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NitaAnn Sep 2013
I will never be Good Enough

I'm not doing well, the past few weeks have been yet another dark period in my life. So much happening... most of which I can't bring myself to discuss even in an anonymous setting like this…it's not YOU… it’s me, and the fact that I can't seem to admit the nasty truths to myself. I'm falling apart, I know it. I feel myself slipping. I am aware of the panic building deep inside of me. I know what the trigger is, but I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know how to “fix” it…and IT *****! Everything feels like it’s upside down, I cry one minute and I laugh the next. Sometimes it starts as a laugh and ends as a cry. And I wonder how much strength and will power I really possess, taking a moral inventory, trying to figure out who the hell I am.

It's just not a good time;
I suppose I should just leave it at that.
I have good ideas,
but not enough heart to stick it out.
Or maybe I’m just not good enough, period?
That's how I feel... not good enough...
not smart enough, or pretty enough,
or thin enough,or rich enough,
or successful enough,
I’m not good enough.
Not Good Enough.
I long to be good enough,
yet that dream has not been realized,
and I wonder if it ever will be.

Lately, I feel nothing...
except emptiness, and hollow...
I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong.
How did I get this way?
What led to this?
What's wrong with me?
Why can't I make sense of it all.
I think I'm broken.
I feel a heaviness in my heart
something is trying to happen far away
within a part of me I don't remember how to find.
I feel lost
I'm just wandering around within my mind, waiting.
Wishing for someone to tell me what to do and how
but there’s no one to help me.
I cannot allow myself to trust, to lean on anyone.
Been there, done that,
it only ends in more pain, more shame and hurt.
I am on my own with this.
So I write about it,
because that's what I know how to do
and the writing pacifies me
and teases me out of my own thoughts.
I have so much hurt and anger
it’s bubbling to the surface.

Everything around me, and the very fact that I have to go on in the midst of it, whispers to me of my own failure and horribleness as a human being. I know all that I tell myself is not true, but this is not the kind of thing I can just tell myself to stop and be happy.

I see myself as a child. I see a little girl sitting in a dark corner, hugging her knees and trying to be as small and "out of the way" as possible. When she looks at me, her eyes are full of a terrible anger- rage, really and pain. She is scared. I have never seen myself so dark. But she is undeniably me, and she must have existed during that time of my life. I have ignored her, I choose to ignore her, because she did not fit the image I held for myself. She makes me think about everything that happened to me. So much anger, so much hurt. She was rejected, hated, abused; never good enough. She was insulted, ridiculed, hated, ignored, and abused. The pain from the aftermath is unspeakable. I try to list the things my father said to me- did to me- not to relive the memories but to acknowledge the suffering I never could when I was actually going through it. I try to describe the pain and it's so overwhelming that no words will come. I don't know what to say to her…this child of my past. I don't know how to help her exist, how to let myself be angry and hurt, how to bring to life all of the things that I've repressed. I want to express it all, but I don't know where to begin. And I look for something anything, a book, a person, a therapist; anything to show me the way. I suppose there is no way, no road map, nothing but fumbling in the dark, at least that’s been my experience. I try to ignore her, but every night when I close my eyes and I see her, but I cannot sit with her or tell her I am here for her. I am unable to tell her that her pain is real and that she has every right to be angry. I cannot help her or stop her anger or pain. I don’t know how. No one has ever shown me how. And she wants, needs, something, and I don't know what to do, or how to help her. I am so tired of walking this road alone.
I am tired of the pain and anger,
but they are mine- a part of me.

And I don’t know where to go from here.
Or if there is anywhere to go from here.

