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In my little time on earth
I've come to understand a few things
That Solomon was wise but ended up being foolish
That Samson was powerful but died with his enemy
That Judas was chosen but betrayed himself
That Miriam was loving but ended up being proud
Those Nadab & Abihu sons of the priest could offer strange fire
That if like Joseph, my dreams could always come true not minding opposing forces
That Moses with seeing God only saw Canaan land
That Joshua with his status as a messenger could be separate
That Gideon in the least town could be mighty and famous
That the forsaken Jepthah could become a ruler over the haters
That fear could get up with someone like Elijah
That David could be King after everything
That Daniel could excel in a strange land
That Jeremiah the stammered could be a prophet
That Hannah needed only one Shiloh to get Samuel
That only one wholly no to Delilah might have saved Samson
That you have to always flee from Potiphar’s wife
That like Jehoshaphat you have to praise God only in face of impossibilities
That like David only love for God would make you see insult to God as to you
That even Prophet Samuel could be deceived by his eye
That like Paul the prophet persecutor becoming a prophet present for perishing Gentiles
That like Jesus, prayer and fasting is needed for journey through life
That like Adam, i always needs to double question down my Eve & say no
That if my Eve sins i shouldn’t blame her
That i should not be jealous as Cain
That like Abel i should drop the right offering
That like God i should release my beloved for the gospel to the world
That like Esther i should not forget where i come from
That like Daniel and friends i should be ready to die for the truth
That like Abraham i should know when to zip up
That like lots wife i should not look back
That like Lot i should protect strangers from harm
That like Sarah i should not doubt
That like Manoah i should not keep secret from my spouse
That like Zechariah i should remain ever steadfast serving the Lord
That like Hosea i should be ready to obey God at all cost
That like Jonah i should not run from God
That like the Apostles i should be obedient to my master
That like Paul and Silas i should praise when prayer doesn't work
That like Jesus should be ready to die for the gospel sake
That like Eli i must correct my children
That like Ophineas and Phineas, i shouldn’t make God people to sin through me
That like Judah, my word must i keep when i give it out
That like Thomas, i must ask God to show if i don't believe
That like ruben, no matter how fine she is untouchable, should remain steadfast
That like Jacob’s daughter i should not mix with the world
That like asahel, i should respect elders
That like Jacob, i should leave vengeance to God
That like joseph, i should be forgiving and not forget family
That like Moses, i should always respect my Aaron and Hur
That like Jesus, i should go up to the mountain
That like blond Batimeus, i should shout out
That like John the Baptist, be mad to make difference
That like jezebel, evil doesn’t pays
That like Abraham, faith is needed in this short journey supposedly long
That like prophet Aizah, i could stand out among lying prophets
That like Phillip, i can light up a town for Jesus
That like Stephen, i should see the prize and forget the pain
But this one thing i never forget
That with Jesus, i would be fishing men
I’m more than conqueror
I have dominion
lessons you learn that should stick

— The End —