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Sin Nov 2015
A hundred strong they gathered now
Nordic warriors waiting for the order
As snow fell deep they cowered
From its chilling icy fingers

The order came and brave men stood
Raised their swords to the god
Of prosperous luck and bravery
As the snow danced upon their souls

They prayed in nordic tongues this night
Then strode into the storm of hell
Each man a single entity
Ready to **** for pride and creed

Frosty breath eyes that narrow
Onwards they march each with hope
That by the dawn the land will be
Home to the brave
And a new beginning
Michael Bauer Feb 2018
Hunter S Thompson worried about lizard people in a drug haze
My mind is blown wide open in the New Age
I'm just thinking about aliens and the illiterate light

The Kundalini illustrates our condition
So deep in thought I consider my position
A beam of light in a shell being constricted by snakes

I felt them once in the depths of a fever dream
From where do these thoughts bubble up like steam?
The beings phase-shifted as light and healed my perceived delusions

The snake is the reptilian brain
Reptile aliens made of light will pull out all your pain
Then we'll dance from here across the universe

Jesus Christ had a lizard brain too
All humans do it's true
The devil of his senses that tormented him for 40 nights

I'm amazed by the places my mind goes
Shines bright like a diamond then withers like a rose
Sitting here in my place in this space in time

If there are reptile aliens I hope there are Nordics as well
I'm a Nordic Reptilian but still scared of Hell
It might be all in the mind anyway

The Nordics have the reptilian reactive mind
I'm just looking to find my kind
So I'll know where you're at if the ether continues

The Sumerian tablets say the same thing as Genesis
Or so I've read and what Denny Brewer professed
I listen to The People's Key too much

I have this suspicion that existence is Star Wars
Exalt The Force or the Holy Spirit - It's yours
You mean more than you can ever know

But what if Nietzsche was correct
And nothing can ever be eternal or perfect
Or what if this thing is eternal occurrence forever and ever amen?

There's a Deus Ex Machina inherent in all of us
The genius of our creative minds free us
So we never can repeat the same things again

I've seen stranger things happen, man
Getting closer to the bottom of the rabbit hole scam
A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Star BG Nov 2017
Visited by light of love
as I took a breath
I felt a presence.

They were tall
with features like us
but an old race
unlike us.

They were encouraging
for humanity to awaken
and take their place in the universe.

They had kind eyes
speaking our tongue
in rhythmic songs inside love.

They supported the growth of all
to recall who we are
as sacred children infused
with God's essence of.

Their name were
the Nordics
who are here to aid
and support.

Believe and be Grateful.

The truth of our universal friends
is out.
It’s no longer science fiction.
Yes they are here on earth hidden until Mankind is ready for full disclosure. They the ones who support humans want to encourage us to really release old programing for centuries and align with the light of love to take our place in this universe. Release fear, prejudice, lack.
Jo Ann Richards Presentation an amazing utube
The Nordic Dilemma

There was a time in the sixties and the seventies
when the idea of social justice was taken seriously even by
the elites, the shipping tycoons of the day,
who paid (more or less) the taxes like everybody else.
But times improved for everyone, oil was found and
people were quite prosperous and lived in a cocoon of
self-satisfaction, and when people from poorer nations
knocked on our doors, the found the same door
only half ajar, and the people why should we to share
our wealth with the poor; the transition from equality
To unfairness was complete. A nation that thought their
riches was based on hard work when it was based
on a commodity called oil needed to drive cars and keep
The wheels of capitalism are running. In the process
the Norwegian bought houses in Spain because it was
cheap to buy at a place where wages were low for
the workers while the bosses made fortunes selling
that, in the long run, turned out to be substandard and
Only the low-cost material was used. The Nordics felt
racial superior to the Spanish people and made their
own small society a waved their flags on Iberian soil,
and yet they feel they have not done anything wrong

— The End —