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There was Dai Puw. He was no good.
They put him in the fields to dock swedes,
And took the knife from him, when he came home
At late evening with a grin
Like the slash of a knife on his face.

There was Llew Puw, and he was no good.
Every evening after the ploughing
With the big tractor he would sit in his chair,
And stare into the tangled fire garden,
Opening his slow lips like a snail.

There was Huw Puw, too. What shall I say?
I have heard him whistling in the hedges
On and on, as though winter
Would never again leave those fields,
And all the trees were deformed.

And lastly there was the girl:
Beauty under some spell of the beast.
Her pale face was the lantern
By which they read in life's dark book
The shrill sentence: God is love.
Iwan Glyn Oct 2021
Y llew,
Y ddraig ar' blaidd,
Rhwng naws ac saws suriol,
Cadair idris.

Gwen glawiog
Pam clydodd
Diancrwydd, frainc.

Dan lledar e'i felt,
Noson dianc.
Rhag dy fodiau,

Gwen a fina
wrth tamad
O' dy adloniant bywiog.

Nol at y blaidd,
Y llew,  
A'r ddraig,

A finau,
Yn hedfan,
Ar adenydd,
It is said that if you read a poem called Tomino’s Hell
If read out loud things will not end well
As it is a way to summon Tomino who was cast down
For questioning & challenging Gods word
When he fell there was a crack, even the living had heard
Tomino fell from heaven, straight to hell
His mouth sowed shut for no secrets can he tell
He was not prepared with the hell he was shown
As Lucifer sits upon his mighty throne
With a surprisingly gently voice he says to not be afraid
He was not as what is imagined or portrayed
He is beyond the concept of beauty, its hard to explain
The torture, once you think there can’t be a higher pain
It gets worse; seemingly endless you start to go insane
Like heaven, each hell is designed just for you, none are the same
In Tomino’s you are constantly ripped apart
And a sensation, like someone squeezing your heart
Then it gets really dangerous & bad when you start to yearn
For the pain and the sweet, agonizing burn
Some may escape to the land of the living, but they always return
Especially Tomino who always brings a soul in tow
So whatever you do, don’t read aloud the poem below:
Tomino’s Poem
(Don’t read it, especially out loud!)
Enota ot nwod tsac neeb evah yam onimot
Enola ti o got sesufer eh tub
Oot nwod uoy gard lliw eh denommus si eh nehw os
Odnu ro epacse on si ereht, seod eh ecno
Od ot evah uoy lla s’that, doula meop eht woleb daer
Uoy rof emoc lliw onimot dna
Eurtnu si nettirw saw tahw rof
Uoy dniheb kool llew, daeh ruoy ni daer uoy fi, oob
Lley dna maercs uoy sa nwod uoy gard lliw eh
Lleh s’onimot ot emoclew dna seye ruoy nepo

Try reading it if you dare
But please beware
Because once you do
Your soul is sold to you know who
And while you are tortured, the scars on your soul adorning
Don’t say you had no warning!

Based On An Urban Legend
You can read it with a mirror ;)

— The End —