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John Hulse Nov 2011
Five four three two one,
Fire spews,
Flames violently shoot out of the golden boosters,
Cold ice breaking off the shell,
The white noise fills the air,
The ground shakes with panic,
And liftoff,
The manmade seraph lifts into the sky,
The Golden Flame forcing it further up,
We watch not with excited eyes,
But with sad hearts and long faces,
We know,
We know today is the last day this bird will fly,
We have slain an angel,
We have slain American Patriotism,
We have slain ourselves,
The Space Shuttle may just have been a chemical reaction lifting mass into the sky,
But it let us explore,
It let us discover space,
The bitter, beautiful darkness that surrounds and blankets the planet,
And now we have told her she must die,
Regressive politics turning into a malignancy against mankind,
Killing the Human spirit,
Cancerous tumors mark landforms on the map,
My Dear Space Shuttle,
My technological love,
You always inspired me,
It's my turn now.
Alex M May 2016
I have mistreated you
I have thrown you away
I have made you weak
I have polluted you
I have made you *****
I have damaged you
I have destroyed your outer beauty
I have built new structures, that cover your natural landforms
I have made you change so much in such little time
I have mistreated you

I now care
I now think before I do
I now do not litter, but recycle
I now reuse and reduce
I now build more of your natural beauty the best I can
I now encourage others to take part
I now reduce waste
I now conserve water
I now try to make you new
I now care

I will share
I will tell people the news
I will joins “Save the Earth” groups
I will spread the word
I will take action
I will create an army, to save your worth
I will hang signs and posters
I will explain what we have done
I will show new effective solutions
I will share

I have mistreated you
That was in the past
I now care
I will treat you right
I will share
I will spread the word

We will all take action
This poem is about earth day.
Ashli Oct 2014
“Repent” they say
“Beg” they claim
For forgiveness of a sinful heart that we did not receive
By our own hand
But we are forced to grasp
And suffer and go on, and return to nothing
All of not our will
“Repent” they say
“Beg” they claim
And we seek and we pray and we suffer
And we hope and we cry out
And the mother loses a son
And the father loses a wife
All of not their will
“Repent” they say
“Beg” they claim
And I sit here amongst the images of decaying children
And scarred landforms
I watch as we turn to our brother and sister
And stab them in the back with
Eyes lit with smiles of deceit
And they are dying
But they are praying
And they are (still) dying
And he is watching
And he is waiting
For what?
A mystery to humanity
“Repent” I say
“Beg” I claim
To the holy figure and statue of justice
Who feeds us love but watch as we hate
And he needs our hands of forgiveness
As much as we need his,
Because we are fighting our spirits
And we are holding onto blind faith
And we are standing amidst our loved ones
Blood drenched and hollow
and he is watching
and he is waiting
and they are preaching
and we are crying
and nothing’s changing
So repent for your sin of allowing sin
And beg for the mercy of mothers hollowed and scarred
And the ones who see with a 3rd eye hidden
Watch as we look upon ourselves as the source of all suffering,
A horrid misconstrued perception of the truth

radz Jun 2018
Where we stay,
Is becoming grey,
All the landforms,
Even the angry landlords,
Are here,
But one day our planet might disappear.

Take good care of it,
If not, you'll need to admit,
That you'll quit,
And leave the planet.
Becoz of more Carbon Dioxide,
As Oxygen dies.

Global Warming is increasing,
And Ozone layer is leaving,
Then there's a Super Nove explosion,
And the Earth's erosion,
Then we will fly in a rocket,
Leaving our rocky planet.

— The End —