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L B Jan 2017
Her shoulder rose like the moon
above the black velvet of bolero jacket
She took his arm, his eyes--
An apogee
She took the room
in reverence

So slowly
shed the mountains
shed the light
hand to touch their wonder
Gazing after
her noiseless ascent
which never happened
while they watched....

roll against warmth
luxuriating offspring
cool encircling
contents iridesce
their energies’ warning:
Nothing quite that simple
Nothing quite that still

Nothing like the opulence
on the Proud Eve of catastrophe

caught in the lining
of what never happens the first time....

She heard them before she saw them
rip their orbits!
fission her universe!
in the mezzanine of the symphony hall
Pin ball in the Fun House
Bingo bounce
the hardwoods of space....

Universal Theory of Scatter?
Even now I can still hear the clatter
of their round smooth souls
in the doorways of distant relatives

How could I know?
You would condemn me
to find them all?
I think it is possible to know the high water mark of your life.
Goddess Rue Feb 2024
Iridescent Moon tears,
Or is it the Moon melting into the stars?
Maybe, it's the tinkering in my head,
But I so desperately wish that it was all real.
That you and I were in that melting *** of a night sky,
So dark yet it didn't swallow our shine.
I wrote without a thought,
just you.
Your words your efforts,
I'm learning to embrace.
vircapio gale Jun 2013
dandelion seeds
too tight to fly--
frozen Spring lovers

stream breeze--
pollen ripples into sun,
brace of current bed

inflorescent burst--
                    hikers' boots beside a pool
                              on sun-baked rocks

green buds ***** the air--
in corymb echoes,
fuzz of leaves

water-sounds cascade--
moss-drops, trickles; dog-splash, falls;
gurgles under foot

the tones of waves
tiny on the smooth shore
lipping on

stem-length stars,
streaming rays of sun
and water's deep shade

gentle eddies over stone--
one world,
one world

froth twirl and tendril
under Spring brook shade--
so clear beneath

burl-sprouts misted bright,
cups of water,
forest thirst

                 waterfall gasp--
                                            the cold! the winter! now swim!
the first breaths

Spring Misogi--
pummeled muscles--
grin of mossy heart

your wet shirt against my chest
--hot love--
thunderous winter-melt

we sink laughing,
numb in Spring's fluids--
our voices drown

papaya lunch--
a tropic fruit
and i am home

sweaty backpack--
two beloved women hike,
my heart weightless

green from nostalgia,
i hit bottomless

cameras first,
avert canopy surprise--
Spring screen

black-backed iridesce--
warm beetle slips
in and out of scree

barefoot in the stream,
our hands and voices smooth--
ankle sprain

Spring paths--
a parent's visit
breathes new life

my womb-maker
from another life--
ageless comfort

her haiku eyes--
water shining sun green
bloom here again

Inflorescence: a characteristic arrangement of flowers on a stem; a flower cluster. a flowering.
Misogi: Shinto purification ritual involving standing under a waterfall.
Corymb: a broad, flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the outer flower stalks are long and those toward the center progressively shorter.
Joseph Perales Mar 2011
I want to taste your skin painted peach
I want to kiss where the sun doesn't reach
not for the express intention of breech
but to reach, teach, and make you screech

you're eyes are as big as the sea
they have a habit of engulfing me
as do your legs, bent at the knee
entanglement has never felt so free

your lips too, grab me in their caress
fondly fit inside their finesse
your sweet words in my ears, fluoresce
your love causing my heart to iridesce

I want to taste your skin painted peach
I want to kiss where the sun doesn't reach
not for the express intention of breech
but to reach, teach, and make you screech

oh how love feels when it's right
oh how her eyes shine in the light
under those stars shining bright
as we proceed through the night

with every kiss I am speechless
unable to say how wonderful each is
like warm summers on cool beaches
or a bite from the freshest of peaches
vircapio gale Jun 2012
meaning stings yellow
the pain of black iridesce
and beyond beyond

— The End —