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Demitrius Aug 2010
Epic storys told every day
I can never speak my mind.
The grip I have on reality
Indeed its quite unrealistic.

To always know the current
Hurts like neddles poured into a current.
My thoughts are congruent with bullets
Before and after shots fired. This is my fire.

I live with my own spirits
I have jedi mind tricks.
I kick it with my mind all the time
We drink soda and walk the streets at night.

But the mind is not to be wasted, not mine
I sew my wounds shut myself
And every time the neddles passes through
I curse your name
I know I shouldn't blame you
But I haven't the courage to blame myself
And I know it's not your fault
But it's so much easier to say it's yours
So I'll keep on screaming your name
Every time my body hurts
And I'll think of you when
My bones break and my skin bursts open
I'll see you in every shadow
And I'll lace every cigarette
With the image of your face

And I'll keep blaming you
Untill I can finally blame myself
But for now
Here's to you
You've turned my heart cold again
Christopher Zaghi 2014
Annabel Lee May 2015
A cage, that was gold spun metal in the form of searing hot bars formed a gilded entrapment around the bird and its wings and in addition to the searing pain when ever it touched the bars, every time the anxious head tried to pop free it was stopped by barbs and neddles and thisles protruding everywhere. It didn't want to escape, it just wanted freedom. The ability to spread its wings and fly, the rush of the wind under soaring wings amd ruffled feathers,  the feeling of togetherness that gave, that's was it wanted, freedon.
TS Garrett Aug 2017
Something viscous and of the Earth

rampant hydraulic and geometric


ever the green neddles empire

cupped hand of salt and clay

where red is skin unwashed

where smoothed stones

come under scrutiny

of rainfall

burnished by atmos

tasting of remnant iron

back of the mouth adrenaline

fear where choking lives

beguiled feints of the (nearly)

..the almost

..the always

just out of reach


by satiated tones hither

yet kissed to life abrupt

sputtered out from shoals

soft guarded places

padded in the low end

theory spun cobweb

tied by philosophy of moss

long stretched wisps of time

that curl as smoke meanders

to drink in the momentary

nooks where God is salve

woven to worship pause

tangled and braided just so…

to hug in the splendors

a ram with horns wide like horizons

and spirals under darkened eye

on recoil, on tiptoes

that beckon to ride without saddle

eating ego and back peddle

whole seasons by the mouthful

each blinked snug

and overshadowed by determination

dancing as singular sensations

serenity swimming river's bend

circles slipping outward

elliptic goldfish spinning

hypnosis beneath lotus

opposite ever ends of the prism

A coy wink of rhythm

sway and schism cast

flailing from a cyclical sun

suchness dissipating

with the touch of dusk

and surrendered to fog

unveiled de ja vu to wax

to fauna melting orange in the distance

beyond moon picturesque

as a resonant echo breathing

armored against the crow’s call

feather fall looming, changeling

Sisyphean song obelisk

songs and sirens that got away

at nineteen hertz and rising

from the bottom of the arched heart

leaves falling scattered, witnessed

to swaddle as hinges the seasons

as transcendence including

wreck's collection magic chasm

rising and riding a tidal twist

we are each and all the alchemists

that decide the sacred

feinting flourishes we entertain

where nostalgia shades it's crispness

where hope holds hands with memory

to sip the nectar from the nightly charades

in the details that kiss the bottom lips

— The End —