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Lana Feb 2014
Your words,
like silken tendrils,
crept along my skin,
Passing shivers flared,
Brushed off
with an uneasy smile,
Now these diaphanous strands  
threaten to mummify,
Encase me in a cocoon
of slights,
and casual cruelty,
Liquifying my insides
to better feed you,
Bloat your predatory emptiness
with my life-force,
Your clacking mouthparts sharpen,
As does my resolve,
My innards are not for your
Skitter back to your shadowy lair,
This corpse will not play,
I rise, awakened,
The sun waits for me.
z Feb 2016
i exist
i exist
i exist
i bleed blue blood in a bucket. i am a sleeping child for seven years. then i am a molting insect. pain. i have no mouthparts. i am beautiful. i only live for a single night to breed as an adult. i am a mother. i can taste the melancholy atmosphere. everything dies eventually.
machina miller Feb 2016
terracotta jawbone hinges
grimacing insectoid mouthparts
cheeks of ivory
and a copper brow
with two ebony sockets for eyes
and an olive branch in its mandible

on the left-
one glorious black seraphim wing extends
casting a shadow as long as the bible

its right hand-
crooks a finger beckoning an emptied palm
the sound of an invisible coin pinging on the floor

as the pigs mill
between indolence and furor
their schism adheres to unspoken tenets

and it goes on
and it goes on
and it goes on
z Feb 2016
I am
I am given birth to
I sleep for seven years
I molt
I awaken
I breed for a single night,
It hurts
I have no mouthparts
I cannot eat
But it feels good
It feels very good
I am beautiful
I find love
I will give birth tonight
I give birth
Then everything closes up
My energy’s run out
I stop flying
But that’s ok
Let this vessel
Shut down
It’s long overdue
But that was
A fun night
Was it not?
(alternately titled: a page taken from the play
book of Little Miss Muffet.)

"Oh...My...Argh..." "Somebody..."..., and
then dead silence, this comprises,
     the sole thread bare strand
i.e. plaintive desperate plea – recorded

     by emergency 911 agent Brand
N. Burg-Harris, a close family member
     of the deceased, who
     (said relation) hand
dully appeared aghast, shell shocked,

     white as a ghost,
     et cetera ******
near roundly dismissed,
     but extraordinarily grand
lee escorted to safety,

     as some VIP, who
under a "normal," regular,
     and/or typical case, would be
     gingerly brushed aside land
ding in the loony bin, what with his

     babbling like a lunatic understand
ably very little attention paid,
     but the sheer immensity,
sans horror surpassed any
     concoction hatched, analogous

     to grotesque japaned
artwork by necessity didst demand,
an extremely over
     active imagination, thus
     no "FAKE" spiderbiter words

     exist to expand
     to embellish, fabricate,
     and/or surpass,
a terrifying, nightmarish,
     and hideous circumstance

     in summary visa a vis dis
     covering Goliath manned
doubles (mandibles - jaws of steel),
     wherein barenaked remnants
     of Matthew Scott Harris protruded,

which humongous mouthparts
     of gigantic sized
     Tarantula pierced poison
     into dangling, flickr
     ring, and twitching

scant visible remains
of renowned Arachnologist, academician
     passionate serious
    die hard "Spider Man."

— The End —