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Desire Nov 2023
Been stressed.  Been depressed.
Been too depleted to decompress.
Had my issues and lost my way.
Lost myself trying not to stray.
Had some highs. Had some lows.
Had some smiles to put on some shows.
From sleepless nights to morning daze.
From not eating food to stress weight-gains.
I’ve had little-to-nothing to my name;
Suffered silently in my shame.
Been misvalued and disregarded,
or inconsiderably bombarded.
Been tried and been tested. Even been disrespected,
but the bomb inside still hasn’t blown.
I’ve done my part with the love I’ve shown.
If rejected or not well-received, then
shake the dust off of your feet and leave,
‘cause while the love you have for them is real,
so is loving yourself and keeping your soul at peace.

You can only do so much for others. Love yourself enough not to give up or quit. & when life hits, hit back 🥊 💛
You’ve gone far for others. Make sure to take care of yourself too. #balance #boundaries #love #peace #knowyourworth 👌🏽✌🏽
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
Life put is through hell
for no reason.
we all die in the end so why
not let us live it happily
with our special someone?
You always have to got hrough hell
To find your special someone
But some people give up before
They find them.
Why cacn't they be right in front
Of us when the time is right?
Everyone says "Live life to the
The best way to do that is with
our special someone.
Life stands for Let's Inconsiderably
**** Everyone!
once in a while
they’ll ask me if i’m over him
then casually shifting the topic
to the new girl
he’s been hanging out with.
Like how she was
the epitome of the girl of his dreams
how she could have made any man
yield to her desires
how he wished I could be more like her
My friends inconsiderably talking about him
while I bite my tongue
hoping they would stop for a second
and think about how much this conversation
kills me more than my vices
He was the best mistake I made
falling for a man who smoked
his dreams to grey
Gr8Ryzyngz Apr 2019
I do self hating
Things I often regret
Like sharing my inner most secrets
Hoping you do as you say
When I tell you things
You claim to quickly forget
Until a Freudian slip
And ALL my business
Flows out of your lips
How can WE build
What you inconsiderably
Constantly break?
How much betrayal
Is one heart created to take
I've been told, I hold onto the past
Well what did WE learn then
To make things now last?
How do I trust you
When I barely trust myselves
So afraid of looking back
And terrified by what's next?
Praying for tranquility
In this peaceful hell

— The End —