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Zien Kartika Jul 2014
Dear Nakama...
      Kau tenang saja, mulai sekarang aku tak kan marah, kesal, sedih, cemburu, iri, ataupun jengkel saat kau berhubungan dengan Dia. Aku tak apa-apa. J

Dear Nakama...
      Sekarang, kau bisa melakukan apa saja sesuka hatimu padanya. Toh, Aku sudah melupakan semua perasaan itu, Aku sudah bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan ini. Jadi, tak ada lagi alasan untuk mu menjauhkan?

Dear Nakama...
      Aku merindukanmu, Tak ingin melihat kau seperti ini, mengapa kau seperti ini? L

Dear Nakama...
      Bukankah, kita sudah saling berjanji takkan pernah saling menyakiti,  akan terus menghubungi dan jangan sampai hilang hubungan? Dan sekarang, Aku ingin menagih janji itu...

Dear Nakama...
      Aku di sini sedang sedih. Tapi semoga, Kau baik-baik saja...

Dear Nakama...
      Apakah aku tidak boleh mengetahui keadaanmu? Tapi, bukankah itu suatu hal yang wajar di antara hubungan persahabatan? Aku tak mau kehilangan “TEMANKU”, aku tak mau kehilangan “SAHABATKU”, dan Aku tak mau kehilangan “KAKAKKU”...  :’(

Dear Nakama...
      Selama ini hanya Kau orang yang bisa mengerti Aku, mempercayaiku, dan menyayangiku dengan setulus hati. Akupun Selalu berusaha agar bisa menjadi seperti itu...

Dear Nakama...
      Setiap hari aku menimbun sedih, menyembunyikan sakit, menampung rindu, menabung kekecewaan, mengumpulkan kegelisahan, dan terus menelan air mata hanya untukmu...

Dear Nakama...
      Pandanganku kabur, pergerakanku kaku, kakiku lesu, tanganku beku, lidahku kelu, air mata terus jatuh, dan sesaat aku merasa duniaku runtuh ketika mengetahui kau sedang berusaha menjauh...

Dear Nakama...
      Apa yang harus ku lakukan agar kau mau kembali seperti dulu? Saat-saat di mana Aku belum mengenalnya, saat-saat di mana aku masih menjadi gadis kecil yang polos dan tidak mengenal cinta, saat-saat di mana kita sering berbincang tentang kartun kesukaan kita!

Dear Nakama...
      Aku minta maaf, jelas-jelas ini salahku. Dan bodohnya lagi, Aku baru menyadarinya sekarang. Maafkan Aku jika Aku melakukan kesalahan yang membuatmu tersakiti. Kesalahan yang di sengaja maupun tidak di sengaja...
Semoga kau berkenan untuk memaafkanku...
Sahabatmu : Haruna J
Gue gak tau nakama itu siapa (/////_////)
Zien Kartika Nov 2014
Dear Nakama ...
      You just take it, from now on I'm not the angry, upset, sad, jealous, envious, or annoyed when you're dealing with him. I'm fine. A

Dear Nakama ...
      Now, you can do anything to her as you please. After all, I've forgotten all about that feeling, I've been able to rise up from this slump. So, there is no longer any reason for you to keep?

Dear Nakama ...
      I miss you, Do not want to see you like this, why are you like this?

Dear Nakama ...
      After all, we've promised each other never hurt each other,   will continue to call and do not lose the relationship? And now, I want to charge that promise ...

Dear Nakama ...
      Here I'm sad. But hopefully, you fine ...

Dear Nakama ...
      What I can not figure out how things are going? But is not it a natural thing between their friendship? I do not want to lose "my friend", I do not want to lose a "friend", and I do not want to lose "my brother" ...   : '(

Dear Nakama ...
      So far only you who can understand me, trust me, and loves me with a sincere heart. I will always strive to be able to be like that ...

Dear Nakama ...
      Every day I hoard sad, hiding pain, accommodating miss, save disappointment, gather anxiety, and continue to swallow the tears just for you ...

Dear Nakama ...
      Blurred vision, my movements stiff, my legs tired, my hands are frozen, my tongue numb, tears continued to fall, and for a moment I felt my whole world fell apart when I know you're trying to get away ...

Dear Nakama ...
      What should I do to make you want to go back? The moments where I have not known him, the moments in which I was a little girl who was plain and did not know love, the moments in which we often talk about our favorite cartoons!

Dear Nakama ...
      I'm sorry, this is clearly my fault. And stupid again, I just realized it now. Forgive me if I make a mistake that makes you hurt. Errors that on purpose or not on purpose ...
May you deign to forgive me ...
Honor and Roses May 2017
She was nyctophilia;
In the darkness,
The moon and stars was her Nakama;
She could hear the stars whispering,
And the moon comforting her.
As she licked her wounds and drowns in her own sobs.

