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Merry Margaret
  As midsummer flower,
  Gentle as falcon
  Or hawk of the tower:
With solace and gladness,
Much mirth and no madness,
All good and no badness;
    So joyously,
    So maidenly,
    So womanly
    Her demeaning
    In every thing,
    Far, far passing
    That I can indite,
    Or suffice to write
  Of Merry Margaret
  As midsummer flower,
  Gentle as falcon
  Or hawk of the tower.
  As patient and still
  And as full of good will
  As fair Isaphill,
  Sweet pomander,
  Good Cassander;
  Steadfast of thought,
  Well made, well wrought,
  Far may be sought,
  Ere that ye can find
  So courteous, so kind
  As merry Margaret,
  This midsummer flower,
  Gentle as falcon
  Or hawk of the tower.
Matt Jul 2015
Roofus *****
Is the best

With the slingshot

Shootin' quarters
Out of the air
Without a care

He says,
"See that Japanese beetle
Sittin' on the leaf?"

He shot it right off the top
Good grief!

What is his his secret?
Well practice makes perfect

And he never did
Own a t.v.

R.I.P. Rufus
preservationman Jan 2015
A famous ship that set sailed
The name “Titanic” a cruise liner marked for preserver, but something down the line failed
The Titanic made it’s way over the seas
Yet on the deck the passengers were treated to an endless breeze
As the music played an elegant melody
The feeling of majestic royalty within red carpet hospitality
This was the first of the Titanic voyage
History in the making for sure
But will the Titanic reach destined shore?
A final night that everyone narrates and regrets
As the doomed cruise liner continued on the waves
Disaster struck with thoughts on did the waves behave
Panic was among the travelling passengers
The passengers being distinguished in the category of who’s who
There was a special passenger and I will give you a clue
The insignia of R.H.
I didn’t give the last name as I am trying to see if you figured out what R.H. stands for
You will be surprised in galore
The passenger was Rowland Hussey Macy
The name associates with MACY’S DEPARTMENT STORE
A store you probably shop today
But Mr. Macy perished on board the ship “Titanic”
Yet he was a man of the seas by way of Merchant ****** from Nantucket
But the Titanic was constructed to be unsinkable
However the situation does make one think as what really happened on the Titanic?
A mystery of the seven seas
Let your mind wander but feel at ease
All the passengers perished, and their soul’s went to thee.
AndSoOn Oct 2016
L’amour est le bras qui soutient celui qui trébuche, mais aussi la main qui s’ouvre pour laisser prendre son envol à celui qui a soif de liberté.*

[ Elaine Hussey ]
My mother wrote it on my birthday card. I love her.
preservationman Jan 2019
Does anybody know what the ship “Emily Morgan” is?
Think hard as I might be giving a Quiz
The ship is of a Merchant Vessel
But someone famous you know was part of this ship
However, here’s a tip
It’s a famous store name in Herald Square
The name is advertised regularly on the air
The man’s name is R.H. Macy
But here is the full name Rowland Hussey Macy
Mr. Macy was a Merchant ****** from Nantucket in Cape Cod, MA
If you are or were a Macy’s shopper, I am sure you didn’t know that being part of Macy’s Heritage
But I wanted to share being my privilege
So set sail was how Mr. Macy ventured
But it was the mightier the storm, the wonders of the adventure
Mr. Macy was often guided on the Emily Morgan using his own initiative
He sailed on the seas of Cape Code, but New Bedford, MA being one of his ports
So the Emily Morgan was a ship with a Macy’s Department Store mission
Mr. R.H. Macy was a Merchant ****** that made it happen.
preservationman Jul 2020
Living real life on Miracle on 34th
It was that inspiration that carried me forth
Macy’s employees were like a family to me
It was after achieving 38 Years you see
I was laid off on June 25, 2020
Yet, I am proud in what I achieved
Laid-Offs are really nothing to talk about, but I am relieved
Two Top Former Executives were my Mentors
They helped me conquer and I saw
My experience within the Corporate Circle was a soar
Imagine, I am part of Macy’s history
I was a star on Broadway
My name within an enterprising name
Legacy being part of the Retail game
Associates and there are many, I will always remember
Laughter still ever after
I worked in numerous departments
In guess you haven’t figured what RH stands for in Macy’s
It is Rowland Hussey Macy, a former Merchant ****** and who was from Nantucket, MA, Cape Cod
So Macy’s farewell
Your stories will always be my tell
An adventure a waits and will be swell
You were part of my life
Love on board
The seas can’t separate our commitment for each other
Through the challengers that so be
It’s our love being you and me
Guided through the storms of final chapter
Love will always live ever after
Devoted shall remain
Ida & Isidore Strauss, partners to Mr. Rowland Hussey Macy of the Macy’s Department Store Organization were aboard the Titanic
Their love ever and always strong
When fate hit the Titanic, the vessel that was unsinkable became unthinkable
History that was became to an end
The ship’s crew had requested women and children board the Life boats, but Ida refused and stated with a discerning voice, “Love brought us together, and we shall die together”
Their love was truly connected like no other
Souls for the seas
Their love transported through the breeze
Danger into the atmosphere
Ida and Isidore Strauss spirit transcends in always a preserver.

— The End —