**I will never be good enough.
This is an expansion of a poem I wrote last month...nothing every changes even when it seems to get better for a bit...and then I blink and I am right back here fumbling in the dark and still not good enough for anything or anybody.
Josh Koepp Oct 2012
I sleep alone
Under a cloud of advertisements
For appliances, and tridents from
A hit feature called poseidon.
or a lion filled with cotton
For my niece or little cousin
Or I could electrify my tendons
Strengthen ligaments and senses
By chewing a certain gum
That loses flavor in a minute
I could tone my upper body
atone for my sins
Or win free gas for life
While suffering through the painful hits.
Of a generation of high profile
Low life wanabies,
Where ******* is the answer
To every question that they mention
Were taught to shoot first
And **** second.
Taught to **** first
And love never
Taught that being clever
Is irrelevant
******* win the challenge
And every single time any man begins to think about opening his mouth
The same 14 words will always be expected to come and keep coming out.
But they're arranged in a different order
So you see what he's about
And now poetry has been reduced
To a sleuce of woops and shouts.
And if you're different, you get shoved into a closet
Then forcibly ripped out.
And if you're silent, and refuse to join them
Then you become a perpetual annoyance.
Because you don't break noise ordinance
And your vocabulary exceeds vulgarity
And you see clarity amid the horribleness
Tears rain down like ratings
Of movies with soliloquies
when I hear everyone knows the words to baby
And not the national anthem
Not even oh say can you see.
Well I see,
I saw the other day
When with Awe the automatic sliding door
Wouldn't get the **** out of my way.
It's too slow, it doesn't fly like my terrabyte hard drive
filled with illegal archives of repeatedly stolen, masterfully woven, and absolutely real sound bytes of pure golden "music to my ears"
A list of favorite artists, communists and marxists, or completely incoherent mistakes of life made into stardust
That's falls down, or rather up from the heaven-hell
That they created. In the minds, of the mindless self hating teenage generation.
The teens think that their goal is met when thwir beating hearts are filled,
But the only thing that's filled is a millionaires pockets
With parents dollar bills.
But to blame them,
Is to blame the system,
And the rhythems of a nation
And the drive we have within
to beat the rest and always win
Things were always better before or will be better later
Fate has brought us here and still were breathing as a nation.
I know and you know, that what we love
Will slowly **** us
And yet we still trust
Our own infallible unquenchable material lust
That what humanity wants, it will seek out not because it can,because it must.
a rut that we could get out, but we won't because it's what we love.
Eventually, in this or the next century, we'll never need to move, and everyone will be good at everything
In some virtual reality, brought on by some technology. The automatic sliding doors are being replaced with banners for online stores.
We will soon swimming in much less, but we will want much more.
Want clothes that we've become to far to wear
Want jewels made from what's left of our atmosphere
Want technology to block tragedies from reaching our ears.
It might be inevitable, or it might be evitable whatever
The chances of either right now it's probably just an anomaly so please if you would go back to your shopping spree, and see only the things they want you to see.
Just be glad that they still let us have doors
That we can open manually.
Akira Chinen Nov 2017
She had eyes that never aged
and was beautiful in ways
that would never fade
she told lullabies to dying stars
and collected their last tears
and mixed them with her own
she comforted the long lasting branches
that wept on every tree
as the seasons of life and death
saw every leaf grow and fall and fade
hers was the heart of kindness
and her hands the weavers of generosity
she knew far too much
about suffering and sickness
and all the heartache life had to offer
but she never cried once
over her own pains or misery
she had too much to do
and too many to care for
to not smile through
the horribleness of it all
tamia Oct 2014
As the people pass by
I look
And listen
And watch
And realize there are countless stories
Of laughter and tears
Of regret and happiness
Of victory and failure
Of dreams and impossibilities
Of beauty and horribleness
Of wholeness and brokenness
Of everything and nothing
That I will never learn of
For I am merely a tiny part
In the grand scheme of things
Feeling pretty down tonight. Do you ever just feel too much?
Zac Walter Dec 2015
I go on Facebook
And see all the horribleness of this world
Misery really does love company
NitaAnn Aug 2013
There's a heaviness in my heart- something is trying to happen far away within a part of me I don't remember how to find. I feel lost and I'm just wandering around within my mind, waiting. Wishing for someone to tell me what to do and how - but I am on my own with this. So I write about it, because that's what I now know how to do. And the writing, it soothes me and teases me out of my own thoughts. So much hurt and anger.

Everything around me, and the very fact that I have to go on, whispers to me of my own failure and horribleness as a human being. I know all that I tell myself is not true. I could name a dozen things that make me a good person, but this is not the kind of thing I can just stop and tell myself, “Nita, be thankful and happy.” If there is a switch I can flick I’m unable to locate it and turn it off.

