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RCraig David Apr 2013
Wrote this while my best friend since childhood and I drove 1300 miles to South Florida on a whim for Spring Break. It's epic, so get comfortable.

"Approachable but you wouldn't know it.  Proclamations of the Romantically Challenged"

Day one.

We meet, old old friends...become old friends again.
We find our lost grins, ones only shared with our closer than kin.
Thin shagrins of lasting cynicism and sinister pasts are masks to the blasts we got away with and lived to tell the tale.
Alas, we are sons and friends first, not last.
We cling to our good old glory stories past,
But at last the time is new, our trip begins.
Wheels burn, stomachs churn.
Our aspired souls yearn,
to fire the liars and unconcerned.
We head for the East coast.
With temperatures rising,
approaching unseen horizons,
rejecting the superficially tantalizing,
we begin to feel our tattered souls wisen.
Talking a new talk, calculating the steps to walk a new walk.
Testifying our pains, devilishly dodging heavenly rains, the bitter pains.
Watching yourself in a friend, a cynical kidder gone bitter. Your mirror becomes your babysitter.
We search our hearts and back again down I-10.
We find strength and talk about things friends for life can only talk about on a walk about.
We lift some Spirits to lift our spirits.
Night falls,
we arrive alive… our walk about calls 1,365miles in 18 hours.

Day two begins.

Meet and greet with the beach.
Get a handle on some handy sandals,
some nicotine candy and butane candles.
A fifth of Daniels.
Jack and Jose will duel this day.
"You know it's know your fault, pass the lime and salt," ends most answers before noon.
Let's take some dares with the local fare, shadowing the glare of our wear and tear.
The sun fries,
windy sands fly,
waves pacify,
dropped bikini tops glimpsed from the corner of our eye, testify.
The Sun sets.

Shuffing off the nightlife status-quo of Clematis Row, we turn our walkabout into a Palm Beach Safari...Club.
Whoa! Rows and rows of walking, talking shows barely clothed from head to tanned toes.Making funnies about hunting honies preying on $$$.
The unattainable passes. We tap our glasses.
"Point in case, what a waste, such tragedies as these, a lot of money and a little cheese meets a little ****** in high cut sleeves, low-cut cleaves & cuts way above the knees.
Our cuts are deep. Bartender, two Yagers please."

Low and behold…on those stools sit no fools.
Breaking all rules.
with Coronas as fuel,
we inflate our jewels.
As we coach our approach, mentioning "I-10 and back again" prompts grins,
hides our cynicism and sins,
then, moving in to win friends.
Names and places put to faces, careful glancing, winks and dancing.
Alright, the trips to the bathroom are getting old.
Warm smiles once cold, honest questions and truths told…no souls sold…we fold? Hmmmm.
We leave and arrive alive.
Caffine and nicotine stay the scene until the wee hours overpower us.

Day three unfolds

The sun rises and the ocean calls.
Old molds broken
No lies spoken.
No need to peddle your life away settling on the day-to-day following peers falsely content and full of contempt.
Eyes turn bright,
the Sun pours over night,
dolphin, lime and salt,
golfing talk,
day approaches night.
Less tense and more pensive,
more apprehensive and less expensive,
even so we head out to even the evening,
to end our grieving and start achieving....something.
Latitude changes have rearranged our attitude gauges.
So we choose West Palm's Clematis Row to show us how a little rude,
lude and tattooed could clue us in on the anew.
Fools with jewels.
Girls with rules.
Uncool tools abound.
We walk this street of sleekish freaks,
the falsely meek,
lions that squeak.
"Club Respectables" is dubbed rejectables as the objectionable scene is seen as a scheme by vampires with recessive genes.
Next is Spanky's…Best described as "A frat boy fishing pole contest to tackle box in bait shack." One bucket of beer away from "I got your back Jack in case of attack."
We move along.
Colombia Supreme brewed proceeding it's fine grind and American Online becomes the sign of the times swaying us to stay and play at an Internet Cafe.

"I could live here," proclaims a cynical kidder once bitter now soothed by the sea spray and salty air.

