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judy smith Mar 2017
It is rare that, outside Japan, you hear anything positive about the lot of women in the Japanese workplace. Well-meaning rankings and anecdotal articles frequently do little more than reinforce tired stereotypes. Still, change is afoot and there are many voices in the Japanese corporate world that have a nuanced story to tell—even some who dare to assert that there might be something that Japanese working women have to teach the world.

One important factor preventing progress in how women are viewed in the Japanese workplace is the ongoing prevalence of highly gendered uniforms. This is true both in the literal sense and in what is implied—from strictly structured dress codes that govern post-graduation job hunts right through to the president’s chair. These remain highly gendered for both men and women, a visual reminder of the very different roles played by the “salarymen” and “office ladies” of years gone by, but a stumbling block now, considering how much has changed.

Representative of this change is fashion brand Kay Me, from entrepreneur Junko Kemi. Not just an oddity in the Japanese fashion world, Kemi is an unassuming revolutionary who has dispensed with the establishment path to the racks by forgoing trade shows and industry-only runways. Instead, she builds on her own experience in the Japanese corporate world to fashion the clothes she would wear to the office. In the process, she has managed to chalk up a Ginza flagship store, key retail positions at Japan’s top department stores—including Odakyu in Shinjuku, Mitsukoshi in Nihombashi, Breeze Breeze Umeda in Osaka, and Isetan at Haneda International Airport — and even a presence in London. She’s accomplished this in just over five years — less time than it takes the average brand that plays by the fashion industry’s rules to get their first round of scattered stockists.

Kemi sat down with The Journal to talk about why she moved from marketing to fashion, how she sees women in the workplace, and what she aims to achieve with her designs.

Japanese fashion is a notoriously saturated field. With no background in fashion, why did you choose to enter it?

My background is in marketing and consulting, but I was always aware that, at the root of all market analysis, is the Japanese phrase ishokuju, meaning the necessities of life: food, clothing, and shelter. When you look at Tokyo, there may be a lot of fashion, but that is the way it should be. It is as important and necessary as food and shelter. After the Lehman shock and the March 11 earthquake, this idea of necessity came to have greater meaning for me. I wanted to make something that was really required by people in their lives.

Of course, my background in marketing helped, and I knew that the bigger companies would be scared to compete with me if I chose a niche that wasn’t a proven quantity yet. That niche was professional women; women with the drive to go beyond what society expects of them and who want to express themselves on their own terms in the workplace. There is also part of me that likes to be the rebel, and to a certain extent I just wanted to prove people wrong when they said the market was oversaturated.

One of the most important Japanese fashion designers of our time, Yohji Yamamoto, famously started his eponymous brand in rejection of Japanese “office lady” attire and how working women, as a whole, dressed. Is this a shared source of inspiration?

Perhaps. Although, ironically, given that Yohji Yamamoto mainly uses black, I feel that women’s clothes are too dark! Fundamentally, I feel that historically it made sense that for women to enter the male-dominated workplace they first started dressing like men; but that can’t be where it ends. Far more interesting is for women to be unapologetically feminine and be accepted for it. Women should not have to cast off their own culture to enter the workplace, nor deny their own nature between 9:00 and 5:00. Why shouldn’t there be flowers in an office? In that sense, I am the opposite of Yohji Yamamoto — he wanted his clothes to protect women from men, but I don’t think women need protecting.

My real inspiration is surprisingly conventional. My grandmother ran a kimono shop, so I am always attracted to traditional themes in my work. The Japanese motifs I use, in particular, have been key to reaching people abroad. It is not necessarily targeted like “Cool Japan,” just a lucky coincidence. For Japanese customers, they are a way of building elements of kimono into their working wardrobe instead of wearing full kimono, which is hard in daily life—never mind the workplace.

As an entrepreneur, what do you look for in your employees? Do you actively create a female-friendly work environment?

I have been all around the world meeting entrepreneurs — especially in the UK and East Asian countries — and I am frequently the only Japanese person, and nearly always the only Japanese female entrepreneur. Therefore, similarly minded people with an international mindset are my key assets. With that comes an ability to communicate in English, and the confidence that your ideas will resonate not only in your own country but globally. That is rarer than you think, and a big issue over the course of a career is that only high-ranking members of Japanese companies ever go abroad on business. That locks women out of having experience abroad and stops them thinking more globally.

In terms of workplace, I would like a 50-50 split in my workforce; but right now we are still at the early stage of growing, so it has been vital that everyone understands the shared goal. As I am dressing working women, I have far more women than men working for me for now; unfortunate, but it will change. Also, I insist on flexible working hours for my staff with children. It creates some small issues with timing group meetings, but it is easy to work through and worth it for the talent they bring.

What could institutions like the Japanese government and universities do to change the status quo?

Universities are taking the lead in thinking globally, but that is only half the battle — they need to create more competition among students — female in particular — so they have confidence to go abroad. That needs to be the spark that starts a movement.

