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Àŧùl Sep 2014
As a student you hold a pen,
Just so very often.
Hold it carefully and take its care,
For it can get broken.
Threading all the letters beautifully,
Cursive you write so neat.

We complement each other,
That too so well.
You need polishing just a bit more,
I need a lot of it.
Earlier my handwriting used to be worse,
But now it has improved as you have come.

Come and write your name,
Not on paper but on my arm.
Come now and come closer to me,
This feels like a dream materialized.
Now that Both have chosen The Best,
I am just glad that we chose each other.

I look at your handwriting,
It means the world to me dear.
When your heart is so beautiful,
Your handwriting is also gorgeous.
Yeah you saw my handwriting,
It is not like your elegant one.
So I am content that our children'll have beautiful handwritings.

Your handwriting tells me that you're innocent,
It also showcases a beautiful heart which I love.
Capitalize on your boon of good handwriting,
Success beckons you and now you just need to study sincerely.
A poem for your handwriting Kripi.
I love everything about you.
Everything about you is so ****.
Your handwriting is no exception.
Look at this poem's number!

My HP Poem #666
©Atul Kaushal
Stephen KING Mar 2014
We open the door the young prince is at his desk
You can tell he's excited his heart beats out his chest
Pen flying across the paper his handwritings a mess
But he tries to write neater, hey he's doing his best
He's trying to show the world a man they've never met
Trying to put into the words all the things they'd never get
And he gone do away with al these feelings of regret
Got alot of things to do, so many things to write
And he aint even tired he's been up all night
Just trying to get it done, and it's gotta be perfect
He's passing up on fun, he knows it'll be worth it
The looks on al the faces when they see what he did
So he looks in deep places for feelings that he's hid
He's got bottled up, he's breaking off the lid
Think the world gives a ****? He's a naive kid

— The End —