don't know that i will succeed.
To describe the things that went through my head.
I was there. And somehow i knew  turtle was beside me. but only for a second.
then he blinked out of existence.
and the sounds...they crashed together. they  became so loud that they were indistinguishable from one another.
then nothing. quiet.
only pictures.
pictures and questions.
i wondered why i was where i was.
i saw the succession of choices, mine and other,
that had placed me.
i wondered if it was the end of everything.
i was crushed by the subaru.
it flattened me into the ground and kept rolling.
but i was sure...that i was done.
everything...all of it...
pictures so quick their edges  werent in existence...
this.....amalgamation of my experience...
looped through with slivers of my dreams..
all ******* in the ideas of what i wanted to do
what i dreamed
what id do different
what i never got to do
who id leave behind
how  it was all my fault
how i cost them me,
how i would leave a void in them that nobody else could fill
it wasnt how i wanted to be rememebred...
but at least they wouldnt forget..
i became for some, what no others could be.
it wasnt much. it wasnt even enough.
id die with many regrets.
and id die young.
god i was young
what was i thinking
yes..i was stressed...but relief wasnt worth this
id go through a thousand days
a thousand times *******
if it meant i could have just one more..
not even a good one,
at all, any day would do
i understood my dad
any day above ground...
you know how the saying goes
i wondered if it was like this for him..
maybe not full of adrenaline...
but perhaps he relived his entire moment
as he slipped away
would i see him?
what was there?
i didnt see any light..
i didnt see anything for a minute..
i was so deep in my brain..
i was this kernel of thought curled up inside of my skull...
buried...beneath all else..
i shrunk....into almost nothing...
i faded....and then from blank,
back to seeing.
am i ...alive?
i...i was crushed.. i bleeding?
can i breathe? is anything broken?
blood from my foot.
just there.
can i move?
i can move.
CALL 911!!!!!
where is he?
okay i was thrown out...
theres lights.
thats the car. check it.
is he in it?
is he trapped?
run down the mountain.
there are briars.
go around.
push through. just get there. doesnt matter if you get cut.
he isnt in here. unless hes under the cooler.
move the cooler.
okay he isnt in here.
where is he. i dont see him. was he throiwn?
call out.
i yell. nothing
a moan. which...down there.
there he is .
i see him.
can you move?
talk to me?
can you breathe?
is anythign broken?
are you breathing?
hes talkign in circles.
not good.
better than nott alking.
but someything is wrong.
i smell fish?
pat him down. feel for breaks.
can you walk?
let's get you out of the creek.  
up the hill.
we have to get out.
i cant see a way.
some strangers are here. i dont know his name.
is 911 on the way?
can they find us? how far?
where are we?
i dont know the area.
can you find a phone?
Bianca E Rangel Jan 2013
I have never understood why it is the flowers bloomed
Or why the fish decided to live in the sea

And how is it you continued?

I have never understood why it is the moon shined so brightly
Or why the grass never grew green

And how is it you decided?

I have never understood why it is my voice never carried through the walls of pearl
Or why the stars flew across the never ending sky

And how is it you stayed?

I have never understood why it is I dreamed quixotic dreams
Or why my heart never stopped breaking

And how is it you continued to hope?

I have never understood why life has dealt me these hands
Or why I could not deal myself back in

I have never realized you were the sun
Or that I was the rays

How is it you have nott fallen?
nvinn fonia Jan 2019
i know now that i will never givv up on python i will continue to learn itt forr ever its nott that bad either just 4 hours a dayy  sooo you see its nott that hard
DCM Aug 2015
The cut you left on my heart is not the first of many to come.
Deeper compared to the others I admit.
Nott healed just yet.
The same pain.
Similiar situations.
Soon to be all overcome.
I have no doubt this will be afixed.
Staying clear of you, it'll mend into a scar, just like the rest.
Leaving in imprint, but not a setback.
This pain shall end.
This encounter, conquered.
And thats really whats keeping me together right now.
My Self.
And I.
I lost you, yet in the midst of it all.
I found myself.
nvinn fonia Jan 2019
there are givv orr take 179,999 word in English language  soo you see English is nott a very very difficult language 2 learn period
nvinn fonia Oct 2017
nott tody today v fight
nvinn fonia Aug 2019
well  well well English is world wide n why nott it sort off makes things easy
nvinn fonia Nov 2021
you dont gett it man you just can nott its impossible man trust mi you can not you will not gett it
eileen Jul 2017
i waassssss
youuu hit mee