Enlightenment heightened by a magic man,
near night's end, inspires an O'Shea's Black and Tan.
The crowd mocks and baulks the sidewalk scene from the patio Pub Dubbed Irish.
We greet the ground,
not the masses' frown,
seat our ***** down,
toast our glasses of black and brown,
our bitters with bite wash down the bitter frowns we normally wear out in our hometown.
"That's a sharp Harp's and sinister Guinness; can I get a witness?"

We head back down our beaten path, writing our epitaphs and usual eulogies...But you know that the "place" or your "space" will change your face, one makes the case."If you sound bitter and you look bitter, chances are you are bitter."
I begin to smile during our final mile of token jokes,
Corona smokes,
shiny Harley spokes.
We leave and arrive alive at the realization,
we have things to strive for in our lives.  
We smoke and joke and poke fun at the run down broken blokes we were before our fun in the sun had begun.
Day four begins.
We embark for the Ozarks. Our souls at ease.
Save the scene...the last palm tree's waving leaves,  
we wave our palms and leave.
1300 miles more,  
Pushing the morning hour of four,  
empty coffee cups galore,  
moonings a score,  
pedal to the floor,  
memories and more,  
we knew we would be back for more.  
Suddenly learning how insane our inane claims of waning fame should hold no shame,
we reframe our game.
Upon our return…
the strength to strive, take back our broken banks and breaking backs.
Less taxing, more relaxing..."it could happen"... eliquinent waxing.
As we search our hearts and back again, down I-10,we find the strength in things you can only talk about on a walk about,
but that's what it was all about.
By R.Craig David-copyrighted 1995
Here's a little story I tink you'll like.
It's not bout' two shmucks looking for amour.
It's all bout' me, my life, and my big fat bluntz.
Imma bout' to tell ya what Reggae's for.

Reggae stands for peace and the luv in yaself.
It's bout' them spankable honies and big fat beatz.
It's bout' sweet **** chicken and otha tasty stuff.
It's bout' that dank smell of ***** fillin' da streetz.

Reggae's da warm sensation from a fresh beef patty.
It's the chill rub-a-dub sound of dat Marley noize.
It's the Jamaican sun spreadin light on ya gurl's curves.
It's the dutty jammin ya get in to witcha dazy rond-boys.

*My life is Reggae. Reggae is my life
My first post. Hope you island boys preciate ma style.
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was busy as a bee.
Looking at all the pretty honies that he could see.
Whistling at all the ones that came his way.
Made it such a beautiful day.
He knew that he had it made.
Seeing all the honies on parade.
Filmore Townsend Feb 2013
standing the foot’s placement,
standing firm upon ground –
inner part of the firmament.
lasting two days, feet free’d in
levitating affects. mind, the
utter blank canvas. color
me complacent, color me adjacent,
color me a complete loss. irreparable.
two feet in place of a once four.
foundation, strength to build tall
some structure of love for my
blonde-hair’d beauty of the Midwest.
saw in ‘er somethin’, more nothin’
than anything. and this foundation’s
anchor stripped. two feet in place
of once four. irreconcilable, color me
a complete loss wanting all the
little honies, in the raw. healthier
that way, what with the better part
wanting no part. wise men, the one’s
seekin’ their own wisdom. their words
are ‘high-holy’, their ears catching err
syllables. feign deaf if their syllables
are not the ones being annunciated.
pushing past yesterday,
hoping this force can turn perpetual
motion, to the county line. away from
prying eyes with hundred reasons
to ****. don’t stop till the cops come
in, and don’t stop till the cops come
–if you’re Jesus Christ, man,
  i’ll be the ******* anti-Christ.
then coffee nulling images of shotgun
splatter. trying to rise. blasting now to
obviate noise of the morning coming,
–came here looking to be a pastor.
  kinda fell off the deep end since.
right, right.
–zombies back into the picture.
  better by the side.
back into the picture with life, with love,
with an eighteen car garage. lonesome,
something like that. to be awake when
the sun rises again. rising to explain a
hipster’s crystal sky. the eyes never
lye, don’t forget what’s been done.
don’t defend the trailing fallacies or
absences. and we’ve become un-
welcome, become destined, being
unfriend’d. but even these cats may
look at a King, though they’re in
some disgusting race to the end.
cops comin’ in, cops ******’ on
everything adjoin’d the scene. truly,
they’re some different form of hipster.
hip sir?  nah, sir.  nothin’ at all, and
don’t get got. smash those erry day
low prices with a strange fascination
for fascism. play it, play from the
******* heart, play to tear the *******
sky apart. to set out in tearing to destroy
the welfare ghettos. true Americana,
this welfare culture. with powder’d
nose and quivering lungs. reflections in
the pupil, a vain mirror for the souls
of others. a feel of miles, a feel of being
lost as its own adventure. nothing more than
a kid from Califax, a kid pushing onlys,
a kid smoking Marlboros to cure
hangovers, a kid with enough life for
years worth of days.
I'm so virtuous, it's practically a sin,
I'm pure of heart, better than all men.
I make Mother Theresa look like a Kuze,
I make Martin Luther look like Adolf ******
I'm so good, I might as well be King,
make 'em bow, make 'em kiss the ring.
But that's the thing about it, man,
I'm such a saint that I don't mind.
I made the angels fall before me in envy,
'Cause they jealous a mere mortal could be so more-than
Lucy himself had to bow his holy head
'cause he knew he weren't the most-loved.
Just look at me, man, you know I got it all,
I'm handsome and smart, and tall as tall.

