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Pagan Paul Aug 2017
The morning mist dissipated
as the ships keel ploughed a furrow
through the Great Green of the Aegean,
leaving far behind the magick isle.
Vigilantos stood at the prow,
marvelling at the accompanying dolphins,
curious and playful,
schooling with purpose to the ocean.
Ahead, waiting, a grand tour.
Of Sumer, Abyssinia and desert lands,
to glean hidden knowledge,
regain the mysteries of the ancients,
read the Necronomicon and old scripts
from a time when power crackled,
and the storms of the gods
belittled the existence of mankind.

The twilight Moon peeps
from behind the brazen grey cloud.
And she weaves hap-hazard
through the crushes of the crowd.
A high-born daughter of the desert,
a vision of beauty from the sand.
With silks and satin and perfume
richly obtained from foreign lands.
Through the colourful bazaar she threads
with occasional glances thrown at stalls,
priestess jewels sparkle in the night,
its her Name the sirocco calls.

Cobalt blue water, an illusion of light
where the sun slides through the meniscus,
and the harbour of Tyre was alive.
The bustling of boats around ships at anchor,
snatching glimpses of a turquoise sky
and the quay throbbing with the pulse of music.
It would be another 3 thousand years
before Rome was even a trading post on the Tiber,
let alone an empire conquering the east,
or building hippodromes and columned avenues.
Vigilantos drank in the atmosphere,
his magicians instincts bristling, noting all.
Meandering through the narrow streets,
loosely following direction, getting lost.
Seeking his retinue and camels, ready to start,
across the desert to Ninevah on the Tigris.
To speak to tribes, pray with the priests of Ur.
To find the secrets of mysteries, and treasure,
reaping the knowledge of the Old Gods awe,
amongst the shifting dunes of history.

Vivid colours of silks and dyes
adorn the tents of cloth and stick.
The summer sun beats down lazy,
heat as oppressive as mist is thick.
Her charms and delights are hidden,
with misery and pain, the last week spent.
The dark, the quiet, the inane chatter,
deep within the women's red tent.
Free from the curse, her moon-cycle complete,
she wanders with mood sombre and slow.
A powerful man from a western place
will arrive at the camp as the sun sinks low.
He had seen her in the main bazaar
and decided to stake his claim.
Whilst confined away, behind her back,
her father had bartered for riches and fame.

His travels around those beautiful lands
had yielded books of law and scripts.
He had heard the oral traditions of elders
and gazed in wonder at the Moon's eclipse.
Then he had seen the greatest treasure
wending her way through crowded markets.
With tact and guile he discovered her Name,
and vowed to grace her father's carpets.

The desert folk live a simple life
but far from simple are they.
Sharp of tongue and quick of wit,
erudite in a most unusual way.
The father was the elected leader,
King of the tribe that he now led.
Vigilantos had bargained hard
to purchase the girl for his marital bed.

The sun sinks, falling from the sky in the eve.
Spectacular reds and orange colliding with the dunes.
The azure twilight sky lit and sprinkled with stars,
and the tribal camp fills with laughter and tunes.

He walked with purpose toward the campfire,
his features silhouetted by flickering light.
The sudden hush of the assembled camp
echoed strange, deep into the desert night.
His eyes beheld her most beautiful form,
half in the shadow, half in the light.
For her families benefit he had traded,
agreed bargains, and come to claim his right.

“Princess of the desert, Daughter of the sand,
step forward gently and take me by the hand.
For my island home calls out loud to me,
so come, let us away across the sea”.

Head bowed in fake submission
she boldly makes her cold admission.

“I am a Woman of the free,
these sands are my home to me.
With all good grace; I could not face
life on an island in the sea”.

Black and red, darkness and rage
descend upon his fevered mind.
Humiliated, spurned by a maiden fair,
and pride will not be left behind.

“A curse. A curse. 'pon thy beautiful head,
prowl and creep as do the undead.
Evil deeds are now thy course,
henceforth our contract is now divorced”.

But something made Vigilantos start,
a pang of something from his dead heart.
With such feelings he could not contend,
so a caveat, for the curse to amend.

“Thy deeds and crimes maybe invested
'pon mortals only who invest the same such evil
'pon their fellow mortals”.

Leaving far behind the desert
he turns his face to the sky.
The ships keel ploughs a furrow
as the evening mist draws nigh.

And now she prowls the dark night,
her Name lost in the sands of time.
Seeking out the mortal sinners and
punishing their evil with her crimes.

