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Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
If you take me by the hand,
and guide me through the door;
make me understand,
and show me what's in store;

If you can see beyond my mind,
beyond my ego, not my heart;
We can leave the past behind,
to make this new, and at the start.  


You told me about your evil ex.
I was broken *****, sulking when
you said he left you salty, sad
then you broke it to me:
no more bands of romance, only fun
with some one...

'not you, not yet,
maybe never.'

Now I'm standing on the outside looking in
and I realize its not about you, its about me
I just never had the self respect to really fight
for someone that made me feel worth fighting for.

Now I'm the guy that you avoid,
and you're the girl I've got to get over
to feel my sour feelings sweetened,
Now that I'm the guy that you avoid,

And that is what it feels like: a void
inside my chest, like a missing signal
a broken transmission from heaven to heart.
And I miss the feeling of feeling.
Mother of mayhem, I'm a *******.
Jessica Fowler Sep 2012
The whir of the washing machine,
half eaten lunch setting on paper plates.
Spoons under sofas
the cat stalks it’s pray of last night’s tea.

The grey summer sky
“sunshine and showers”
tee shirts, shorts and waterproofs.
The sunhat and umbrella medly.

Mouldy orange juice from when I was last here,
a dripping tap
a ticking clock.

Burnt shoulders.
Gooseflesh legs.
Too hot.
Too cold.

Everybody’s gone away
theres no one out to play,
no one can come to stay
I’ll just sit in all day.
Sawr Nov 2010
My face, ripping
My mind, tripping
My focus, lacking
My trip, immaculate.
My gaze, fervent.

Cold as gas, wet as thought,
Wrong as rain, love is fought.
My soul is sharp, his tongue is deadly
Our hearts together, ring to a medly that doesn't have a point, only a purpose,
There to be, not to do, and doesn't need ANYTHING to do with you.

That's why he's always trying to get away from me,
but you can't run away from your own body.
That's why he's still here.
But you can't be in love with your own mind.
That's why he isn't.
But you won't hear this coming from him.

Like soft wind, wrapping around my shoulders,
Your ethereal touch makes me feel invisible.
I'm complacent just listening.
And that's why Spry doesn't like you.
You give him too much to love.
He sure is a child sometimes.
it was not written early,

there was the bed to change, the washing to dry,

the neighbour’s dog. there were thoughts, yet

they were forgotten in the medly of chores.

it is written later, with coffee, the cat full of


it is a cold and frosty start,  lower degrees

in edinburgh.

the sun is shining, birds fly up.

JaxSpade Feb 2019
Filled your eyes
And your stagger
Stood there
On the rocks
Stirring steadily
I salute your glass
And drank heavily
Till the task danced
With the medly
As we came together
With the night so friendly
Our hearts sank into the bottles empty
But the moon couldn't shine all night
And we woke to the ugly site
Of the morning in goodbye
Sober and ending

— The End —