I make good men look like murderers,
I make murderers look even worse than,
my light shines brighter than bright,
like a light lighter than light.
I make that saint, Peter, look so bad
he be more fit to judge who goes to hell.
Virgil and Dante alike would declare
I was the one true paradiso.
From my crown to my soles,
I'm built like a grand king, and this
earth be my gilded, golden throne.
Ever humble, though, I remain,
not one to doubt where I came from.
or what made me what I be.

I got a girl for every finger on my hand,
and y'all can best believe they know who the man.
Before you say I'm lusting, though, don't judge
I'm such a lover, I can't stick to one honey.
I don't beat 'em or hurt 'em or fuss 'em,
you know I don't yell 'em or cuss' em.
But let's be real, you know I be lovin'
them honies every day of the week.
They know they can't get no better,
cause I'm the greatest man they ever met.

Now some of them haters, they tell you
I got dat gluttony weighing me down,
but the hell do they know, it's not a crime
to enjoy a nice roasted turkey, downed with wine,
then capped with the finest chilled gelato,
along with caviar and baked alaska.
I won't lie to ya, I like to stuff my face,
but you know I always do it with grace.
I use the rarest silver, the flyest china.

And then I hear 'em say, oh man,
that guy is such a miser, oh so greedy,
but they just ain't true, I give to the needy.
Why, just last week, I gave 22 cents to a ***,
but not no more, cause I don't want to hold his hand,
dudes like him gotta stand on they own two feet.
And hey, I donated 5 dollars when the teller,
at the store asked me to, and felt like a saint.
How greedy can a guy like that really be,
even if he owns three benz, four boats, and a mountain goat?
Being wealthy ain't no crime, don't let 'em tell you
They just jealous cause they know I'm the
greatest man they ever gonna meet.

And don't you dare say, brother, that I'm lazy,
that I'm a sloth, cause that just ain't true.
Sure, I like to sit back, and relax, and think
about all those fat stacks I make back-to-back.
So what if I like to sleep in, when you fly like me,
time bows to you, not the other way around.
And hell, I go to work on time, and pay my bills,
and do what I gotta, even if I don't like it.
I get bored, I get listless, restless,
and wonder what the point of it all is,
but really, who among us doesn't?

When I think about those haters, it makes my
**** blood boil, but I ain't wrathful, or spiteful.
No, not one bit. If you want proof consider this.
When this idiot passed me in traffic, I was so
tempted to get a barbed wire bat and brain him,
but I didn't, cause I'm on that run, pacifist.
I'm like a monk, but more peaceful, if that were
possible. I make Gandhi look like Genghis.
Even nuns look at me, and think,
"That brother is one chill dude."

