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Atrisia Oct 2013
Puzzles, now these i like,
to figure out another's makes me feel wise,
but in the presence of knowlegde and all that is good,
i have only to know all is well.

When my hands feel tied,
and my minds runing around a closed room,
I realise the task in being still.
The budhist are onto sometime with all that humming
peace is a quietness, a loud silence.
A hidden treasure, a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle
Janor May 2015
I look in the mirror what do I see
I think about the world what do I know
I dive in the water, into the sea
I go into public and put up a show

My reflection is not who I am
Knowlegde is merely knowing things
There is no one who gives a ****
Everybody is made of broken wings
Sunny Snow Nov 2013
Fate is rigged and destiny is a fake drug sold on the streets. Life is a rat race we all die to complete. You get somewhere and suddenly you're only just ******* lucky and its just that faint string of luck holding you in place. Look at my face, look in my eyes and tell me im wrong. Life is ****, still we are told "be strong, never be weak, weakness shows lack of power." But what they dont know is in our weakest times we find our strength. We find who we are and fate then, throw to the wind, and destiny will be on its knees kissing my hand beggin for forgiveness, cuz now il be in control, il have total rein. Unlike I had before when all I knew of the world is what pain it could bring to my eyes and heart. Luckly it just so happened with age came a softer view on life, like wine it all began to taste better. And soon the bitterness was gone and the depression a thing in my history books. I was free, and am free and always will fight for my air space till I cant breathe, cause if you dont agree I want to show you what I know, I may still be younger and have room to grow but I can tell you a thing or two you wont hear out of someone my age and range of knowlegde cause I didnt finish college but I know more than those books could ever teach me about real life. And my books run thick the would take years to read, thus why I write and read others stories. And in the end fate is ****** cuz I write my own words.
Ryan Dec 2015
If gusts should be on a foreboding night,
lay down upon the cremated ground.
Do not be fooled by a world without light,
for these shadows may consume thee.
Check ever corner that shall pass,
for deviance will not be held back here.
Encountered illusions shatter like glass,
do not let these foul creatures consume thee.
Thy heart is strong and filled with courage,
for this will shatter such opressive power.
Belief in ones self is the highest knowlegde,
these creatures cannot consume thee, for thou
can only consume thy self.
some music
makes you feel
so very old and wise
so full of aching joy
and knowlegde of the world

it sums up
   all your life
   in sound

dew drops
   brilliant in the morning sun

haunting your memory
   beyond recall
Raviha Hussain Jan 2018
It is a thing with pages
covering the whole edges

Put the rights words together
to make steps to dedication

Who tells conventional wisdom
that had been proved by legends

Starving for knowlegde
just open the pages

It take you as pedestrian
a way for long achievers

Unwise to wise
shows the way to life

A torn in a shoe
even tell how to sew

It's a book of magic
read the words that matters
Books are always been the way to success. No matter how much time you take for reading it always feed your brain with creativity and other than that. My poem is all about books that give you, as mentioned on my poem.
Mehkai Figueroa Jan 2018
I don't know how you feel but to me life is nothing but a series of events intertwined between you and others,

The vines of fate move in between society

You can seek sanctuary in others but is that what you really want?

Sanctuaries are but temporary shelters,

What you really need,

I could ask you all the questions in the world and maybe you could answer them...

Maybe you could respond,

Maybe you have that knowledge....

But with knowlegde comes fear,

Fear that you don't know what you are doing, saying, living....

Fear that nothing matters,  because nonexistence is significant and existence is futile,

But let me tell you this...

What you really fear isn't any of that...

As you became more knowledgeable, you become more fearful,

Fearful of what you don't know

Because with more knowledge comes less self-satisfaction

As you are left wanting more... but needing less...

Needing less than what is needed because you only exist in the crevices of your mind,

Psychological, Analogical,

Your mind is but a place where your soul resides because your soul isn't in your heart,

I don't know how you feel but If I went to you and asked....

"Would you give up everything... for the 1 thing that means the most to you?"

Give up your life, your family, happiness.... friends... all that you have aquired over the short or long life you have lived....

Many would say yes... For all the love, power or money in the world....

They would give up the most important things in their lives....

But fear not... if you say no.... you have decided right....

Because all possessions may make you feel content for a short while...

but losing what you had will make your heart ache and pain more that before....

So when the day comes that you can receive anything for something as important as everything you have obtained over the course of your live....

I hope you take my advice... or just throw it away.... maybe even forget it....

I don't care.... I just hope your decision makes you feel content in the end...

But honestly, no ome will ever feel content or satisfied,

I hope you don't spend your eternity contemplating the decisions made...

All I know is if this question was asked of me,

I'd respond with I don't know.
Art-yx Dec 2019
Sailors always want to go back
to the(ir) wild seas
believed they  can cope with
in their (Heming)way
and meet and feed
demon and friend
to treasure land
          -for some
or wreck shore
        -for others
leaving mythical tales
and iconic traces
over rushing waves
the sunken pasts
at the silent depths

From conception to end
shaped by elements
caged by their mean(ing)s
and blindfixed by knowlegde
through not so at random coincidences
in darkness and fears
embracing an obscure painseeking
a stubborn longing for  
a deafening exitation
to a transcendant daze
a state and place,
until the passion
for unresolved aims
hasn't to be explained

Into an undefined fate (faith)
of the sailor
In anyone
John Hayes Dec 2020
No single thing stands alone
but has a link, at least,
with something else.
The key is the connection.
But links can’t stand apart
except as clues of law.
That’s the beginning
not the end.
Without law there is no chaos

Which came first is the question
of questions
and depends on what is meant
by first.
Is it beginning, i.e., what precedes,
or the source, i.e., what determines?

Get out the dogmas.
All skeptics expect them.
Between knowlegde and belief
the will intrudes.
Make a choice
or avoid the question.
The world must have order
by force if not by mind.

The law need not precede chaos,
but it must stay it.
If there is a greater law than this,
a law of being
not of necessity,
it is in a grain of sand
rather than a book of statutes.

— The End —