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Kabelo Maverick Mar 2019
The world gives birth
to Monks, Locksmiths and
mocked Rockstars
All live on Earth
to debunk false myths
and cockblockers!
Andrew Rueter Oct 2017
The Sun shines on my computer
Creating a protective glare
But night comes like an intruder
At pictures I begin to stare

After I view their portrait online
I want to see their body on mine
We talk all night
Until I see the light
That they're not that bright
Or that they like to fight

Desperation swirls
I enter a world
Where the randomness of human interaction
Meets the randomness of my attraction
And the low visibility
Endears no civility
Will I spend infinity
In this digital city?

The creatures try to hide
They scatter in the distance
They're not hard to find
When their profiles leave imprints
But the parasites are quick
And the scavengers stick
Vultures fly from iPad to iPhone
Leeches try to make my pad their home
Devouring me until I'm bad to the bone
Like the solicitous predators
Who act like creditors
And the sly foxes
Who claim they're locksmiths
They all have claws and fangs
They're all just jaws with brains
I play possum
Until I've lost them

When monsters are made from loneliness
They try to trick me with phoniness
They feel I wouldn't want us to be together
And they're probably right
Because all I want is to spend forever
In love's divine light
Nocturnal animals just want the meal
Of my motion
They don't want to honestly feel
My devotion

In the wild
I am a child
The creatures cut deep
They make me weep
Until I choose to sleep
But when I avoid their glance
I avoid love's chance
Can be found in my self published poetry book “Icy”.
René Mutumé Jan 2014
(and I don’t know why we are mongrels in our heart,
but hell… Lets ask em-

Roman nose.
pug shaped unheard of thought ******* away cos
its been awoken by high rising spirit,
but call it anything, call it the breaking of your phone
that’s replaced by another when you feel a chorus stretching
into your ***** gut when they speak, just calling…

blown away from thalidomide arms of private growths
death from long ago neither feminine nor masculine
posture of slumped morning brighter than split stare
of obliterated ***** hit gently hard and lit
my heart knows: my sheets are a poor excuse
for where the room suffers our corporeal rage
in our calming conversation

within country stare of effortless green, some:
knowingness, perceives madness from outside
its woven hands so accepted in the city as it cries,
and walks together; shed upon from all parts of its locking voice
a union within the falling parts, of islandeque love
when rising to hard abyss pardoned when nurtured,
fate, a toothless, small, finishing chew

smothered out from car fume; Buddha can’t speak anymore
birds can’t speak anymore, even the locksmiths have words
without need; i stop in a graffieted place, my veins happy
to just sense: home: proto – home, before…

with whom there is a consensus in the lewdness, rabid as 6pm
is; opened by wild cooked silk until it is made, and
ready, I’m shattered, my bloodiness has no body, none,
worth me jacking it all in, or talking, about new governments,

explosives walking through arcs of dimmed light
intoxicants highlighted in fading windows, brimming and walled open
beneath my feet, i would run, i would strip
open, the exhausted car parts
yelling, but the impermanence, of us, is the grey ebb
and flow, of engines colouring, this city, impassable
by our actions- full of Bachiacic choice, stopped at the
gate dead, when anything wants to speak inside our home,
apart from your voice, and mine

and i did not know, that cities were so moveable and
pleasurable, and that madness is always correct when animals cling
in agreement; Karma of infinite silence between them when needed-
rebearing low glance into imploding music
down past eye, oesophagus, stomach gently reseeding
hands of movement, dust spokes of haphazard drivers
like the proof in the wetness of the most lifelike dreams that
humanise the raven infancy of the winters blood

insight baked by the sun’s finally accepted sea
in clay, where we must adore what we create from our hands,
and adore the cinders of its coldness as things that can
be anything with any touch; the holograms choice in emotion
the: ‘I’:

only a background chorus
of floating crickets when we whisper, torture moons losing there grip amongst
the unsolid shapes, passing, us, as we walk through,
universal… ‘axioms’, summiting, to a peak, near the soul, when raw, but never there;
we must speak about ‘all or nothing’, in a different way, instead
as the pattern is completed by: ‘immersion’, two servants of the
womb, a judge, and a convict, and the jury broke and sprinkled
across the horizon where we walked like my grandfathers ashes

we don’t gibe, the rest, if we get there
we won’t look across the heard and pick out the
leprositic ways that are outside of our own, there is no
pride, there is no ‘knowledge’ of pride, there’s only
a proto-home, there’s unsaid gasp of what we shall eat
from the flawless flow of the weeks hard work, where we asked for no
prairie, hell, we didn’t even ask for a ticket flattened into a card
that’ll pay for it all
but hell, that’s ok

it’s a while till pay day,
but hey, i’m happier than a slave being paid in the rip-tide of several
monks and maidens authoring where i’m sold
in awesome gloom- one finds themselves a violin
even if they can’t play, even if, they have no limbs
most times, those too
go, or jitter when you don’t want them too in the middle
of the gala
i have already trusted them to you, however;
so, i’m sold, and happy.