When I take that time to sit and meditate,
I often think about what others got that I ain't.
Like my friend, Charles, and his shinier benz,
it's red and newer, and somehow runs better.
When I think and I think, and I sit, and I
fester, I just want it so bad, that I want
to beat him down, and take it from him, cause
he don't deserve it anyway. A car like that
belongs to a king like me, not that drooling fool.
What was I saying? Oh, yeah, I never envy or
covet other's stuff, because I know it ain't right.
Cause, like I said, I'm the greatest man that ever lived.

Some say that pride comes before a fall,
but hey, Narcissus didn't fall off a cliff.
He turned into a flower, cause he was so ****
pretty. But compared to me, he might as well be
manure. Don't go saying I'mma be falling.
Cause my feet are secure, and my earth grounded.
I'm watching for every crack in the 'walk,
for every bump in that winding road.
I ain't ever gonna fall, ever going down.
I'mma keep on rising, till I'm shoulder-to-shoulder
with the angels on high, and don't say I can't,
cause all y'all know by now who you're talking to,
The greatest man that ever lived, and will ever live.
Take a good look into my Eyez
and journey with me beyond the wise
the universe never lies as time flies
i see the truth ever since i open up my eyes
from readin' spiritual books n now lets take a closer look
into  society i see them eyein' me cuz i see
an attack on black males masculinity?
they want us to embrace a feminine entity?
but america always been the enemy
public number one and i still pack my gun
just incase of a confrontation you dont drama cuz ima
street cat southside is where the hoods at?
we ain't sellin' out for bucks
you other suckas make like hockey sticks n pucks n get the ****
outta my way cuz i ain't down with the foul play or gay play
but im all about trigger play and watch yo body lay and decay
in the ground htown soldiers stompin' on yo killin' grounds
i see death all around envisions of gun sounds
repeatin' in my head **** i can't shake what these voices said?
im a revolutionist stay true to this i Rock like Chris
yeah im comin' for the radio *****
"Hit 'Em Up" like Pac
ridin' with the homies packin' the glocks it dont stop
im old school baby ridin' the gravy train things aint the same
these young fools ******' up the game
like face said who stole the soul? easy? believe me
white emcees aint got no business in black music
cuz they abuse it no soul behind it yall been blinded
they runnin' minstrel shows so that goes to show
times aint really change embrace with so much pain
im makin' skins manged industry deranged
not me imma stay true to the streets
born in '86 when Rakim' dropped his first classic
"Check Out My Melody"
Im tryna open ya Cerebellum G
and know we was made from the scorn of our ancestors born
in a slavery planatation farm but don't be alarm
**** a good luck charm and since i gotta strong arm take notes as i swarm
like bees makin' all the honies come to me ya see
it ain't about being a mack its about bringin' the game back
black to the hood it's understood
i got rap rhythmn and blues in my soul word? i can't be fade or played out
im goin' out like scarface and at the end of my chapter
theres goin' to be a rapture like the comin'
of the 144 thousands and ill be sippin' daiquiris on a hidden island
laughin' and smilin'
i get away like Asanti Shakur
with boats by the shore give me an encore
lyrically spiritually i spit it better than the average emcee please
don't compare me
to these new jacks spittin' wack i spit facts over fiction
im breakin' jurisdiction and the court system is wack
never workd for us blacks they say we was lazy? imagine that?
america without blacks inidians and mexicans
we built this ******* word to my great grandmother
we comin' back for the lost sons of satan we ain't hesitatin'
revolution in position only times awaits for the great stake
better have your heart sake cuz once my shells shake
somebody body gone break as I rake
up the chaos like leaves fallin' outta trees spirits guide me
and tell me what to say so **** how it comes out
runnin' yo mouth catch a gun quick click
from my index finger now you in serious **** my clique be thick
like ants runnin' on the hill we comin' to veto ya bill cant you understand
i got all eyez on me it aint no surprise as i rise
no compromise black folks wake up and
ya fools betta recognizeeee.......
just sitting here shakin my head
at these generation ahead
**** they goin fed
all about they bread
they'll sell they sold riches
just for *******
temporary fame
but let me show ya game
lil youngin'
i been layin rhymes
since Duncan was in his prime
never took bank shots
always hit nothing but net
make sweat with no heat
hypothermia im swarmin ya
like bees get all the honies
while yall playin for money
im playin for keeps
cadillac and old school jeeps
peep my artillery my game is
sick sadistic
if you aint down with it
i suggest ya get with it
if not then listen to my shot gun
blast through ya soul
as i take back control
young revolutionaries standin guard
waiting for the plot
takin over defense spots
killin' all they evil knots
broke the chain now im free
regain my conscious
tired of the nonsense
yall gone make me turn a killer
back when i was doin dirt in the army