I see myself as a child. I see a little girl sitting in a dark corner, hugging her knees and trying to be as small and "out of the way" as possible. When she looks at me, her eyes are full of a terrible anger- rage, really- and pain. She is scared. I have never seen myself so dark. But she is undeniably me, and she must have existed during that time of my life. I have ignored her, I chose to ignore her because she did not fit the image I held for myself. She makes me think about everything that happened to me. So pain and hurt. The pain from it is unspeakable. I try to list the things my father said to me- did to me- not to relive the memories but to acknowledge the suffering I never could when I was actually going through it. I try to describe the pain and it's so overwhelming that no words will come.

I suppose there is no way, no road map, nothing but fumbling in the dark. I am so tired of walking this road alone. I am not tired of the pain and anger; they are mine- a part of me. But where do I go from here? So many people…they all say different things, no one agrees on anything. How do you know if you’re right or wrong? How do you know if you hurt or don’t hurt, or even if you have the right to hurt?

It’s dark now, the night, the darkness… its killing me! I can’t sleep, when I try I dream.  And I’m so tired all day long. I’m really not sure how much more of this I can take.

I think, “Nita, reach out to… Email someone…call someone…don’t let it end like this. But who??

So, grab the razor, reach for the broken glass….let’s have a look at the badness that resides inside of you. Get it out, Nita, let it out. That’s a good girl…watch the blood flow out of your body. It’s bad! It’s evil! It’s part of him.

You deserve to die! Do it already! Just do it! We hate you!
Waverly Sep 2014
Hello there
gruesome stone,
blood flowing over you,
making you lifelike
once more,
I can see your limbs
escaping your nothingness
like the useless appendix.

Your beautiful thighs,
and loveless algae-green eyes,
your senseless fingertips
and heartless glow,
your tiny brain
with it's one-track philosophy.

Gruesome stone,
you grow from wantoness
and neediness,
fed by the blood of those less fortunate
in love,
you harbor an innate greed
to be found again,
to caress the excellent jest
of unrequited love.

You are an out-of-this-world high
when you speak,
and you are not meant
for the
human heart,
and yet,
you follow the rivers
till they empty into the ocean,
and finally become stone again.

Until the last drop of stolen blood
has been washed away,
you and your beauty and horribleness
taint the very spirit
of love.

Taint the very problems
you intend to solve.

So, gruesome stone
like Dracula,
when there is nothing left,
you remain,
lifeless and pointless
a stone's throw away
from the human heart.

A pebble waiting for the wash of the slightness of a droplet,
to mar the warmth of the heart.
ericka bonilla Nov 2013
Write me a poem.
Write about how you love looking into my poo poo brown eyes.
Write about my ridiculous laugh.
Write about how you love the lingering smell of perfume on my body.
Write about how you love my sweet soft skin.
Write about how beautiful my scars are.
Write about how you have bookshelves full of books
based on sentences I whispered to you at 2 am.
Write about how my fingers fumbled while trying to interlock with yours.
Write about my legs for days.
Write about my horribleness which is actually wonderful.
Write about how I made you laugh.
Write about my horrible taste in music.
Write about how you see me in your dreams.
Write about my sarcasm.
Write about the smirk creeping on your face right now.
Just write.

Eliza Bennett Jun 2013
I wish that I could control time.
I wish that I could skip the growing up part of life,
that is so horrible, and painful.
I wish that I had someone who would always be there for me.
Someone that I would eat sweet chocolate ice cream with at two o' clock in the morning,
as we watch movies that make us feel horrible about our lives,
yet better at the same time.
I wish that I wasn't lonely.
But sometimes,
especially times like these,
it's the loneliness, the horribleness, and the pain that we go through
that make us who we are, and who we will become.
If only it were easier to listen to my own therapeutic poems.
Frank Key Feb 2015
I can write the tired away.
I can out write the anxiety.
I can put down the words faster than my
head can put together, crazy, non-sensical,
yet nonetheless horrifically painful
possible scenarios.
I can beat it.
And be happy.
In the throws of my madness
AC's right
Insanity is painful
But it hurts to fight it.
But you can write it back.
I can put down all the horribleness
So it can't grow and **** me.

