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Aisling Apr 2016
Your tears are like champagne;
They cost more than you like to admit in polite company
And they're saved for the most special of occasions.
Every drop is to commemorate a monumentous event
(even if the event isn't immediately obvious to the rest of us).

When we were together I never got closer than hearing the bubbles fizz below the surface.

When we broke up you popped the cork and showered everything in sight with alcoholic nothingness.

My tears are like, well, water;
Not in that you need them to survive
But in that they are inescapable.
My fragility (or childishness) is evident in leaking taps
And dripping branches
And 80% of my biological make up.

When we were together you drank nothing but saltwater sadness.
shame, joy, surprise, every emotion warranted another glass of water.

When we broke up my tear ducts popped like two water balloons and nobody was surprised, they had already opened their umbrellas and taken a precautionary step back.

If they had stood a little closer, opened their mouths a little wider, they might have caught the fleeting taste of bitter wine and the closest I have ever come to crying champagne tears.
Zach Spud Carter Jun 2013
My sun-scorched back tingles pin-point waves of, not quite pain--distress--as I settle back onto this memory-stained slab of concrete.
Puffing on a dark-green American Spirit, I relax, taking stalk of the monumentous armada above.

Letting go of all focus from my vision in an attempt to take in the world summons forth an arrayed troupe of points
Though, they're not that, per se, more like minute splashes along the clouds' surface.
They don't remain stationary for long.
Suddenly aware of an audience, they get the show rolling.
Center stage, a forceful spiral forms, slowly whirl-pooling the others
Gravity's on theirs ***** now, they get close, slingshot, rinse and repeat.
Individual groups pinch together and blow apart.

The performance humbles me, forcing me to take responsibility for my actions,
For straight A's popped,  
Living wills written on concrete slabs, while puffing a light-green American Spirit.
B O N E L E S S Feb 2018
My god doesn’t tear ribs from their nsfw relationship love . She tears the flesh from my bones. She doesn’t do it to create she does it to be selfish and to fatten herself, duplicating in my mind over and over like  a tumor until nothing but herself is left. She straddles me with an unnamed sin, sinking her dull teeth in as brown and olive mix. Her voice booms into my ear, begging me to end her in a sorry attempt at being human. Her, my goddess, dressed as a succubus dragging out my sin as she strokes my ego. I turn to a golden
idol but she still shadows me for she is monumentous. We commit sin over and over again, and I... love it.
Daniel Magner Feb 2017
The wind howled after the divorce,
debris flew about in hordes
and I simply couldn't hold my myself in place.
Sure, I learned to navigate treacherous terrain
with sure-footed grace,
Everyone around weathered the winds
with the same style, same half smile,
all saying, "It will just be just a little longer."
Years after I'd given up, become numb to the rain,
you walked by with an umbrella,
on your way somewhere, seeking more permanent shelter.
You stopped and offered for me to join you
under the umbrella's cover,
even though it was a tight squeeze for two.
Gentle, powerful, miniscule, monumentous,
I love you.
Daniel Magner 2017
M Jan 2017
Is this situation curious or is it just me
who wonders why no one can ever just make up their minds
myself included
My thoughts deluded with your slender frame
when the tang in your breath was all the wind that was left in that world
of crashing waves and monumentous puddles
you were the only land
and I clung on so desperately
too desperately
as the current pulled me away

Is it true that all anyone wants is to be wanted?

Or do they just crave being able to pull away?
They call it Ladder Country
From whence a new Babel grew
Ascension to space so that the race might continue
The Ladder stands monumentous, to deliver up the sundry
Our planet's health declined and such this was our plan
The Cabinet's decision ultimately to save
The human race's extinction, perpretually delayed
We deliver starseeds as woman and as man
Using a randomizer, a friend and I were required to write a poem using the words chosen. This was mine
Brandon Cotter Oct 2020
Along the moss covered stone we walk
In harmonious clatter of the hills
As stark chills sweep our way
Our skin is like fog along the roaring river
Gently skimming on our clammy existence
Simply clumps of flesh wandering
Enveloped by these jagged hills we roam
As the salty meat of an oyster
Surrounded and encased by the hardness

Hold me close darling
As we forage this cold world together
Besides the monumentous red wood
Sharing hands with the earth we skip
Like pepples across the water
Yearning for somewhere new to grow
New to learn and love
May we dance in the foliage
Of the forests of our hapiness
And spend eternity like the open meadow
We both sprouted from long ago

— The End —