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Healy Fallon Mar 2016
Can we eat ramen in the dumpster
and discuss avoided exertions,
and obtained stimulations?

Can we eat pizza in the sewer,
and notice lackings of duty
and seized thrills?

Can we eat cereal in the warehouse,
and observe overlooked regrets,
and earnest hedonisim?

Can we eat sushi in the shed,
and plant seeds of disregard,
and ignorant gaiety?

Can we dine in the wasteland, the field, or the valley,
and watch pink clouds glide by,
and envy their destination?
Sonufrad Feb 2012
Between the crooks and nannies
In a booth with seven *******
There's no way they could stand me                                                                              se cre t swi mm ing
Heathen if they're understanding                                                                   a bed wetting fool
Could that mean they understand me                                                                            I'm sure I'd Right that too
I hear a lot about our standings                                                     If I had nothing Left to say
but what I think will be standing                                                          
is the dust particles of landings
and the Sun light filling crackings                                                                                            away  
I'm too good for the attackings                                                    
I understand my lackings                                                                        and     then we float
Got a tenacious grasp for love love love love love  Stacking bodies to the flood

Limb to a tree
     Flower to a bee
          You to a meeeeee
and eye to eye
     I have left myself dry on and Island watching the 4th of July
                 Why oh why Did I ever lead that guy into a terrible lie

Mask to a Foe
         Mask of a Friend
                 Do you ask to wear it well or can I see you again
Let's talk about oh being an adult,
it's a ******* scam, a real insult,
they audit your soul and **** your account,
and you learn the value of money is goods, cars, hotels, and a mound,
a hovel, a home, a place for the sound,
of your empty, pitiless, soul gone 'round,
and round dreaming of Christmas, as a child bound,
by the lights and the wrappings and agnostic
witness the fate you will take, taking the rate,
of your depression gone by oh those halcyon days I innately
cannot help but feel oh that I've missed something lately,
a parallel me or something deep beneath me,
it claws and it itches at the corners of my mind discreetly,
Digressing my  transgressions up on my own altars, weepily,
not tearing not emoting, no, not nothing, as if the Upston
I was, was only a dreaming, faint long gone sound, echoing,
teetering, upon sand castles that a once proud being,
called John was making, that now fall, upon the waves of reality,
and oh my own lackings. Tide me back take me away,
oh the void is calling, if not childhood gain, then adulthood,
lost, oh if I cant own her anymore then I'll just be tossed,
Into the ocean, sinking, no need to swim, just flossed,
and cleaned out, to be recycled, next time, next life,
Maybe I'll learn,
Or maybe, just maybe, if you're listening closely,
I'm just simply.... Mumbling.
Alia Izzati Mar 2020
Smooth and polished,
porcelain plates.
Won’t you allow me,
some mistakes?
For if they break,
crack and tremble,
it is only,
These tiny shards,
might hurt you just a tiny bit,
but it is me who lost my pieces,
tiny voids nothing could fit.

I’ll apologize for imperfections,
I’ll apologize for my lackings,
but will you allow me,
the luxury to be human?
Yenson Mar 2020
Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
fantasies run amok in vacant beings
in needs to block the raging lackings
the emptiness of validated inadequacies
compels maladroitness to rile significant

Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
in limited enclaves and narrow musings
barbaric senses rule the presiding hovels
oiks in lesser's grandeur sing the blues
the carnival of fools dance with tomfoolery  

Delusions swirls in minds unfulfilled
pains of worthlessness magnifies the us
is it us and them or them and us the issue
for fantasies and lies amok in vacant beings
for a little knowledge is perilous in idle minds

Deluded, blinded wounded mired in hate
disturbed and shamed, cross eyed and bellicose
rag-tag army of envious discontents rage unsilenced
in vapid throes missing reasons *** erudite tracts
delusions swirls in minds poisoned and unfulfilled


— The End —