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Anais Vionet Aug 2022
Fall semester starts tomorrow. It’ll be exciting - for a few days - but it won’t be long before we’ll miss the tanned bodies of summer, the cool, clear lake-water or lounging carefree, on bright, sand-like gravel beaches.

Tomorrow, things will be different. Our days will start earlier, they'll be a value - a new currency - to morning hours that went wasted on unproductive summer vacations. The change will be sudden, herk, there may be an audible pop of some sort, somewhere, in tonight’s darkest hours.

We’ll be going to the gym so early that we’ll be done and leaving before the first, lazy pigments of sunlight weave morning.

I imagine my room looks like backstage at a new Broadway musical, the very first rehearsal - when nothing’s set in stone and everything’s a mess. My clothes are everywhere. Why did I decide to reorganize tonight? Brilliant.

Peter wants to come over but.. “No,” I say, sighing, overwhelmed. “Look,” I say, as I slowly pan the Facetime camera around the war zone that my room has become.

“Oh, my GOD,” he says, jerking back in horror, like a Californian seeing a fur-coat, “Was anyone HURT?!”

“Ha, Ha, I say, sarcastically, suddenly too tired, “Breakfast at 6:30?” I ask.

“Sure,” he says, taking a tucked pencil from behind his right ear. “Guh-night,” he says.

“See-YA!” I say, pressing the red button and letting gravity guide my phone to a gentle rest atop the clothes-pile that’s concealing my bed.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Overwhelm: overpowered by feelings

Herk = heck
To traverse the terrain of logic, common consideration in mental expectation and in keeping the public's entertainment of notifications well placed in unscripted floor plans, not to mention the exuberance of those oh so willing to test the nerve of the pulsing jokes taunting the core value of the herk a ****.

The traverse from the need based , Food, Housing, life and limb to the higher minded considerations of abstract thought where a ball is a call to rise ones ability to suspend disbelief we find it not not unlike, making a tighter turn than the bad guy can muster up to with stand or believe possible to them and their well oiled machine.

So in this we find a random house effort to win the masses with a check to the mental and emotional standard barer in such guide on's as were a flag upside down and flowing haphazardly in verse  all reverse and running away from the very battle for which they have trust upon the deer hearted and needy of us all.

And we smile and say, Welcome to the party, wish you were here, but then again  we are comfortably numbed to the pains for which you have cast such doubts upon the soul of our matter. and you no longer matter and we don't mind that bad folks don't matter yet can forth of july the lake of fire and fry.

As we the good folks smile and see that turning such a tight turn can cause the bad folk pause for concern.

Smile, they hate it when we turn their scripted page, like it was a popup book discussing daily wages.
Charles Sturies Aug 2017
I think I'm a ****
and that I have to lurch
that I'm what is known
as a high **** or herk.
But I know how to flirt.
That I should compensate
chortle chortle
All for the sake of movement
of mental health.
I realize I'm kind of
a wet blanket,
objecting to things
that might make for parishioners
and I don't think I'm a
voice in the wilderness
or of course the vox populi,
but I like the think
I'll sink or swim
on a whim
of a hint
of that very same sink or swim
when it comes to good
mental health I call it
or new trends in things
It's because of my bitterness
for not changing with the times
or just lack of self-esteem
who knows why
as if I'm complex
and trying to be my own psych tech.
I'm sorry for reiterating
this subject several times before.
I know there's only one way to describe
a mental state but that's just not true
Charles Sturies

— The End —