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Robyn Dec 2012
Everyday I'm falling deeper
I stalk you like a creeper, creeper
Nothing can keep me away
EnderMen better stay away
I'll travel to the Nether for you
I'd **** the EnderDragon for you
I started with 10 hearts to spare
But now I couldn't really care
The only heart that's really crucial
Is the one I give to you
I've traveled deserts, plains, and seas
Fought cougars, Ghasts, and rotting zombies
I've looted desert temples and villiages
I am nothing but a pillagar
I'll love you until I'm very old
But its as hard to find you as a stronghold
I started with 10 hunger to spare
But now I couldn't really care
If you're hungry, I know what I'd do
I'd give all my food to you
Because I love you (Minecraft)
I really do
from mouth to messiah, the words felt compressed
lungs gasping frantic and fever dream blush
the croaking of hymns crescendo in the absence
of pomp left extinct in the burrowing hush

charisma unfiltered, he's charged with a burden
of casting the rhythm away from the strut
horned-god-be-******, the spittle and curse
that left mark on the imps and ghasts in his gut

by mother and kin, the night would seep in
and by father-in-tomb he'd oppose it,
for if paradise quakes and the bricks wilt and bend,
death would not emerge lest he chose it
The night is like a sharpened knife,
It slides inside the softened butter of my sleep,
Slices, and spreads.
My dreams are a feast for beasts that haunt
The shuttered soul of my very human heart.
That first taste; sweet, like the first brave stars
That wave goodbye to dusk.
Heady then, those midnight licks
From something sated, gorging here for greed alone.
Soon, their appetite curdles,
My dreams within those gaping maws,
Turned foul and rank, now turn on those that feed.
As dawns shy song bids night ghasts flee
My dreams return, at last, to me.
Not sure what this is about. I have not been sleeping well, in a lot of physical pain, hopefully to be rectified soon with surgery. Think it's about that, about sleep being stolen by pain.
Hands Jul 2011
Sleep has been restless,
It is neither conscious nor unconscious,
and the undreaming is an issue.
My dreams have become
dimly lit hallways
through which I walk,
unsure of myself or
of my surroundings.
It is a dream because
my body is not quite there,
it is caught between the waking
and the sleeping.
I feel the sheets of my bed
and their maternal embrace
clinging warmly to my summer shade
of dark brown and olive,
yet I see the hallway,
dimly lit.
It is a dream because
the people I knew
are other people as well,
are ideas and thoughts--
passions I hardly knew
both good and bad
that dangle on the tip of my tongue,
waiting to dance off into my body below,
down the passageway of my throat,
dark and
dimly lit.
My mind has blurred out their faces,
though I know there is only visual blackness
behind my eyelids,
has littered their words or meanings
with the trash of reality,
the inferred paranoia that
masks the truth,
dimly lit.
These ghastly haunts come
to greet me by my bed
each and every night,
blank silhouettes desperately trying
to tell me something,
something not very important,
They mouth the words
and I go with the actions,
but my understanding is vague and doubtful
and my comprehension none.
Maybe I should care more
about what they have to say;
where is this hallway,
why my vision is blocked.
But, I'm far too tired,
in these dreams,
too exhausted and
to care.
I am never replenished,
never renewed,
only further fatigued
by the dark and
hazy ideas the ghasts leave behind
to wander
neither conscious
nor unconscious
in the corners and passages
of my brain,
dimly lit.
ow, my aching head...
Irene X Chen Jun 2010
Can you imagine
   the beach
          at night?
I dream each day

The seagulls would stop cryin’
And they would be asleep
Nary a soul would be in sight
But for the lone guy on the beach
The rocks to the right
Cast terrifying shadows
And their moonlit surfaces seem like
Ghasts of night

The waves pound in my head
Thud, thud, thud
A wave comes in
And smashes ‘gainst those pale sharp rocks
It claims some sand
And retreats again
Back to the depths of the lake

I would trail my feet along the sand,
To greet the rhythmic sea
The wave comes in again
And splashes at my feet

With the coolness of the water
The crispness of the air
I unfurl my wings and fly away
Leaving everything behind
Connor Dec 2016
Crosses the premature night,

I am resting to the rythm of a
clock drilled through various poetry

Foggy children dance to
Yemanesh Ayinama on the frozen grass
Like twinkling

Here is the magic hour of invisible death
And your shade has encompassed even
The most royal of graffiti here

Woke to a decorative bowl of
smoking fruit/
the painted message of careful Angels
(you darling you)
Who have nothing to say for now
but regret!
The thinking of an Earthquake

Impressions on a mattress

Gallons of dreamscape silver spill over
  a perfect beach/
Some weary tide makes no effort to
Make profit on it
So the shining opportunity remains
Festive & buried beneath a tomb of shells

A tearful faerie
Held still until
The day this treasure resurfaces
In a naive Summer morning

Peachness warming the hollow homes
& rendering ur microwave useless
(bones underneath the floorboards spur
To life here and pray on such an occasion
The nymph embroiders the whole scene with flowers)
I kiss you
           Sea cradles the land
            Incandescent minds wipe away the indifference of time
The skeletons have their hour for laughing
I kiss you

Carpets recede for hidden burdens

Photographs make nice liars
Some completely believe in superstition
Others believe in rosefields or
Simple bodies of water
Kawsu Sanneh Mar 2020
Worthless life let me to rest
Lost in faith, Thy gothic Soul lured
For they the Regretted filthy blissed of priest
For that, shall unending poverty be cured?

The grimy monster gnaw, as mind been pawn
Death reminds, the lovely once demise,
Why wouldn't you change?, are you a prawn
Sins swallow righteous deed, the evil stands and rise

Grave for the Deaths at brisk
Indeed Death shall continue to frisk
Alert! Destiny to final destination
Alert! Amnesty of resurrection

Crippling deeds swing in pain
Occults of evil were spiritually tass
Wretchedly bore life is at hunt
Running from the gossiping ghasts of Satan

As those deity faith overwhelms
The cherished sprit of evil is at mirth
But Innocent souls fly at frith
But for all shall they resist those claims

Jared Elizabeth Oct 2018
Mellow concrete jazz renditions after escapades in south Saigon ‘87
Thoughtful sophists notion of accumulated expressions .
As Jacqueline expressions becomes ubiquitous
Autumn descends on placid ground
Maiden statues stand to be remembered

We’ve come to ask. And you showed us merciful actions.
Grace celebrates inquiry
Sometimes a forgotten ground

Heads bowed soaking in the rain.
She ghasts into tears, for them it was the same.
Nazarius speaks in Latin trimeters
Ancient rhetoric spilled into the agoras
For it was her affection that gave comfort

Collapsed figures embrace of bronze brilliance


— The End —