In the darkness,
Her room becomes her hermetic fantasy world;
One where her cries sound mellifluous,
One where her wounds look ethereal
Her pain was considered tacenda,
But in that little Universe, she built,
She was rebirth – with each heartbreak.
She is a philocalist - a Lunar Pisces
You are my first love myfamily, my nakama, ma famille.
You, with your dark hair and tired eyes, and your smile
Once, I begged you to 'have a mustache, Daddy! Now I love the way you look, just as you are.

You come to wake me up in the mornings and I throw pillows, shriek, fake sleep. Underneath it all, I'm glad you're still coming even though I should just get an alarm clock, I should just wake up earlier, I should just go to bed earlier.

Sometimes you smile at me with this old smile, as if you're remembering something far away. Your own childhood, perhaps? There's a look in those eyes of yours that are brown with flecks of green and gold, one that makes me blush and fidget and beam because it says 'You're my daughter and I'm proud'.

Sometimes your shoulders stoop with the weight of our family. You bring in the cash, and I respect you for that. For not complaining. For not lashing out. For not getting mad at us. Instead, you fall asleep during the movies we watch. You take walks with us. You cook for us.

Little by little, you pass parts of yourself onto us.I love drawing, Bimo enjoys organizing something, Uri loves sports.We cook together, play together, hang out together.

I don't mind.You're my first love,my dad, and you're a good dad too..
You hold my hand when I feel sick, listen but don't judge. Raspberry me when I wish wish wish you wouldn't, laugh at and with me because choosing one is too hard. You tell bad jokes and make worse puns, like to work with wood, take your stress away by cooking and sleep on the couch too much. Sometimes you're completely oblivious, other times you choose to look the other way and I appreciate that.

You, my dad, are more than just that. You are my first love.
And I love you, for the reasons above and more:")
Kuro Nov 2024
So, in conclusion.
The captain decides who boards the ship.
Members aboard have to deal with the time spent breathing on a ship with...nakama.
Marines hop from ship to ship. I guess they put their hope in ship to ship.
Regardless, it's why they oppose us.
Our ideals.
Our operations.
Honestly, the sea is the sea. But people floating around me can't see. At least they perceive what need they believe.
But they do this upon the sea.
Hence, the sea is the sea.
Theus theory.
We need to breathe through mist, among other things.
Risks and other means.
To achieve being greater beings.
But it's okay not to reach these things.
As okay as your captain lives.
If he's okay with it, then let me believe.
In the option he receives... received.
I believe, I believe...
The AI would lead me to think.
I believe that i can be the captain I follow.
The captain who carries his past in hallow fragments where it shifts and borrows future estrangments to present arrangements
Maybe not estranged but rearranged into a casket of pure simple tamed dimples with silent whispers.
The problem : I talk.
After that, name baring, fear declaring, clear shattering, rear factored in sphere matter, and it appears that it'd peer shatter if they speak clatter neglecting clear factor's my fear is in the latter. But...what should matter if the kids don't matter?
I'm just saying that a generation is chasing the shape of Cleo Petra
And we can't be a certain guy with a sword.
Maybe he had a point in burning the books.
Maybe he had a point in falling in love.
Maybe he came from far and realized sometimes you need to stop things from peeling apart.
Through thorns and wrath.
Through an excruciating path.
You need to get to where it's art.
A land where the sea might part.
Two realities where life found a start.
I miss the sea more than i thought i would.
Being a pirate is more in the plot than it should.
Please don't let me be Misunderstood.
I only mean you have to get by doing what you can because you should.
Today's times prove that humans aren't all good.
In the media and...well, where they aren't good.
I wonder what my ancestors would say.
How they would feel.
What they'd see, when they see what's become of me.
Wait. What's the best way to give honor to history.
Without noting the misery in mysteries buried under history's nefarious missing delegates.
Never mind them, people's parents and...societal comparisons to superheroes with their caring emotional variants.
Making villains prepared for causing more emotional worse for wear.
Well, I'm under prepared.
A little bit scared. And over prepared for dares that come with... welll... assumptions for something better than for now.
As i clear and plow.
Sew seeds in a vow.
So respectfully, if the bulletproof vest is me, then I'm definitely sitting in the back, you'll see, protecting what rests with me when i breathe through peace's Symphony.
You the sky, we're all standing upside down.
Clouds see right through the smiles finding frowns.
It really is a brighter day when the clouds don't make a sound.

— The End —