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Troy Curtis Dec 2013
It amazes me that it took until the last minute of my life-
once lived and defined by the sorrows and my strife,
While I stand below the gallows (at least not by a knife)-
To realize my merits and that my spirit, eroded by my pain,
Was yet still gleaming, and my heart beaming
Though i was about to die.

Yet i stand here above the rest of you, on a stool that i earned;
Below a fitted noose, looking down.
And i see the jealousy in your eyes because you know I've won.
All along, held inside me was the greatness i never felt
And the death i once pondered-the one i sought- was never dealt.

I've come to my ending
Guilty of being grim
Charged with ungratefulness
And convicted of having sinned

Though in the end all that matters,
Was that i fully lived
Though only for one last minute
Ive no more reason to misgive

As the wreath hangs about my neck
I look once more upon your face
I chuckle as i fall
And smile before i brace

The Merry Hangedman
Frank DeRose Apr 2015
There's a love everlasting,
That burns deep within us.
An undying ember,
That neither water nor sand can quench.
And though we think the fire doused,
It can never be put out.
The fire is given
As a gift.
Though sometimes we misgive,
And are hurt.
But every fire has its fuel,
And each fire endures until the fuel is found.
Fire feeds off of fire--
That of another.
Sometimes this fire-fuel match is never found,
But the match still exists.
There is a fire-fuel match for each of us,
One that never dies.
And for every flame joined with another,
A bonfire arises.
And born from the ashes,
Arises a phoenix,
The emblem of life eternal.
The way of life is

And be loved.
Love with a fiery passion.
Cheyenne Aug 2016
The funny thing about a fairytale is
that there is only one princess—
only one or two heroes reaping the spoils
and life pretty much ***** for the rest.
As time has made me privy to this phenomenon,
I think that the pessimists must be wrong:
pointing out the falsehoods in the fantasies
when life has been a fairytale all along.
The problem doesn't lie in the fanciful plot,
or the neat and tidy "happily ever after”—
but rather in our assumptions that we are the protagonists
when there are so many other characters whose live's are disasters.
And truly the stories of the villains or helpers,
though exaggerated in their own right,
ring of far more truth and parallels
than the lead's perilous plight.
For I am no breathtaking beauty.
Won't stop some prince in his tracks.
I can't dance, I don't clean, my food is no good,
and when I sing my voice gargles and cracks.
I often can't find a shoe that will fit
for my toes are too long, or perhaps it's my heel.
So I can't identify with the hero written
because I have no idea how that feels.
It seems that when I went to audition,
though my intent was for the part of the lead,
the director thought I was joking
and then casted me as the Evil Queen.
For I'm afraid that I more closely mimic
An ugly stepsister or morally unsound witch—
so is it any wonder, then,
that life turned out to be a *****?
And I know—yes, I know—that these stories are just that:
fictional weavings of a life never lived,
spoon fed to children to teach them some lesson,
their intent, I’m sure, not to misgive.
But at some point the stories become more than just stories;
they are born from us and so us they do bear.
And you and I and us and them and this
is a reflection of what's written there.
And if this is so, which I argue it is,
then the fairytales are very true indeed.
And so, too, the happy endings, hero's journey,
villains and monsters and thieves.
Every story is an entire world,
and every world becomes our own.
And there simply isn't enough room for us all
to fall in love and call a castle home.
Someone has to be the villain.
Someone the foil. Someone the friend.
Someone the helper and someone the lover.
Someone that person that meets an untimely end.
But someone gets to be that princess.
Someone gets that "happily ever after."
One in a story forges ahead
with a chipper "the end" in the final chapter.
And to some, perhaps, this is good enough?
A small glimmer of hope that helps them to sleep.
Because if one it could be then perchance it is thee!
But the standards of entry are steep.
I already know that I’ll never qualify:
I don't measure up to the criteria offered.
As mentioned before, I'm not one to adore,
and so it seems I'm destined to remain a pauper.
But I won't sit back and just be a side character
(for the part of the lead I'm deemed unfit).
I refuse to bow down to the ideals that abound—
And if that makes me the villain? So be it.
I will wield my wicked power.
Set a curse across the land.
Have a vendetta against our hero
Because for their antics I will not stand.
And I know that this means that I'm destined to lose—
The villain rarely survives (except for a sequel).
And the protagonist will tell my story
And make my actions and choices seem evil.
Perhaps my ordeal will seem useless
since the morals of the winner will persist.
But just because it is a fight I cannot win,
Does not mean I shouldn't resist.
Because life is fairytale, sure,
but "happily ever after"s don't last as long as the name implies.
There are too many losers, too many misfits,
that the values of the protagonist leave behind.
So in this story I might be the bad guy.
But that's based on someone else's word.
And stories can change, lenses be rearranged,
and I'll fight until my story's heard.
Mark Lecuona May 2012
Go ahead and flip it
It doesn’t matter to me
I’ve lived on both sides
In calm waters and stormy seas

