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Alireza Zibaie Jan 2011
Angels watching over you
And I
I am nothing but a blank stare
Knowing that you are everything
a man could ask for
Knowing that I
will be the one who breaks you

Hardheartedly I applause
At my own misleading specious

Chasing a mirage impassively
In the distance where
no sane man laid eyes
I am looking for a being
Less astonishing than you
looking to feed my ever lasting lust

Insipidness is consuming me
or maybe intense devotion

I feel
away from my nature
the barest animalistic side of me

and you
you are judging me with those humane eyes
JadedSoul Oct 2014
i HATE insipidness
i LOVE colour
i THRIVE on passion
my life is filled with WONDER
i HEAR colour
i SEE music
i TASTE shapes
the monochrome of insipid
makes me want to puke
I do have synaesthesia, which is why I so loathe insipid things
Xanthic Nov 2014
It was summer, and I was breathing heavily
I glanced to my left, and they were walking steadily
I gazed across my row, and apprise them in fear
They're getting closer, I can feel tension, they're near

I can feel the insipidness of each soldier
I can feel them getting bolder
I can feel how badly they want to win
As the smoke grows light and thin

We ran apace to the nearest tree to hide
I can feel my heart jumping , wanting to come out from my inside
Our condition was clear, we're going to die
I didn't know what to do, so I gazed to the sky

I prayed with all my heart
For my whole body was tearing apart
I breathe in and out
And then with all I am, I came out

I swiftly raced my gun to my chest
I walked forward, to pass the test
Flabbergasted, blood were flowing here and there
This is war! Our leader declared

This is the first and hopefully not my last war
I shoot constantly, to come afar
I reached a safe haven to rest awhile
As I watch some being shot even from a mile

I wondered of how I can survive
I wondered of how to keep myself alive
I wished to hide forever, but I prefer not to
For I'd rather die than to be called timid by you

I charged toward a combatant
Boom and blam, blood was flowing from me, it was patent
I was shot from behind, and i trembled in dread
I lay down to the meadows, like it was my bed

As I was about to die, I reminisced a thought
Is this war worth to be fought?
Back to my mom, she was smiling at me
She glared at me in awe, like she was glad with what she see

I was dying and smiling simultaneously
It was enough to fight, dangerously
I did enough, I guess
There's too much I did already, too much mess

I closed my eyes, and count to three
I talked to myself and me
Asking, if I did hid, would I live?
Is this war, worth my life to give?
Kaila George Jul 2016
The insipidness of madness

Attacks all my senses

I feel insane when things don't go right

But rage at time's make you lose yourself

Going beyond the insanity that hide's within your mind

Clutching to reality to feel that you are sane

Then a snap....two click's of your fingers and thumbs

Brings you back to make your world

Your being feel whole and complete

Then sitting back in the waking dawn

You smile to yourself and walk with your head held high

Knowing that you have kicked the madness to the kerbside

Yes today the madness will not take hold of you

I get like this sometimes

by Kaila George
ghost queen Oct 2021
as a child i was frighten, as an adult, i am weary when i walk the forest’s edge, a real and imaginary line between night and day, light and dark, life and death, the delineation of my tamed civilized world, and the chaos of the savage wilds.

i remember walking along the edge as a child, holding my mother’s hand, looking into the darkness, hoping to see something magical, to justify my fears, dismiss my suspicions, anything to alleviate the mundane, monotonous, insipidness of my bleak, desolate quotidian life.

i imagined mythical creatures in the forest, with the thrill and horror of an occasional siting of a real wolf trotting along the tree line, stopping at the site of me, making eye contact for a moment before slipping back into the darkness of the forest, feeling like prey, a rabbit in the middle of a meadow, hyper vigilant, knowing death is an instant away

— The End —