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Ignatius Hosiana Mar 2015
Step by step I'm walking away
It's a battle creating a wider gap
But It's more disastrous to stay
So forgive my walking chap
I'm trying to close my ears
To the crescendos of regret
I don't wanna show you my tears
I don't want you to feel in debt
I'm walking away
From the haunty -taunty memories
Walking past the effervescent fairies
I'm walking further from cradle
I need a rest from the entire struggle
Been sticking around too long
Together but too alone
It's time I found some company within
I'm finally lifting up my chin
Not to prove I got a beard
To face the reality I've hither feared
I'm walking so deep into the jungle
I'm going past my limit triangle
Past the games I underscored
To the peaks I've not explored
Beating the limits lingering like a shadow
With only my mind as my Ammo
I'm going far far away
From here, I’m walking away
I wronged you,
          I knew I did,
I ignored you,
          I broke our creed,
I grew weak,
          And took a break,
I sought peak,
          And troubled the lake,
You reached out,
          But I ignored,
You did shout,
          While yet I snored,
You did pray,
          While I was drunk,
I was prey,
          Unto books and funks,
You did stay,
          For so very long,
I can't allay,
          This burden of wrong,
Now I see,
          That which you saw,
I was he,
          So blind to his flaw,
I so hope,
          That it's not too late,
How do I cope,
          If this is fate,
I have learnt,
          A very big lesson,
I'm like a cent,
          Totally gone missing,
Do forgive me,
          And have me back,
Do relieve me,
          From this haunty dark,
I wronged you,
          I knew I did,
I ignored you,
          I broke our creed.


— The End —