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Lexy Garcia Aug 2013
dear diary,
i have grown tired.
i am a shark in an ocean full of dolphins,
they taunt and threaten me.
i am alone.
mama and father do not care anymore,
money is the only concern.
i am alone.
grandma's growing old,
and grandpa's lost it.
i am alone.
curious stares at my arms,
everytime i walk into school.
i am alone.
they laugh as i stumble to get by,
they push and yell at me.
i am alone.
except i met a girl,
we'll call her "Priscilla".
she introduced me to her friend one day,
Mary Jane.
Mary Jane soothes me,
she calms me and comforts me.
Mary Jane helped me gain new friends,
everybody loves Mary Jane.
Mary Jane introduced me to a boy,
we'll call him "Kevin".
Kevin is very attractive, my dear diary,
i fantasize about him a lot.
we often hang out,
and he'll bring Mary Jane along.
one day he invited me to a party,
i hadn't been to a party in a very long time.
Mary Jane helped me get invited,
but i'd be too busy studying.
but it was Kevin who invited me,
dreamy, gorgeous, badboy Kevin.
of course,
i had to go, my dear diary.
Kevin ended up introducing me to his friend,
Molly's small and fragile,
yet she's wild and crazy.
i think all Mollys are like that,
but she made me feel so alive.
i accepted her,
despite the warnings from other friends of Mary Jane.
Kevin invited me into a vacant bedroom,
he stole something dreadful from me.
i am free now.
mom and dad were worried when i got home,
supposedly my eyes were red and i was in a daze.
i told them to leave me alone,
my dearest diary.
and now it's time for you to leave me alone,
i need to go out and explore with Kevin.
Kevin will take care of me,
do not worry diary.
you will always be in my heart.*

MADE UP, I DO NOT DO DRUGS OR SMOKE ****. Classified under realistic fiction. Does involve use of drugs.
fdg May 2014
my name comes in pills,
colorful pops of acid you can slip over your tongue and wash down with saliva
and often times I wish someone would crave my affection
the way they crave the rush they get by popping mollys.
and often times I wish I was half as exciting
DeVaughn Station Dec 2020
These times have me feeling overextended
and looking for reprieve. I’m glad it’s over;
the tension was rocking my heart and knees.
A note to mention is your lack of healthy pleas.
I give when you want, but I have to earn what I need?
To you, it’s splendid just as long as I spend it
but that trend? I’ll end it. Greed gave you glee
when you saw an inch of green. Treachery made you flee
when I looked to clinch a guarantee. But that time has ended.

These times have me feeling overextended
and looking for your smile. It would hurt if it was over.
It’s gotten my attention that your distance feels hostile.
I hope your intention isn’t malicious or vile; was it worthwhile?
Even if the rainy sky descended and a fight blended into our remission,
I’ll still extend my hand for you to ascend because you're my friend.
But if my tribulations and trials weren’t enough to get your attention,
would you amend your ambition to keep us safe and hidden?
Safe and hidden from your lechery losing me at the party kitchen
because I can’t compete with the Mollys *******’ for a dickin’.
I’m prayin’, wishin’ for this to not be just another memory,
but you’re hatin’, trippin’ over the lies that you’re a different pedigree.
Maybe we’re both right, and the animosity should be suspended.
But for our strife and uncertainty, that time has ended.

These times have me feeling overextended
and looking for comfort. Sometimes it feels like it’s all over,
but I have hope because you’re the one I come for.
You can fall asleep in my arms again and I’d forget the dumb wars.
I’d cast away the imp ****** who implore for everything with nothing in store.
It would feel better than the smoke that makes my lungs roar,
but still not as great as your slight twitch, moan, and snore
that made me smile again and hate your front door.
We both want more, so why not have an encore
and let the time go on furthermore?
December 19, 2020: These days, I’ve felt more like a resource than a person. They love you when they can take something from you, but they never give it back. Sometimes, we really do more harm with an open hand than a clenched fist.
to an note
she thinks

we hug her

to death

my mind just picks up
hitch-hiking words
hers made me dizzy
she wants to see

think im on drugs
mollys pink parts
that's what
woke up


— The End —