... and thus it begins ...

© Pagan Paul (08/08/17)
Prequel to The Judderwitch poem (posted in April).
I fear this may create more questions than it answers.

My Judderwitch poems are now in a collection :)
Geraldine Taylor Jun 2017
Strong Syrians at war against the Israelites

Yet followed a period of peace

Though no threat was posed, an enemy arose, from a foreign land

Fear drew in, the Assyrian king, was set to conquer all

Armies assembled from the border-land

O’ Ninevah city, a promised place

Radical residence of idol worshippers

Servers not of the living God, of what would become

A change of ways, lest they be destroyed

A chosen prophet foreseeable and called

A request to Jonah, awake the city

Of mercy and pity, to repent of their sins

Journey to Ninevah, look to the east

Actions opposed, a sail to the west, unaware of God’s test

An intention to hide, full of pride, he fell asleep

Yet on the ship, with sailors equipped, a storm arose

Wallowing winds, a stormy sea, a presumptuous plea

A cast of lots, on Jonah fell

Storm was sent on his account

Duly dashed into the sea, right into the belly of a fish was he

Three days and nights, afore dry land

Go tell the people of Ninevah

Preach the message, be undeterred

Written by Geraldine Taylor ©
-D Feb 2014
---round one.
anxiety. plagues me
like a sailor's calling to the sea--

will this--
will he--
always plague me?

i pray my God can redeem my heart--
LORD, if this is right,
heal me.
if this was a wrong decision,
let me be corrected.
i cannot trust my own desires.

i am a ship lost at sea; i have no harbor
but my own Mast.

oh soul, how do you fare?
oh mind, why do you run?
does not all love cause pain?
do not all relationships unfurl into discrepancies?

reconcile me--
my whole life has been
a series of me following Your Call
& responding as a man called to his Ninevah.

though the voyage be arduous, there is always Reward.

---round two.
gutmeopen & make me yours&yoursalone--;
i was meant for so much more than this turmoil--
redeem me--
make me yours.

---round three.
i am a convict to my Savior
& joyfully so--
may this river sweep me up
& cleanse me so

clean i can
not bear to see pain--
my breathing uneven,
only my soul remains--

my limbs so burdened
with bloodshed & stings--
from the pain of carrying home
too many things--

i lash out against evil!
awaken my soul, LORD,

this heartbreak will not break me,
these tears will not freeze,
for my soul finds rest in this peace--
pt. 2 in my endeavour to write in tongues.
God came upon Jonah
one night in a dream
said, " preach against Ninevah
It's sins i have seen"

God's spirit went one way
but Johna the other
he jumped on a boat
and hid under cover

The seas got much bigger
as black thunder roared
the crew found out Johna
he was tossed over board

As Johna was drowning
he cried to the Lord
" please God save me
for it's you I adore "

God showed his compassion
and sent a big whale
that swallowed up Jonna
and to Nineveh kicked tail

Three days & three nights
the big fish did swim
it's belly full of cargo
Johna praying within

The lord heard his prayers
& gave a command
then up spat ole Johna
onto the dry land

God said again ,
" go to Ninveh and preach ,
that city full of people
my grace wants to reach "

So forward went Johna
to warn of God's wrath
and just as he feared
they turned from sins path

Those people weren't Hebrew
so Johna was jealous
that his God would save
a city so rebellious

Then God spoke to Johna
in the heat of the day
" you care more for shade
than sins washed away "

" why be greedy with me ?
I'm a saviour for all
don't put me in boxes
never run from my call "

" so when that day comes
that I ask you to go
don't be like ole Johna
and pull a no show "

" but be like that whale
that was ready to kick tail "

Nora Clare Mar 2016

Who will I be when I grow old?
When the wrinkles deepen,
Little valleys of sagging skin appear,
And the spots become a constellation in themselves,
What will be left of me,
Of the girl who sings with stars in her eyes,
Of the child awestruck at her Father’s strength,
Of the nestling perched at the edge with wings outstretch’d,
Ready to fly away?
Oh God, what will be left of me?
Am I destined simply to wither and perish,
To lay wilted like a **** at the gates of Ninevah?
Am I to depart from this place from whence
I did not come with nothing to show for it?

But oh, oh, I know
What my legacy will be,
And who will remember me:
The One who knows
The Creator of the heavens,
Of the sky and the sea
Will peer down from His almighty throne
To remember

— The End —