now that ya got a lil taste of the game
would ya do stuff ya not
use to mayne??
hell naww not me
i rather die a soldier than a *****
so dont push me
ya ready to one on one
with my gat strapped
under my chest
and back pockets
i shoot flames like a rocket
headed for space lets make space
for my enemies near me
look at hillary
the next president
watch how high cost livin residents
gotta move out their houses
and the spouses
fighting over silly ****
they laughin even in the pulpits
churches of satan some say im blatant
i talk loud with out usin sounds
puff a cloud mushroom kaboom
all ya seen was gore in the room
am i sick or is it a dream?
turned reality in actuality
my locality be
anywhere that ya cant pinpoint on the map
all these newjacks back
cuz they wack
**** the new slavery im all about bravery
got cheated out a c i b
doing ***** dirt from the army
but yall cant harm me
im back on top of thangs
**** swags and this dl ****
i hate to brag
so i tell it how it is
look at alll these ******* desperate kids
ill gather up a nation
with blood lines from haitian
to Jamaican no fakin' G
its time for the stand of the last revolutionaries
i aint scared to be buried
in the cemetery
wither cremated or layin in a casket
dont worry me because i know when i die
ill restore my spirit with sunshine eternity
ya know im sayin''''
now that ya got a lil taste of the game
would ya do stuff ya not
use to mayne??
hell naww not me
i rather die a soldier than a *****
so dont push me
ya ready to one on one
with my gat strapped
under my chest
and back pockets
i shoot flames like a rocket
headed for space lets make space
for my enemies near me
look at hillary
the next president
watch how high cost livin residents
gotta move out their houses
and the spouses
fighting over silly ****
they laughin even in the pulpits
churches of satan some say im blatant
i talk loud with out usin sounds
puff a cloud mushroom kaboom
all ya seen was gore in the room
am i sick or is it a dream?
turned reality in actuality
my locality be
anywhere that ya cant pinpoint on the map
all these newjacks back
cuz they wack
**** the new slavery im all about bravery
got cheated out a c i b
doing ***** dirt from the army
but yall cant harm me
im back on top of thangs
**** swags and this dl ****
i hate to brag
so i tell it how it is
look at alll these ******* desperate kids
ill gather up a nation
with blood lines from haitian
to Jamaican no fakin' G
its time for the stand of the last revolutionaries
i aint scared to be buried
in the cemetery
wither cremated or layin in a casket
dont worry me because i know when i die
ill restore my spirit with sunshine eternity
ya know im sayin''