As for the government, there are lots of programs out there to support companies like mine, but to be honest we just don’t have the time to apply for them — they require so much documentation. So far, the programs feel like lip service from an older generation who doesn’t understand mine; time will change that.

In the meantime, I am focused on thinking globally. We haven’t targeted the inbound phenomenon as such because they are not necessarily our customers. Instead, I am focused on online expansion and taking my brand to Europe, and hopefully to America via New York in the near future. Of course, I want quick expansion; but ultimately we have been quality- and service-driven in Japan, so we can’t forget that as we look abroad.Read more at: |
FreeMind Sep 2024
The smell of your cologne lingers by as you walk past my desk.
I can’t help but think of your touch.
How would you taste like on my lips?
Two can play this game.
But I can’t go for you.
Not really.
By freemind
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Quando Jen Fariello e Pat di disegni floreali unire le forze .le cose sul serio splendidi svolgersi.Basta prendere questo Pollak Vineyards serata .per esempio.E ' la miscela più bella di eleganza meridionale e la bellezza paesaggistica tutto racchiuso in un perfetto giorno d'estate .Vuoi mantenere il partito pinning andando?Abbiamo sooooo molto più seduto abiti da sposa 2014 proprio qui .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsVineyardStylesTraditional

Da Sposa .Sam e io ci siamo incontrati su .Inizialmente abbiamo detto ai nostri genitori un supplenteè èome abbiamo incontratoèstoria .ma abbiamo finito fessing fino alla fine !A quel tempo .era di stanza a Fort Benning a Columbus .GA e io ero a scuola di medicina ad Atlanta .Ci siamo incontrati in una taverna di Atlanta per un drink prima di andare a Braves gioco con un paio di suoi amici .La serata è proseguita con la cena .bevande e.infine.mirtillo frittelle bianco con scaglie di cioccolato a 02:00 .Più tardi .abbiamo capito che nessuno di noi era in realtà affamati di frittelle .al eravamo solo divertiti così tanto che ci stavaè èvogliono la notte alla fine !Sam fu infine nuovamente di stanza in North Carolina .e mi è arrivato tardi per la residenza .

Noi amiamo trekking .campeggio e godersi la vita all'aria aperta ogni modo possibile .così cerchiamo di trascorrere quanto più tempo possibile a casa della mia famiglia a Blue Ridge Mountains fuori Charlottesville .Il 4 luglio .siamo arrivati ​​fino alla cima della montagna per griglia fuori e guardare i fuochi d'artificio .Durante il gran finale dei fuochi d'artificio .ha proposto a me con un bellissimo anello che lui stesso aveva progettato con l'aiuto del suo gioielliere città natale .Era lo stesso luogo dove esattamente un anno prima lui prima mi ha detto che mi amava .Il tutto era abbastanza perfetto!

Amiamo le Blue Ridge Mountainsè èt '.dove ci siamo innamorati e ci siamo impegnatiè eo naturalmente abbiamo voluto condividere questo con la nostra famiglia e gli

amici .Pollak è uno dei nostri preferiti cantine della zona .I loro vini sono davvero di prim'ordine e l'ambiente è semplicemente incantevole .
Uno dei nostri obiettivi principali era solo per evidenziare la bellezza naturale delle montagne e Virginia paese del vino .Abbiamo cercato di fare questo selezionando un palato colore neutro e incorporando elementi locali quando possibile.

Progettare la nostra cerimonia si è rivelato essere un processo scoraggiante .ma molto gratificante .Siamo stati in grado di tessere di tradizioni importanti.mentre assicurandosi che fosse personale e significativo per noi .Sam e io amo cruciverba .così abbiamo progettato il nostro cruciverba e incorporati nella nostro programma come un modo per intrattenere gli ospiti .mentre erano in attesa per la cerimonia per cominciare .Ci sono stati alcuni indizi di nozze a tema e curiosità su di noi .Si è rivelato essere un grande successo !

Sam è dal Maine e hoè èda Virginia .e abbiamo cercato di incorporare le cose da entrambe le nostre città di origine per rendere la festa più personale .Abbiamo chiamato la nostra firma bere ilè èAine Virginianè?in quanto caratterizzato mirtillo ***** dalla città natale Sam ' di Freeport .ME e fragole coltivati ​​localmente da Albemarle County .Abbiamo avuto anche una selezione di birre locali e sidro così come alcuni dei favoriti Sam ' dal Maine .

nostre borse di benvenuto erano uno dei miei tanti preferiti.Quasi tutti i nostri ospiti stavano arrivando da fuori di stato .quindi abbiamo vestiti da sposa davvero voluto esprimere la sua gratitudine eravamo di averli lì .Abbiamo imbottigliato limoncello fatto in casa .mia suocera vestiti da sposa - in- fatti piccoli cuscini balsamo .e mia mamma ha fatto tutti i suoi famosi biscotti di pasta frolla .

Oltre a un libro tradizionale struttura .abbiamo avuto una capsula del tempo .dove gli ospiti possono lasciare le note per noi apriamo il nostro anniversario cinque anni .Per favori .** fatto mirtillo cioccolato bianco con gocce di cioccolato pancake mix per i nostri ospiti di portare a casa .Abbiamo divorato questi sul nostro primo appuntamento .così abbiamo pensato che sarebbe stato opportuno offrire a questi ai nostri ospiti .come pure!