As our grave has no flowers yet.

And we are the flowers upon that grave.

And we are the owl howling.

At that grave.

And we are the grave eaters.

And the only.


Who can stop them.
Kurt Nimmo Feb 2015
the worst thing is the realization
you have nothing to say.

the worst thing is
a collision of words spinning
deaf into a vortex of irrelevance.

you finally understand.
you are like the rest of them.
you have nothing to contribute.

silence is cancer
deaf and dumb metastasis.

it happens to giants and dwarfs
locksmiths and astrophysicists
mathematicians and short order cooks.

it happens to saints and serial murderers.

silence so deafening
it barters with suicide.

maybe that’s
why they invented

Olivia Kent May 2014
At the end of the world there's hole with a door.
The door has a key, should you want to break free.
If your smiles have died, if you don't want to live.
To find the key to door.
At the end of the world.
If you really, don't want to live any more.

You must firstly, climb up the purple mountains and steal some eagles wings,
Maybe a brood of eggs as well and clutch them to you heart.
Initially, the idea is really rather strange.
Of climbing mountains just to die.
When you have your eagles wings,
When all the tiny birdies sing.
You may, yes you may.
Fly down the edge to the parapet of much regret, upon which you must sit a while.

Analyse your thoughts of death, write them on your mini-pad, the one all poets hold at heart and always keep stuffed in their satchel.
I'm sure you know it.
Leave them on the cliff edge, for a.n.other to read.
Spread the message of what you did.

Pop your wings back in place.
Soar through the sky with perfect grace.

Go to the shop at the end of the world and ask the proprietor for the key.
So you can get out, cause you want to break free!
The shopkeeper, said with a sad and sorry face, "I'm sorry love, the last one took it with them, and didn't bring it back".
Locksmiths, don't keep spare keys for the door at the end of the world.
"So, I 'm sorry I can't help you, would you like a cup of Rosy Lee.
You can unburden your issues, shift them to me".
After the wild flight from the top of the mountain.

A cup of tea from his cheerful fountain, was just she needed.
All that flying and writing had cleared her mind.
She flew back home.
When you hear the calls of eagles in flight, remember the fact the end is in sight,
Not in the cafe at the end of the world.
But, a good conversation and a stroke of pen and poetry.
Release your mind, a true catharsis!
(C) Livvi
No I'm not suicidal, I just liked this dark idea, with some differences!
wichitarick Aug 2018

Waiting on a new storm  or are we wanting to take on another form

Lost on the brink just idling biding for time to make that link

SHOUTING out what was the key that was missed ,will finding it let them be reborn

Paths await, with this little debate,harder with hills ,many willing to guide us around this obelisk

Preparations made, set to travel finding a direction to unravel,will we find the light before the dawn

Locksmiths maybe becoming the new messiahs ,need a pick to find that nitch

Going out also means reaching in ,focus on an entryway to open a hatch, hopefully letting us find a new zone

Certain questions don't always wait patiently, seeking solace while turning handles to resolve that itch

Skeletons in a closet still have a door and require a skeleton key to uncover ,
opening new entrances to not be alone

Passageways with more gates locked but never permanently blocked,a golden ring holds keys to be used based on our needs ,new admissions to help enrich R.C.

Always a new door for us but will we know which one or will it open up just another home or room that is worse?
Thank you for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Literally, loitering litter
leaves landscapes looking
like labyrinths leading lonely
lethargic lads lacking lustre
lame lamenting Lu Lu's Lingerie
laundered locally lampooning
looser's lost leaders landing
lecherous louts leftist ledgers
legacies legally legitimised
libellous loafers lobbying
locksmiths logically liaising
loggers longliners lubriciously
lucid lookalike lunatics luring
lasses lustfully locating low
level latino's lavatories.
Yenson Apr 2021
If you know the gate is locked securely
why are you employing a million locksmiths
and seven guard dogs
and ten watch men
to guard a toilet
are the bowl and basin
gold and encrusted with diamonds
methinks some have taken leave of their senses

— The End —