just sitting here shakin my head
at these generation ahead
**** they goin fed
all about they bread
they'll sell they sold riches
just for *******
temporary fame
but let me show ya game
lil youngin'
i been layin rhymes
since Duncan was in his prime
never took bank shots
always hit nothing but net
make sweat with no heat
hypothermia im swarmin ya
like bees get all the honies
while yall playin for money
im playin for keeps
cadillac and old school jeeps
peep my artillery my game is
sick sadistic
if you aint down with it
i suggest ya get with it
if not then listen to my shot gun
blast through ya soul
as i take back control
young revolutionaries standin guard
waiting for the plot
takin over defense spots
killin' all they evil knots
broke the chain now im free
regain my conscious
tired of the nonsense
yall gone make me turn a killer
back when i was doin dirt in the army
Smooth is the name I go by
F to e to the s o to the Y
Spelled it backwards now flip it forward
You get Yosef the most explosive
As a land mind in contact get off the bozack
Emcees these days so wack they lack
The skills to pay the bills and in the high hills
Got girls from USA Peru Somoa and Brazil
So haters chill as I lay a cut to another mill
Made while y'all played I keep it slayed
To a ****** ya never heard of a
Brother silky as me next to the BIG
Daddy Kane
Blessin' ya with lyrics cuz I be the originator
A Smooth operator

Grindin lyrics from the factories of my mind
That flash like a nine fast time no rewind
As I incline others decline smooth the line
Count ya steps carefully when you approach the bassline
The sweet taboo like Sade ya love me
Soldier of love all of the above
No haters allowed seek out in the crowd
Once the Microphone touches my hand watch em get loud
No party poopers quick to scoop ya
Out the scene where's my vanilla chocolate ice cream o yea
Slide ya like a fader the operator

The flavors looking good and there I stood
Between all the honies different tastes of the beauties
Shakin' bootys got the style so ya know they won't loose me
Lyrics soft as silk but cut like a ribbon
As make the mental incision
Shadow of a glare no truth or dare
Its big Yosef coming from the rear
The extraordinaire
My dear the one and only real playa
Others is custom so they downgrade ya
Classic as Sega clawed like Vega
Cuz I be a Smooth operator
Know for my tenacious D
Defense intense once my offense
Sets the commence None could circumvent
My tactics are magical like the call of the oracle
Mentally shatter their corticals through embryo
From my deadly material wipin up out serials it'll take a miracle
To get with this super lyrical
My swift flow known to crack even the earths skulls
Bigger than vessel
Leaking cabbage call it mother nature savage
Taking advantage as I uncover the hidden Black Atlantis
Still breaking through the suffering
Burn em sacrifice em like a habitual offering
It don't matter the seasons
Winter fall summer or spring
I got lyrics that'll even make the dead sing
Outta the graves none could graze
Slick as the Fonz on Happy Days
Freeze em like Ice Tray once the shots fire from the AK
We need more rhymers eat more flesh than Jeffrey Dalmer
Or better yet I bring more Heat than Mario Chamers
I hang with big dons who carry big weapons No small timers
We gives a **** about the law
That's why I'm an outlaw out for the law
Talk legalese from my maw quick with my southpaw
Word from Amenra
Peace to the God Ra kim ask him
He'll say my flows rock him
Like a vibrations of soundwaves
Causing spiritual concave can't be saved
If ya holy rights is waived flows like an ocean wave
Crash when I touch the shore too ******* we get an encore
From the fourscores of war thunderous Thor
Hammers smashin' melon lowerin' temperatures
Knockin' out amateurs with the strength of a pandas
Bite pressure to bamboo bam boom got freedom riders bocu to straight Lagoons
We forming legion prepare for the seizing
We ain't sizing we only galvanizing
Skills made critical for rappin' judicial
Rhyming official takin' apart the elitist rituals

