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Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
If not I, Past remnants,
I immigrant M ingnorant.
to this game.
that I play in chains.
Quick sand in my native land
.there are no turmps in my hand..
only ronald mc Donald.
as im given Starbucks to spend where?
Strange furits with rotten roots.And David stars with scars.
Those wounded by a fat boy.And We still wait to deploy.
The sickness of these snitches. given we these stitches.
wounds that will never heal. This is (right hear) real....#listen
Eli Grove May 2013
I tried to quit smoking last week. And my best friend died for eighteen hours. Such a deep loss has only been felt by rose hips, in the early winter, after the petals have fallen to the ground, like snow, like jumpers from high-rise buildings, like a maiden, after that last, fatal step off the plank, with swords at her back, and the horizon calling to her, the song of the Sirens drifting up from the ocean floor. Dropping, like petals, caught in a harsh winter breeze. The left-overs, the carcases of the flowers that were and are no more, watch with eyes of sorrow and hearts of lead, as each friend, companion, lover, even casual aquaintance plummets, to land on the already frozen soil of a dead, snowless, Colorado winter.
I died with my friend. My roots were tangled, and with each second that passed, a million axes took bites out of them, feasting on my identity. The axes were only gold-plated, it would seem, and not pure, unadulterated precious metal. Engraved in the paper-thin facade was a name, a face, and a hope, all of which were merely a poor excuse for an excersise in willpower. The cold, iron blade shone through the thin, gently curved lines of lip and ear and eye made of nebula. With each breath that passed between loosely parted lips, I felt myself fade, giving my everthing to the world (hope, name, face) that had, only moments before, murdered my closest companion.
My eyes grew steadily hard, increased stone-content. By 6:30, I had been staring into the eyes of my mistress, Medusa, for at least two hours, my head filled with love songs and daydreams, clutching straws and holding out for the one perfect moment that would shed a brief light on my life, which is, in all reality, the afformentioned pirate ship, but void of lamps, candles, or any other means of illumination.
Questions flowed to the surface of my disjointed mind in a stream, a river, an oceanic current of molten rock and sloppy second guesses.
(Will one hurt? Half? Just one puff? Why? Why? Why?)
And as I turned to stone, I finally found the courage to answer one of the questions that my brain shot itself with, injected into its own blood stream. The question was the sole bullet in a revolving, high-stakes betting game, the answer, the fourth trigger pull, with only two chances left anyway.
(Because... I don't know why...)
So stand up, go to the place you have thought about two-million times, and, yes, smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette.
As my friend rose from the dead, pushing aside the boulder blocking the entrance to its tomb, which everyone knew was just a temporary tenement, and we were reunited, we spoke of fascists. Well, I spoke of fascists, it listened. I spoke of the kind of fascists that exist in grayscale television commercials, spewing ingnorant words about the untimely deaths of beloved family members, who give me ***** looks in public, and have forced me into alleyways, across streets, out of sight, out of mind, to the back of the bus, as if non-smokers live forever, as if everyone can accomplish said impossible feat, if not for the evil plant, the evil spiritual plant that poses a threat to the well-ordered religious structures, pyres built for martyrs and long-dead saviors.
I have only begged for eternity once, and I was very young, with years of rocks and hard places ahead, only pink clouds behind, and eyes incapable of foresight. This boy ate apples, and drew on his arms with black pen every Sunday. Go into the church clean, bathed, come out with temorary full-sleeve tattoos. This boy was made of wonder, myth, and blind acceptance. No longer.
I have now gazed into an eternity made of open graves, lost loves, and harsh, barbed-wire truths, punctuated with sharp, jabbing exclamation points of brief pleasure that only seem to make the reality of eternity worse. I am a *******, and even I don't want that. A body can only function for so long without sleep before the motor wears out, the radiator breaks, the gasket leaks, and the marbles flee from the growing insanity of their owner. We all need to rest eventually, and in my secret mind - the one that grimaces with sick pleasure and only shows its teeth in the lines of a poem, slightly blurred by metaphor - I long for that sleep. I am tired, but the day is only half done. But each sun sets, and we can not deny it that truth, that sensation of finality that settles upon senile eyes like a cataract, that snuggles against warm, pink lungs in all its black, tar-like splendor.
Truth, like so many other things in this solar system, only takes shape when under the eye of a microscope, with a passive viewer sewn to the end of it, with the sole intention of passing judgement before shouting "NEXT," and repeating the process untill they either run out of things to judge (blame, think, guilt-trip) or die.
So, smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette. Puff, puff, puff it and let us hope they never get to either of us, old friend.
Lauren Oct 2012
i cant sit here and listen to your ignorance any more
you sit and complain that your poor

yet you give your boyfriend your money
you're not even his only honey

you are his sugar-mamma
and love be caught up in his drama

i have no kind of sorrow
becuase you let him borrow and borrow

you volunteer to leave work early everyday
and have the nerve to complain about your pay

sit your *** down and do your ****
dont throw a ******* fit

fourteen years older than me
your thirty three

i try to be respectable and nice
but your stories make me think twice

you sound so ingnorant
you make me so sick im loosing my pigment

why did you have to get shot by cupid
and become so stupid

i cant
listen to you be ignorant
Bluebird Dec 2014
I've traveled too much to get to nowhere,
I've been too many things before i became nothing,
I've done too many things before i became wothless,
I've known too many things before i became ingnorant,
And i loved and adored far too much before i became loveless.
Michael Parish Feb 2015
I'd splinter you with kisses
Unbound by fear and ingnorant with
The lonly bee keeper alone.  

I'd wish endless wells erupteted to
My  wishes all  alone spare my own penny

I'd dive under cars and sing until you
Gave into my rusty note and lunged for my life  and levy under my unarmed seranade until the cops sing he's a menace who never had to change.

I'd go endless and naked pools of wealthy under brick until we bunker in the warm beds cloth of clear blue water and kiss like nature opening her ponds of endless algae

I'd say my words forever until your dying truth goes past failure to suceed.

— The End —