People call heads or tails
And watch their fate in the air
It could be right or wrong
It could be here or there

Give me both sides
Because that’s how I live
There’s no reason not to be real
I take as much as I give

People can’t make up their mind
The change how they think and look
They want the yin and the yang
It’s something they read in a book

I cross the tracks every day
With pride and without shame
No matter where I stand
I always feel the same

Give me both sides
Because that’s how I live
Do you think you can be real
If they show you how to forgive?

White and black living separate
One with hope the other desperate
A baby has to be taught to know its place
Why can’t we be human instead of just a race?

Give me both sides
Because that’s how I live
It’s time for us to be real
I wonder if you will forever misgive
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2023
Days weave together
as night tears at the seams
Light as it vanishes
deserting my dreams

The sun making promises
darkness reneges
The truth stays an orphan
that both will misgive

The rooster to signal
that devil’s retreat
Hope spawning a sunrise
where wishes beseech

All joy upon waking
released from the pall
The clock now a weapon
that hangs on the wall

In mutual exclusion
our psyches must live
A ****** symbiosis
all take and no give

But hands will fall southward
the shadows reborn
This daydream a nightmare
—as twilight sojourns  

(Bryn Mawr College: April, 2023)
Sometimes Starr Jul 2023
I am clearing a space in the middle of nowhere
To do nothing
While no one sings of my great success
You didn't warn me in time for the grave address

You didn't have me
She said
You just thought you did

You couldn't tell me a thing
In any context

You were always struggling
You just didn't always see it

You couldn't define victory
In time to be it.

I am a tiny brown mushroom
I am an angel of death

I am a blade of grass
I am a glass of gin

He said,
Don't try and distract me
Waving his hand

I will never misgive,
For I can only disband.
Richard Graydon Mar 2020
If I disappeared today, would you wonder?
What way, I walked to the thunder.
If I went tomorrow, would you cry?
Would it fill you with sorrow, and ask why I try.

If you knew what I wanted, what I live for
You would be haunted, by what you saw.
I live to die, and I’m dying to live,
What I try, I don’t want to misgive.

My trust is nothing, trampled over,
So I was trusting, that you be my point prover
The one to push me, finally over the *****
Don’t worry, I’ll buy my own rope.
This was inspired by a speech my “friends” made saying that I needed more independence. However what they did not know was that I spend most of my time by myself. Muh Independence
Mel Sep 2021
I don't want to receive
I just want to give

Don't want to entertain
Just want to misgive

I will never reminisce,
I will just keep searching
For the next best moment to shine
For when it's my time to draw elaborateness into a mundane line

I don't want to receive
I just want to give

Don't want to lose your attention
Just want you to be a fixative

Want you to hang on to my lips
Want to strain my vocal cord until it rips

Want you to listen to my ring
For you to not get out a thing

Listen to what I have to say
Don't let your notice go astray

Don't leave me alone with just my echo to listen to me
Left with an emptiness as vast as the sea

So hush and listen to my ring
Let me puff, splutter and jabber
Give me someone to whom I can cling

— The End —