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Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Look up
Swinging round
The nonhuman float
Of a selfless vessel
Open plane under-eye
Glossed silk in place of joints
Uniform joy
Packaged in tidy
Caught quick
One flirt with the bulb
Then impacted with crushing 
Before we hit a deer. It was suspended in the headlights. To honor the life we took.
Gary Francione  on sentience.

He asserts that "all sentient beings, humans or nonhuman, have one right: the basic right not to be treated as the property of others."

hmmm interesting.
Fa Be O Aug 2015
A lazy finger runs down my arm,
My curls are wild, floating up your pillowcase,
Like creeping vines entwined with dreams;
My eyes are closed.
You whisper about the brown of my skin,
The smooth earthy tones
Of fabled Aztec princesses,
The two small pyramids
You love to kiss,
The chalice of elixir
Of my thighs.
Your love reaches every corner in me,
My mind of metaphors,
My womanhood of wants,
My desire to be loved.
Sweet sugared syrupy caresses
Like Victorianesque courtships
Behind closed doors;
Courting of minds and ideas,
Two birds dancing love;
Hungry, ravenous raptures,
Nonhuman desires,
Tear me apart, want you so much.
The hunger, the thirst, the sweetness,
The battle of minds, words, the challenge,
It convinces me of
Full, mature, unencumbered,
Growing, flourishing love.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Any man canst walketh away
When it comes to waiting for his amare,

As for me....  

I shalt support her
As whilst at the same time,
Loving her in return..  

Making me
Emeka Mokeme Jun 2018
The Cosmic,
the cosmos,
the universe,
the galaxy,
the whole earth,
the world,
within and without,
even beneath,
all of them bear witness
of your coming,
of your existence,
of your purpose,
your destiny is shaped,
your path ordered,
predestinated to rule,
configured to win.
You are not of the earth,
for you are born of God,
alien in the world,
resident in the earth,
the spirit man,
with heaven within.
The firmament,
and all that composes planet earth, water,air,flora,fauna, soil, people,
human creations,
is needed to be in harmonium,
live in harmony, respect, love,
and oneness.
We must connect lovingly to mother earth,
all living creatures,
human and nonhuman,
physical and nonphysical,
intelligent or without intelligence,
containing a soul or not housing a soul.
We must respect the planet earth,
the water, the trees, the air, the animals,
and other humans.
We are all of,
and from,
the same source.
Just for today,
Be at peace.
©20189 Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
I wish
schooling nurtured natural creativity
and personal skill
rather than
mere curriculum;

I understand
a sense of direction,
but I understand that everyone's path is unique
and that perhaps North to one
is South to another,
or vice-versa;
not to instill a hierarchy of preference,
but that it may lead to finding oneself very much lost
by following what genuinely worked for another.
(That is, assuming a lack of manipulation,
which seems to assume a nonhuman subject.)

Nurture thy own skill;
therein is thy salvation.
Ally May 2017
On a wall,
Hangs dreams and memories.                  
There hangs inspirations and wanna-bes.  
Love, life, youth, happiness.                        
Even the old to young to have died.

Taken away, gone like a summer breeze.    
The breath of the city stagnant and stale.    
Once so alive, but now                            
frozen in photographs.

We learn as if these people had no souls.          
As if they were nonhuman objects,                
A tumbleweed in the wind.                          
But what we failed to see                            
was the fire that burned in them.

On a wall,
Hangs what I forgot to remember.
There hangs the faces assigned
To the names engraved in memorials
And textbooks and minds.

On a wall,
Hangs the unknown before
To the well known after.
There hangs the dreamers,
The lovers, the futures.

On my mind,
Hangs people that should have been,
But never were, and couldn’t have been.
Abigail Card Aug 2018
I visited the beach today
the sun was warm
then hot
then scorching

the sun left his mark on me
the way many men have

I visited the beach today
the water was frigid
then cold
then cool

she is the kinder of the two
allowing herself to change around me

we have applied these gendered pronouns to nonhuman forces
through gender we have shaped our understanding of these forces that are truly beyond our understanding.

the sea goes on
the sun lives on
and I am burned and cooled
all in a day
I think there's someone in my pillow,
Aiding me like a willow.
Shedding away the stream of my tears,
Absorbing them in its deep heart.
Those empathetic gestures, makes my demons depart.
That nonhuman preaches me that humanity is God's art.
The midnight little secret rendezvous,
Listening to my in-sleep obscure confessions.
Ushering me to my dreamland, my escapeland.
Showering me with warm midnight hugs and soft forehead kisses.
Escorting me to the reality
Fortifying me to keep true to my promises to myself.
Every night it shares my smiles, tears and sorrows,
I'm grateful to it with all of my past, present and tomorrows.
E'er since slip of a lad
little boy painfully shy
think Holden Caulfield
Catcher in the Rye,
(a teen cult classic penned by

Jerome David Salinger),
now resuming poem
about me, no why
ne'er beseeched, implored,
or pleaded to our Unitarian father
art thou in heaven...
socially withdrawn kid

wherefore I ne'er did ply
risk taking, and rarely did try
to test (dis)comfort zones,
nonetheless did despair
and silently decry
failing with flying colors plus my

lackluster luck concerning
absolute zero friends, I don't deny
abysmal classroom experience
linkedin with comprehension how to try
adding insult to injury teacher's pet
chosen to help, course

I wanted to disappear and die
feeling utterly inferior no lie
hated life (mine) anyone
could easily espy,
non verbal body language
spoke volumes, imagining

Matthew Scott to vanish
into thin air whisked into sky,
and even now envision well nigh
alien abduction, one garden
(hybrid) variety guy
taken as token Earthling, an ally

among nonhuman species, where
unconditional acceptance doth apply
feted as guest of honor trumpeted
profuse gratitude expressed to fortify
genuine appreciation, where the

multitudes of highly
intelligent robot anoint and deify
one humble scribe formerly
residing in Schwenksville,
the above I certify
as true so please don't vilify.

— The End —