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Michael DR Muse Jun 2015
Sometimes when I write
It keeps me up all night
But it'll be Okay
I'll sleep in the day
Cause these heavy eyelids
I can't fight
KM Jones Jul 2010
I took tea with Dr. Suess
He was really quite polite
He tipped his hat, tall and round
And always spoke in rhyme.

He told me stories of Sam I Am
Between bites of pasteries
I told him how I loved to write
And that he inspired me.

His cheeks turned a cherry red
As he wiped at his mustache
I laughed at his quick ancedote
About Cat In The Hat.

All too soon, the clock struck noon
He said he had to leave
He paid the tab, then tipped his hat
And said "goodday" to me.
July 15, 2008
KD Miller Jan 2015

at high noon, and
i think, high tide
She looked up at the shy pisces sun, which is never brilliant,
tripped over a brick, traced her long shadow on the sidewalk
with her finger in the air
and i had to remind her I was standing right behind.
she'd say "right, that you are" I was tempted to
add that I wasn't quite sure about that.

I noticed our shadows were contorted, stretched
like papyrus,
I was remembering how she'd announce at times with no
order: "I am happy" or "I'm sad" while watching T.V.
or walking down the lane.
But now she didn't quite seem to say much.

And I was always asking "Amy you happy? Amy you sad?
Amy you OK? Amy you fine?" Amy you ok? Amy you ok? Amy you ok? Going well? Fine?
It was like that

we held hands in a modern art museum is how we met
"It's a good picture," she had noted of "My Grandparents, My Parents and Me".
I had looked sidelong to its neighbor, a picture of a trashcan
trying to desperately scream about some societal ill
lost in translation forever.

I had already given up when she had given me a 'goodday'
I didn't care about seeing her anymore
but it still hurt.

My name? Jane. Bryant Jane. Born a man
or at least Earth Planet tells me my parts belong to a boy, whatever that is.
In second grade kids teased me and I went by my middle name
as a form of protest against them.

Looking back, I was feeding them.
Or was i starving them?

I read once the name Jane is considered bad luck
in English royal life
I entertained this just as I did my taut masculinity
this 'girl' Amy found it cute. but

remember how i had ended up asking for her opinion on everything in the end?
because she would not say it on her own volition?
Star BG Sep 2017
Sun I am
breathing out rays of light and power.
Sun I am  
drifting in sky to bring morning light.
Sun I am
warm you and tanning your skin.
Sun I am
Setting the way to say goodday to usher in the Moon.

Moon I be
shinning each night with different crests.
Moon I be
vibrating light  graceful moving among stars.
Moon I be
showing my power to light up the sky.
Moon I be
something to wish upon
as one squints to see
a cow jumping over my moon.

— The End —