We got the triggers to back bend with the hands on a Mack 1o
Ready to do a 5 to 10 for brain entering
That means for 5 to 10 minutes we crackin' souls and shells within'
Let the pain settlin' in yo death dwellin'
Commited to being a lyrical felon
Aint. No tellin' was droppin from my melon
Unravel the spiritual material turn critics satirical
Infect hataz like bacterial spread ***** like venereal
Sittin' as a Vizierial so my flows a miracle
Milk em like cereal execution from my disciplined imperial
Take no ******* from any burn em like Penny
On Good Times make good rhymes
Cuz I'm
The Coldest on the microphone I  be the holder tactics deep as Gopher
Take a sniff of the Jatropha
got golden sun honies in the villages of Ethiopia
Reality Utopia brailin' others anopia
Check my cornucopia
wordsmith assasinate like Caligula
Picture perfect with my verbal cinema
Laid out like a peninsula
Mental formula laid out so it's similar
Spit the tech nine that'll  leave holes in ya neck like Dracula with multiple xray bone fractures
Flipped like a spactula
Contaminate like preyin' forficula
And vindictive as the goddess Proserpina
A soldier frontline,
Government spine,
Broke the contracted sign,
To free my mind,
Now they give me time,
To free my mind,
***** of conscious,
I cant stand the nonsense,
Keep it tense, like the filth the radio rinse,
But they hands still *****,
Snitches grow birdy,
I hold my knuckle game stirdy,
Aint nothing purdy,
Bout this game of life,
I stick sharp as a knife,
Got a fly wife, whos down for the strife,
Tiff for tact, imagin that,
Gods is black,
With the angels holding back,
Zuez lightning rods, how odd,
Is that, dogs still chasing cats,
Cheese given to rats,
But aint smart enough,
To avoid the trap,

Verse 2 "Unreleased"

This flows any ethered,
Sneaks of the reaper,
From this bomb ******,
Explodes my mind,
Like subs of a speaker,
Feel the depths of a soul seeker,
Got ya eyes on a tweeker,
Back to this cheeba,
Met this bad chick named Anita,
Baker with the, rhymes i got,
Plus she knew, how to hook up fly food in a ***,
Gave me the best she got,
Plus she knew how,
To get me rock,
Hit hard **** slow, seven inches weighing heavy below,
Lets keep it clean, almost had me guillotine,
Skully *******, scraping for scents of riches,
Weak ****** tried to get my picture,
In the cemetery, but i missed the bury,
Caught the blast, now they resting lovely,
Im smiling above thee,
While my moms worrying me,
Scared that'll ill be,
Dead or in the penitentiary,
But the streets raised me,
Since daddy abandoned me,
Cant get right with the honies,
Seems they act funny,
When ya wanna do right,
But its easier to wrong so see ya,
Im itching for a blazer,
Putting a taser, to ya mind
Like a cut from a razor,
Barber style, never did like to smile, problem child,
Eyes open like an owl,
Wolf instincts to a howl, its blood on the moon,
I feel leeches lurking from feels of the gloom,
Im crowded with goons,
Many demons in room,
Can't trust no one, only if im touching the tombs,
Free at last from the gunblast,
Now im getting carried by six,
Face blurred with the wooden mask,
Caught the ears of Paaimon rings dramaderies sitting in the bling
Sunshine glowing in orings feel the celestial angel in a sing I bring
Drama permanent trauma war soldier creed I follow the persona
Who wanna mic check any local laid smooth vocals this ain't a minstrel
But I show ya a face painted in black as tar leaders of the news scars
From battlefield wombs til I touch the tombs yall infused zoom
Wisdom heirloom wear it like my girls perfume scent to bloom
Blood pressure a skyscraper highs moments I kiss of the thai
Why ask why I was born to die freak of nature lies in the eyes pies
Being baked without the oven aside the shoving tough loving
See hostility hovering over the clouds of mankind i stand on nines
Pierced the sunshine once the darkness is combined outlines
Of my energy sitting comfy smooth as Humphrey racking in money
Honies only leech to ya when they see ya what reality preach
I breach they contract ** stamp that see where they hearts at?
Broke em up where they had the connect at tie down the stats
Champion of Dons they dont want one with the grand title Solomon

