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Daniel Magner Nov 2012
Do we got ghosties
up in hurr?
© Daniel Magner 2012
Aye think o this
When winter breezes blaws aroun'
whare silent thochts are filled wae gloom
and drifting words,they echo past
frae fearful man an fearful lass
In haunted hooses and misty lans
whare Ghosties an gobblins an unco bans
Pass atween this an theirs, that form
amidst tha thunders crashing storm.

Aye tucked up aroun yeer mithers apron
wae teeth a nashing an voices wailing
Fine ye ken this unhaly nicht
tis filled wae all unGodly licht
Craw tha Banshee frae tha Ben
like howlet song throughoot tha Glen.
Satan, Auld horney casts his lots
for innocent bairnies fresh frae their cots
An' ancient stories there arise an fly
Like shooting stars that fill tha sky
for here in tales tha croonies dae rattle
in haunting airs and fiendish battle
leagons arise tae tha masters calling
This nicht hell awakens, aahhh tha heevens are falling.

Here in blackened darkened skies
whare lichtning flashes weaves an cries
An mortal man fears fa his soul
against that heelish burning coal
Ministers intae their beds are fleeing
wae ranting verses fa all their Dealing.

Whare auld worn hags an witches cast
upon tha waters that blaw an blast
drooning mony tha ship an sailor
all fa tha glory O their Demonic tailor
when cauldrens stir in bubbling brews
An damnation demands its richtful dues
tha lan' it heaves and haws
devouring all within its jaws
A Blood red Moon casts her lot
whare evil men have Died an fought
tha Earth auld an worn frae tribulation
demands the blood of every nation.
Here within the fields o life
brither against brither in war an strife
hae released all this fiendish nightmare
fa all their guilt,fa all they share

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
Edward Laine May 2012
All the trees with polythene leaves like ghosties trapped in branches.

Dancing drunk with headphones on//& you are the taste in my mouth.

My only ambition is to one day, some how, if only for a moment, be completely angelic.

I dreamt that my eye lids were reflective thoughts on the balcony.

I guess it just boils down to one final rule - EVERYBODY HAS GOT TO **** SOMETHING.

Walking home with Satchmo.

It’s never too late, fall down the stairs.

If I had a car I wouldn’t have to pay rent.

The lights on the buildings shut off when they see me coming.

Walk by the river until there’s blood in my shoes.

You dress like a jumble sale & hide your teeth when you smile.

Two left feet & two right shoes.

Go outside. Drink if you want to - (HM).
Olivia Kent Jul 2013
A weekend of wonderful words exchanged,
Words written on the bus to books being read,
To tales of ghosties and ghoulies and Poe,
In darkness and brightness,
Feeding two wordy heads,
As we rest in my bed,
Hard to believe that many will ever know,
The impact of words in poetry or prose,
Maybe I guess only you and I care,
Apart from our friends dotted everywhere,
One day soon we'll be together again,
To revel in words of pleasure and pain,
Until that sweet day, which won't be too long,
In our poetic hearts we both belong!
By ladylivvi1
© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Jonny Angel Jul 2014
I found
an old water-damaged,
framed prayer
in a second hand shop.
I stopped
dead in my tracks
when I saw it.
It immediately
took me back
to my younger days,
when Dad would read me Poe.

And now it hangs
over my cabin-bed
& brings me
some measure of comfort.

"From ghoulies and ghosties,
and long-leggetied beasties,
and things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord deliver us"
Ben Stoneking Aug 2010
shades of red and blue
streak across her face
a knowing eye of perceptive sight
and mouth of slightest taste

tell me what you think

now there's a thought thats in my mind
looping over and over through my eyes making me blind.
looking at the snakes moving in her hair
though i want to see her face but i'd never dare
for you see, the way things gotta be
for it seems that have got to leave behind this dream
for the things that we conceive the things that we perceive
there's nothing we can do or find to hold on to
besides, the celestial extra terrestrial
existential and past transcendental
things not conceivable within our mind,
more powerful than things that we can make or find.

tell me what you think

she comes to me from my dreams
and from my revelations
her lips will kiss and caress my face
and unveil my inspirations

tell me what you think

dreams are the means of visitation
for the goddess that appears in every situation
for she's beautiful and yet so very frightening
and the grass that she slithers on scarlet lightning.
when i see so many things i don't know what it brings
but with her beautiful stare i lose all sense of care.
the words she speaks are revelation
with her breath on my face, its intoxication.

tell me what you think

shake the ghosties out my head
and find some place thats warm
close the windows by my bed
and run from all the ants and worms

tell me what you think
i put this to music. look it up and leave some comments.
Mark Bell Apr 2017
Ghostly goings on in my underpants
Where me found ****** sycophants
Brown little creepers with longish tongue
Ghosties have got me by the ghoulies
Somehow it doesn't seem wrong.
Natures little crawlers rising to the top
If they don't release my ghoulies
There all be for the chop
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
A weekend of wonderful words exchanged,
Words written on the bus to books being read,
To tales of ghosties and ghoulies and Poe,
In darkness and brightness,
Feeding two wordy heads,
As we rest in my bed,
Hard to believe that many will ever know,
The impact of words in poetry or prose,
Maybe I guess only you and  I care,
Apart from our friends dotted everywhere,
One day soon we'll be together again,
To revel in words of pleasure and pain,
Until that sweet day, which won't be too long,
In our poetic hearts we both belong!

By ladylivvi1
© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
brandon nagley Jun 2015
She's a rebel
Hangs out on mainstreet
Past midnight!!!

With the ghoulies and ghosties!!!
Sheila Haskins Jan 2022
Remember the beauty of night scented flowers
Remember the shadows cast on leafy bowers
A mysterious cloak falls, day shift is ending
Power arises as dark is descending
Reawaken old magic, dance to the rhythm
Rejoice in your role, the heart you were given
The bards and the ancient ones calling the runes
The witches and warlocks dancing their tunes
This is the light of the night of strange things
Of faeries and ghosties, creatures with wings,
In misted guise the Earth is transforming
As in the distance begins a new dawning
It’s a hidden world, a twist to the tale
As slowly but surely up hill and down dale
The night scented flowers return to the deep
Their day time companions awaken from sleep
No human can know all the things that go on
When Earth closes her shutters, daylight is gone
So remember the beauty of night scented flowers
Fragrant moon blossoms, rejoice in the power
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
A little boy read me his story
Written slowly and with thought
Listening inside his head
As the words he learnt to talk,
Saw his head intently bent
Earnest to get the right  scent,
Stopped here and there
Could he hear a cat's purr?
So the story became about
Two cats in a scary house
A nasty character masquerading
And spooky ghosties
Going through the ceiling.

Thank you Monty for your inspiration.
Glad you want to be a writer..

Love Grandma ***
As a child
I thought there were tigers under my bed
Ghosties round the room
A dragon at the window
A puppy on my head

We used to walk to the twiggery
and bring my mum a gift
we had a duck with ducklings follow us
And a water rat, oh drat

My mum sent us
to take them all right back
We put the cat in the pram
and caught a dragon fly

mum couldn't cope with it
so she took Prince ******, aye
especially school holidays
my poor mum she did sigh!

— The End —