Velvet ropes reiteratedly gave us hope and love.
Velvet ropes made us believe magic was real.
That rope that kept us bound by doggedness is velvet.
The exuberance in our lives is prevented.
Velvet ropes created an askew and bittersweet love.
Love that we will never understand.
Love that makes you voracious for more.
You become thirsty for cascading passion.
The velevet ropes spawns an eternal flame of abundance, exquisiteness and tenderness to the core.
What is this velvet rope that creates a loving, hopeful and prodigious man?
A man who is carefree and only kindheartedly based.
We have looked in all the wrong places.
For the velvet ropes are in the one place you failed to look...
Your own heart.
You are compromised with a great gift.
Turning your back and forming a blind eye to it by looking elsewhere made you lurk further.
Although you misguided yourself, count on the velvet ropes to bring you home...