I went from a boy prince to a king sitting tall as Yao Ming
Big brothers over all of my siblings purple reigns still dribbling
In the purest form calculated a chemist charm out swarms
A new product me holding the check I got new mics to wrecks
And forget what my peers reject I take wisdom scholars to collect
Poetry symphony ears sharp beethoven sounds I hound
Drown all the negativity with creativity mics the remedy
Once the beats gravitates towards me yall ain't feeling me
But I guarantee you'll feel these ghetto blues light the fuse
Cristal bubbly packs of the dubs in the clubs multiple ladies
On my payroll gangstas lawyers to the GI Joe's that's how it goes
Out grows my portal of knowledge keep the clique half circle
So I can see what's behind me yall rewind me see the sanctity
Lifes a ***** I never had a kid with it only a few hits then i flipped
The chips is stacked at an all time high know I got scopes on me from the ghetto birds in the sky!!!
Sometimes i wish i could fly
Seeing the way everyday we dying like flies
Illusioned by freedom, chained by lies
What such has become of our lives
Trying to cover death with
Trying to cover death with
Living like in land of milk and honies
Whilst the inside dies, we have immunity to cries
This is killing us softly inside, we can't trust outside
Life has become a jig-saw game, sides versus
Besides paying the price of sins and deeds
Indeed it is our lives trying for good deeds
However all we are acting and witnessing are
Sometimes i levitate
Trying to gravitate
For balance i strive to create
Contemplate, if i were to be summoned by the courts of the afterlife to be a witness,
Would i be ashamed or proud to testify
That is why
Sometimes i wish i could fly
With me, lift everyone's morals high and not fear to die
#tribute #loved_ones #not_in_my_name #black_lives_matter #all_lives_matter #no_to_abuse #no_to_femicide #emotional_conscious_conscience
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
Everything was great it seems.
Because he was living on potato chip dreams.
Sunday night football with glasses of beer.
Brought a whole lot of cheer.
Chasing honies on Saturday night at the local bar.
He was a potato chip eating star.
Check the flavors,
I drop in ya ear,
Giving unknown fears,
See these, guns in the rear,
Begins the draws of tears,
So why dont, you lend me an ear,
And hear,
The sounds, of the notorious,
Hoes adore us,
Haters can't, ignore us,
They just bore us,
Cut them cats,
Up under us,
As the girlies, become a lush,
Just keep it on the hush,
The DL, you can tell,
By the smell,
Of my cologne, mixed with perfume,
From the honies, up in my room,
Cant escape the boom,
Goes the, dynamite,
Cleveland, get ya head right,
I bang on all systems,
Shots of henny, in my cup,
Silenced, those tryna come up,
I run up,
Yo fair, dont care, mister mister yosef,
The next made millionaire,

I could switch up the flow,
Far from amateur,
So, peep the pro,
That sticks like pyro,
Haters know,
When im bout to blow,
Up the spotlight,
Keep the rhymes tight,
Envision my sight,
Organize **** tyte,
Hell yeah, im getting jiggy tonight,
different flavors,
Off of the height,
can't pass the plight, suckas mad
So they, gotta take a sight,
To my seeing,
Make those, non-believers consumers,
Guard it down like Dumars,
Detriot bad boy,
Wipe the blood, from my eyes,
Like Isiah,
True player, some of your best friend, be the main hators,
Silk suits worn, with the snake belt, to the gators,
I stay with more,heat than the equator,
Tell me who come off greater,?
The great Y, o s e f,
Punishin' ya careers, to unknown depths,
Tap ya face from the great amazing race
Grace blades of ace gambit throws torpedo
Rolls blows the mind define a mastermind
Rewind the first line stand in  line felines
Want me to break off their spines grind
Summers sleep in winters hibernate money
A bear stingy with honies fakes act funny
When they strategy turns tragedy ya majesty
take a blast at me only to excite evil me
Juggernaut on the loose chickens roost
Hate the boast never shaky with the toast
Turn ya flesh ghost now you deaths host
Coast to coast **** near smokin' overdose
None come close stamp emcees with no post
spit it like an affidavit critics crave it rave it
Crowds engraved it pave words sentiments
cinnamon glazed honey tenants scented
plans move like a corrupted state senate
Pinned to genesis exodus the shams rust
leaky trust let the hipsthrust ******* gush
cream pie cherry thighs drippin' sippin'
The best of the drink let my mind sink
In sync stares a thousand miles with no blink
Vietnam tactics guns rolling with mix fits
only snakes try to sell ya a diamond back to attack
the Semi-conscious i broke childish nonsense
If you ain't throwing up the roc you gettin'socked

— The End —