La mia foto preferita è stata scattata durante il nostro ultimo ballo della notte.A quel tempo .i miei capelli stava cadendo giù e Sam si era tolto la giacca e la cravatta allentata .Noi didnè ècura.Siamo rimasti così felice !Esausto troppo .ma così felice di essere sposato e circondato da tutti amiamo .Ogni volta che guardo quella foto .ricordi meravigliosi di quel fantastico giorno ritornano impetuosi .

Sam è in campo militare .così abbiamoè èe ha dovuto trascorrere la maggior parte del nostro primo anno di matrimonio a parte .Avendo foto come questa mi fa sentire come se fossi con lui anche quando è dall'altra parte del mondo

Fotografia : Jen Fariello | Pianificazione : . Shindig Matrimoni ed Eventi | Floral Design : Floreale di Southern Blooms By Pat Designs |Abito da sposa : Junko Yoshioka | Cake : Maliha Creations | Inviti : rock Paper Scissors | Cerimonia Sede : Pollak Vineyards | Banco Sede : Pollak Vineyards | Bridesmaids Dresses : Adrianna Papell | Catering : Harvest Moon Catering | Calligraphy : Se è così Inklined | damigella d'onore Regali:Ditty Borse | DJ : Ran Henry | Hair \u0026 Make-up : Jeanne Cusick | Affitto Tenda : Sperry TendeJen Fariello Fotografia e meridionali Blooms di Disegni floreali Pat ' sono membri del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Jen Fariello Fotografia vedi portfolio meridionali Blooms di Flora del Pat ... vedi
Pollak Vineyards Wedding_abiti da sposa on line
JD Oct 2011
Screams that go unheard
Day in and day out
When will this end?
Every nightmare of the devil
Placed along my shoulders
Is it too late to save me?
An innocence ripped apart
Burned to ash
Broken so far beyond repair
A justice impossible to find
The cold descends upon me
I see my shattered soul lying in wait among the shadows
Where have these angels been?
They left me here, stranded
They stole from me, my hope
Hid it away just as I am from the world
Fear, riddled through my bones
Hell here on Earth
Forty four days become the longest of lifetimes
A seemingly endless eternity conquered by pain
By heartache
By blood, freshly spilled
Drowning me
Caught between the world of the living and the dead
A terrible limbo
Relief no where in sight
Please, why won't you take away this pain?
Please, why won't you save me?
R.I.P. Junko Furuta
Chaque fois que j 'escalade
Les parois des mots vers les pics inviolés
J 'emmène avec moi dans l'expédition
Mon éclaireuse d'élite.

Ma sherpa me guide et me prévient
Des chutes de sérac et des avalanches,
Cuisine les rimes embrassées, porte les alexandrins
Installe le campement des rimes embrassantes.

Alors elle se repose sous sa tente
Et, satisfaite, cure sa pipe
Tout en fredonnant inconsciemment
Ses deux quatrains suivis de  deux tercets
Tandis que que moi je suçote
Mes surelles poétiques confites.
Ma pisteuse pose ses pitons et ses broches à glace
Dans l 'ombre des cimes
Sans oxygène sans assistance
Dans les nuages de la haute poésie.

Nous avons ainsi planté nos sonnets
Dans les vingt-et-un sommets continentaux
Ma sherpa c'est mieux qu 'un sur-homme
C'est une sur-femme, une sur-muse
Une sur-déesse
Une vieille briscarde
C'est Junko Tabei et Bachendri Pal
Et après chaque sommet qu 'elle franchit
Sans désagrément
Elle se retire sous sa tente
Et, satisfaite, cure sa pipe
Tout en fredonnant inconsciemment
Ses deux quatrains suivis de deux tercets
Tandis que moi je suçote
Mes surelles poétiques confites.

Parfois la chute d'un sérac imprévisible
Nous emporte, nous ensevelit et nous broie presque
Mais jamais ma sherpa ne se départit de sa pipe
Ni moi de mes surelles
Dans nos joutes poétiques.
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
Let us form new languages,
languages of beauty and love!

Let's make far reaching extrapolations
that'll blossom into blissful bougainvilleas.

Let us frolick in fabulous fields
of bountiful wondering.

We will speak in the
words we've named birds.
In the names we've worded flowers.

I can tell you now that my pupils are spreading their wings like the center of a sunflower as it grows

Simply because you are
the glory of the morning
and I am because you are
and we are because we are

A long blossomed sunshine spiral smile!

I can tell you I'm feelin'
free free chickadee
ya see the tweet tweet

I am the blue jay in the summertime,
and the junko in the winter.

Ah I'm the melody,

I'm the robin with the
red breast in the spring time
and I am a shiny black blue crow
come the fall. Find me singing!

Find me caw, caw!

Crispy falling leaves come quietlyyy

— The End —