i stareee intoo
spacee moree oftenn

alll thesee redd linees

caan't findd thhe righht tiime tto cryy

ii knoow imm richh
whats iit maatter
in thhis tiime

ii havee tto grrow uup

nnot ggoing tto happpen
withh a bllindfold

nott goinng ttoo happeen
nvinn fonia May 2020
i m nott dead i will nott die you know how these things are don't you
BTW Aug 2022
Hard Times
26 August 2023

Sudden cold winds sweep the net.
Wrap up wool, thick blankets.
Leave the others, awaiting play.
Little sign, still damp gray.

Dog wandered days ago,
Nott. an easy sow.
Coins totalled wood,
Poor neighborhood.
Family month of pain,
Marking time, time again.
Fears have passed,
Courage strong.
Covid facts,
Street gone wrong.

West coast in sight,
Pavement empty.
Next tough night,
Not so plenty.  
Forage wide ditch,
For meal and clothes.
Nature’s mind must switch,
Wild red rose.

When you can’t get upstream,
When all seem wet dreams.
Alone, struggle true bereft.
When hard times have riches theft,
Spend your day, looking west,
Follow the dog, with wagging tail
She “nose””the way, never fails.
nvinn fonia May 2021
ha ha ha you are nott that badd take it leave it
nvinn fonia Sep 2024
this is nott the end nott  the beginning this is not not anything this is me and you wasting some time
nvinn fonia Jun 2019
i might nott like your money the cars you hav made the yachts the gold the diamond but i sure as hell willl love the food you gott there i m fcking hungry all the times
nvinn fonia Apr 2021
y u thinkk i m a pussii man i havv seen it all so i m little bit stoic n pretty capable nott a pusi though **** u gott yourr reasons man i cann seeee that MAN
nvinn fonia Jan 2023
i guess it makes the ******* life fcking impossible i guess that's what you would  sayy but not me nott on a day like fckinnnnnn todayy
nvinn fonia Mar 2021
here **** a compliment you can never b that bad cause even i m nott that badd
nvinn fonia Aug 2019
pearl jam i love you man you are not the hypocrites others are but not you fck sake man nott you please not you
nvinn fonia Mar 2021
people are not bad i m a people i m nott bad god created all people do you think he made a mistake god never makes a mistake so maybe he has a cause for people thank you\ end off transmission
nvinn fonia Apr 2020
oh myy godd i m nott a   dog but i m treated like a dogg
nvinn fonia Apr 2021
are people a primitive species well i m nott sure but is this a primitive times yep that i know for sure
nvinn fonia Mar 2022
hey man i know and i completely agree man but i m nott that strong
nvinn fonia Apr 2021
y u thinkk i m a pussii man i havv seen it all so i m little bit stoic n pretty capable nott a pusi though **** u gott yourr reasons man i cann seeee that MAN
nvinn fonia Jun 2022
i m not wasting my time i m i m not i m i m not t i m not wasting my time i m i m not i m i m nott i m not sure just surviving may b that is  one sure thing and from time to time dreaming really really huge
nvinn fonia Jul 2022
probably nott
nvinn fonia Jun 2021
we are resistance lik it or nott
nvinn fonia Nov 2022
i m not intelligent definitely nott but i m a whole lot of inspiration lots and lots of passion mann
nvinn fonia Dec 2021
i m nott a  saint a blemish an ordinary inn here and there
nvinn fonia Feb 2024
its nott syntax or semantic its just a vibe its the vibe that is reall

— The End —