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There was one a-riding grand
  On a tall brown mare,
And a fine gold band
  He brought me there.

A little, gold band
  He held to me
That would shine on a hand
  For the world to see.

There was one a-walking swift
  To a little, new song,
And a rose was the gift
  He carried along,

First of all the posies,
  Dewy and red.
They that have roses
  Never need bread.

There was one with a swagger
  And a soft, slow tongue,
And a bright, cold dagger
  Where his left hand swung--

Craven and gilt,
  Old and bad--
And his stroking of the hilt
  Set a girl mad.

There was one a-riding grand
  As he rode from me.
And he raised his golden band
  And he threw it in the sea.

There was one a-walking slow
  To a sad, Iong sigh.
And his rose drooped low,
  And he flung it down to die.

There was one with a swagger
  And a little, sharp pride,
And a bright, cold dagger
  Ever at his side.

At his side it stayed
  When he ran to part.
What is this blade
  Struck through my heart?
ThisIsMe May 2014
Once, you told me I was your sun.
Once, we spent the sleepless nights that were stolen by our pasts borrowing time
Time to talk, time to cry, time to dream
All through the pinprick holes of a cracked screen phone that let me feel your voice and hear your heart
It was in those forums that we lay everything bare
Naked and unashamed, we approached one another in honesty and vulnerability fearing no judgement
Intertwined by the secrets that kept us together and pushed all those others away
Together we dredged through our dreams, no, not dreams, for dreams are bright and filled with joy and curiosity rather nightmares, for nightmares creep in the shadows of the night and display the worst of our subconscious  no, not nightmares, for even they evade you in the day. These were demons. Demons that did not leave you or I, Demons that followed us through the day and through the night haunting and menacing. A constant reminder of our imperfections
Yes, demons that is what they were.
Together we dredged through the demons that filled us.
And together we waged a battle.
A battle neither fearless nor brave but merely a battle to survive
And it was in those moments that You called me the sun in your darkness
But If I were your sun, the reason you breathed and lived. The source of your strength and your joy Then you were my moon
Reflecting, the strength which I bathed you in to get me through the darkest of times. To keep me resilient when my Pandora’s box dared to open dared to bring out the evils I kept so neatly tucked beneath the surface. Standing beside me when it did.
But I am not your sun
The sun does not forget to shine
The sun does not disappear or fade away
The sun is constant, day by day, always and forever.
The moon
The moon waxes and wanes.
It is half, it is whole, it is nothing
Covered in the strength of the sun, even at its strongest, it reflects a mere dim glow to that of its counterpart
So you see, you are wrong, I am not the sun, I am not your sun
You kept my darkness at bay and in your darkest night; I was but a faint globe of light
Two celestial bodies forever entangled in time and space, we are eternally connected
Yet now we find ourselves in an eclipse
With Iong shadows that have created a seemingly cavernous distance between you and I
Shadows that have left me dark and cold
For what is a life without the sun other than lifeless
Shawn Steven May 2018
what a shame on you see the lie claim as nothing could do victim or greed elite compete with game pieces of **** apathetic and proud of it lost and confused reciting the news of deep blues with glee it wasn't me but it is weak brothers and sisters on knees for fascism Iong as white skin saves pain for one more year billions dead but pale don't care blinded eyes tear pawns still move into positions of suicide while endless ****** and pain fill the pockets of those who Trump all life for trophy wives and ******* island parties away the night never lifting a finger to do what's right wing western **** worked away for toys to play into the end game of all for egos call before humanities fall under dancing feet at burning man into guided disguises fiat pride life full of distraction and lies for crumbs of a pie you won't ever have stored in boxes for cattle to grave lost the light you never tried to save back at it again until you figure it out and the hard way you will as woke laughs with shaking heads and spears socially engineered to turn heads from the dead you stumbled over to avoid living free killing us them me promising that you too will be looked over while frightened to death of the truth as it over comes and awakens you
reverie Jul 2018
Iong letters short
you dragged the curtains down
no droplets on cheeks anymore

it's not like you're gone
you're just next door
so why do I feel
like you're further than jupiter
Isaac afunadhula Jan 2021
Wonders of how
l could have your love
in my grip
like a hawk with a
like a thief in the night
for l'm shy with the
to chase after you in the
not minding the embarassment
Iong as it gets me
and you in the end
words being spoken
good and bad
how long do we have
to prend not to share
this feeling
yet my picture is right on
the wall at your place next
to your head each time you
time could rob us the
l do't want to lose you
l could sell off all that l
had to show how far l'm
willing to go when it comes
to you
lt is 4 of the 5 minutes left
still don't know
if your love is worth.

— The End —