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NeroameeAlucard Apr 2018
Shiki zoku se kuu means
Form is emptiness.
How do you write based off of a quote
When the quote can be a poem
On its own?

Form is emptiness
Is an odd sentiment to express
My physical form is far from empty
As i wouldn't be writing if it was, you see
But is my spirit empty?
Is my mind unfortunately empty?

So many questions, so little time

-Neroamee Alucard
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
only with the oeuvre: BURN! slayer's mandatory suicide: count the bullet-holes in your head; ***** by machinegun fire; suicide, suicide, suicide, suicide.*

the anglophone world is so unfrequented
by the dualism of keeping one's
native tongue while establishing a
wordsmith perfection of an acquired
           you know how in see the failures
of assimilation? not in the terrorist,
rather, in their harem's worth of
                  and backlog of bad ideas...
rancoids of agent orange debacles,
mirroring the current ******* affairs
of the lesser luster-year...
           abhorrent ******* koo nee see qua
kuu nee see qua - call that japanese
for variety all you wish...
it still spell out hollywood; ditto:
noah now dies.
         problem: a slayer oeuvre -
south of heaven,
before black sabbath was all led zeppelin
        but when the native tongue comes,
you're inviting your cousins...
you want to divide the atom,
why not dividing the quanta,
or the kilimanjaro?
                can i ask in latin
how little actually means
when you state quantum: how much?
can i ask: so by dividing an atom
we get hiroshima...
  what do get obelus quantum?
prior to: how little?

qua questio pro vel qua sors occultus -
as being a question for either,
or, for...
                    i'll just nut-crack your
******* like the catholic priests / theology
teachers treated me:
kept me in the dark, never taught me
any latin,
                  blah blah blah, blah,
and a blah later who the **** cares,
the pope sure as **** doesn't...
                  qua questio pro vel qua sors
occultus is as much latin to him a she latin
you just said is to your: saudi:
a ******* ibrahim judeo mel-frázī:
             **** burns, **** stays oriental
            by the limits of ending up in mecca;
sorry to have to add: hey presto!

— The End —