Save me.
Brianna Jan 2018
It all strikes at once,
All the horribleness of life comes at you at once.
It feels like an onslaught of pain and humiliation,
Lacerating your body,
and leaving a permanent, gaping wound.
You can't help but ask yourself,
When does it end?
Or even worse,
Will it end?
Life just feels like a spiral staircase only leading downwards.
And every few steps you lose your balance,
and fall down even further.
It leads to a place unbeknownst to man,
as all who enter,
can never find a way back.
Everyone says,
It will get better,
just wait.
But they are all liars,
or in denial,
of the spiral staircase taking us all into the ******* nowhere.
Graff1980 May 2019
The ravenous
cavern is
where they come
to be devoured by this

Four strangers
and my mother
line up
to face a mirror
of fear
and suffering.

A fearsome fiend
in each reflection,
major killers
from movies,
like Leather Face
Freddy Krueger,
Michael Meyers,
and Pinhead.

One by one
each person
is sliced and diced
right through
their life
by monsters
that never leave
their mirror.

Then comes the Hellraiser
reflected before
my mother.
Razor chains of pain
explode out
and pierce her skin;
Embedding and shredding
tender flesh,
rending red screams
of terrible suffering
from her lips.

In her agony
she reaches out for me,
but I retreat
in a state of fear
tinged with
a little bit
of indifference.

When she realizes
that I will not
be the heroic type
and save her life
she slits her throat
and dies.

I awake, ashamed
and deeply disturbed.
Though, I
do not believe
in any higher meaning
part of me wants to know
what that was all about.
Lia Oct 2018
Fake Love
Such horribleness
It's given during relationships
When one doesn't love the other

Though, it can't be shown
Fake love is truly old
It distinguishes love
For one or more

They don't say it
They don't show it
It's obvious
Fake love is surely real
Graff1980 Jul 2021
I saw hate scrawled
on rest stop walls.

I know how it is scratched in
the American skin
so deep that it has become the origin
of our country's identity,

but listen up closely
this isn't how it's supposed to be.

Cause you are as sweet
as the nectar from a tangerine;

As vibrant as the sounds of the tambourine,

though you let that corporate machine
destroy the music and taste of your being.

Mass media making a monstrosity of the populace,
turning crowd to this horribleness
that spits slanderous statements
of how and why we should hate other
men, women, and children,
how to see them as less than human,

but we are all sisters and brothers
in these struggles.

We suffer similar maladies,
falter and fail because of our shared
frailty and fallibility,
but I believe we have the ability
to be so much better.
Graff1980 Jan 2021
I did not agree with
or act in a way to be complicit
with the actions of indecency committed
by my society.
I just feel there should be some sort of apology,
some sort of acknowledgment of this insanity.

All I can say is, I'm sorry truly and deeply.
I am saddened and maddened by what has happened.
I am sorry not for my inactions or actions in this
but for the mere existence of it,
for that which others will not admit
of the crimes that our forefathers did commit.
Even if we did not witness the horribleness,
we can still feel ill and accept the fact that
there should be a certain level of grief and compassion,
passed among this supposed bastion
of evolved human beings.
Graff1980 Jun 2020
to graying
long whiskers waving
creature displaying
innocence playing.

It’s a youtube
rabbit hole
that I follow
to ease my
sorrowful soul,
that has been
by this hollow

A ten minute
from what is
so urgent
as cute and fluffy
kind of scruffy
otters eat
and live

fur rubbing
to counter
I have witnessed
for most of
my life.

to swimming
to running,
on the rock

What a nice break
from the hate
I’ve seen.

Next stop
jungle sloths
hanging from
a tree.
Graff1980 Mar 2020
What is it
to visit
such explicit
whose family
and nation
has been

To compound
sins of violence
on the bodies of
those who were loved
but no longer
linger on here.

When the carnage comes
on the beat of
wicked war drums
does anyone,
but me
sit around wondering
what all this chaos means.

As shattering screams
follow collapsing buildings,
bringing in nightmares
for years and years.

As the household is demolished
a whole family line finished
in one horrible instance,

what the hell is the purpose
of all of this horribleness?

— The End —