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Niles Heron Sep 2014
Have you ever
looked at a cliff,
or a ledge, or
a box-cutter, or a
car crash; a
set of lips getting ready to smile,
or a set of hands getting
ready to hold you,
and said…

I have to?
Rafael Alfonzo Mar 2015
I met a dark girl
With evening skin
She swam beautifully in

Moonshine eyes and a forever smile
A dance in her step all the while
Young woman had style

She reminded me of Mama’s hugs
Out in L.A. in that old jazz club
As we strolled the cobbled stones
Out so far and then back home

By the shadows cast of the tree’s
On the buildings dress and front steps
Up three or four flights she sang to me
And that sound has never left

It was autumn in Boston and all was fresh
The song of her voice, the shine of her flesh
If brass were black, she’d be a saxophone
(with her own wonderful tone)

Swimming in and out of that spotlight on stage
Even her father named her
After a song
By Coltrane

(c) 2015
Brian O'blivion Aug 2013
3 silhouettes can i view
4 modes of blues
and 5 scales of you
(in my concrete lungs)
4, 5, 6..
Paul Hardwick Jul 2012
Thank you for looking towards my shaw
and giving such sweet comments
if you like it
then my life is yours
but when you look out of your window
you find it crowed and when you look out the window in morning
see you life is not yours
Then you know
you are an artist

— The End —