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Laura Amstutz Nov 2018
Det varme brød ånder på træbordet
Sukker, efterlader spor af tilværelsen i sveden
Smurt ind i olie
Som mine lunger nu er smurt ind i tjære
- så blev det hele værre
Mit sind er nok sort nu fordi jeg fodrer det
Med hvide vægge og blå kameler
Farver indersiden af mine øjenlåg med nøgne løgne
Fordi sandheden er som en knytnæve der tæver
Og blod
I skridtets indre maskineri
Der fungerer som en rulletrappe
Kører alle de ufødte børn ud
Kyler alle de ufødte børn ud
Skuffer moder jord igen
Er ******* og abortion nu egentlig ikke det samme?
Jeg drømmer så der står blomster ud af begge ører
Danner min egen rosenhave
Venter på en gartner graver sig gennem torne og forestillinger til han når
De indre vægge i mit rytmisk, blodige hjertekammer
Nikoline Oct 2014
da vi først mødtes
plantede du liljer
på min altan
og roser
i mit sind
og over sommeren
kom du gerne forbi
for at pleje og vande dem
og elskede
at se dem vokse
men det blev oktober
og ikke alle blomster
kan klare kulden
og langsomt visnede alt
er liljerne
faldet sammen
og jeg går ikke ud
på min altan længere
er faldet af
der er kun torne
tilbage i mit sind
og jeg kan mærke
at jeg slår rødder
anastasiad Dec 2016
Consider some of the important attributes that will small and medium measured businesses consider when searching for document managers? It has to be safe and sound, successful, convenient to use plus multi-purpose, even though the ability to offer you a speedy returning about the purchase. Even so, most of all, the key function must be being able to become used to your unique requirements for each individual corporation.

In general, the particular scientific report associated with medium and small sort of companies (SMEs) is less than these involving more substantial size organizations, where the papers managing product is one simple device. Regarding SMEs, fraxel treatments continues to be 'widely unknown', even though it assures good profits within earnings.

A numbers confirm this specific to be a fact. A report made because of the Gartner Class signifies that records consume nearly 60% of paperwork here we are at employees, and also characterize nearly 45% of manual labor. Definitely, any time used on these kind of regimen and also ordinary responsibilities causes it to become difficult with regard to individuals in order to spend independently towards bringing in gain.

Small establishments are often a smaller amount passionate any time taking on doc management software, since they look at it as being a value as opposed to a great investment. Also, the socio-economic predicament potential customers most of these business men to imagine more details on tomorrow and less around the long-term potential. Mid-sized providers normally have a I personally.Testosterone. division which has a extra worldwide watch, in addition to functions the role connected with an inner systems professional, servicing the demands of each individual business enterprise component centrally. Consequently, these types of staff users are a great men and women to see by using in the process regarding using a whole new doc supervision technological innovation.

Innovate and also eliminate

In the existing situation, it is vital for businesses so that you can innovate. A good way involving achieving this is from skilled assistance, which will produce a point of view for any short for you to method foreseeable future. Most of all, it's going to display the corporation which owing to the report supervision system, the firm assets work extremely well inside a correct way.

Because of their portion, record technological innovation computer software establishments helps it to be the mission to indicate SMEs how forwards simply by aiding those to view doc administration less an obstacle, a possible technical challenge, or even to be a education problem for personnel. As a substitute, it ought to be considered a profitable business progress ability.

Each and every corporation have their perception of quantity are the excellent record managing application, contemplating its specific demands. Because of this it is absolutely essential intended for papers managers suppliers to adapt their solutions to your page for each firm.

In general

Unsurprisingly, it really is very important that this corporation re-think just what exactly its actual requirements usually are, as a way to find out what will be the ideal record managing program for the kids. Basically, we've got to define the requirements of each individual company with a unique time period, whilst simultaneously thinking about foreseeable future projections.

Having a perspective outlook plus concerning all organization techniques using their affiliated sectors in your mind is paramount to be able to figuring out exactly what technologies are right for every single business. That may be, seeing it an overall principle in addition to adding the organization staff while in the program implementation practice will make sure its success.

Obtaining analyzed the particular technological features regarding organizations supplying papers software, it is recommended that both parties possibly be adaptable, to create method for invention and also improvisation during the enactment process. At times, you may need alternative resources compared to supervision will often have planned.

Solve requires along with effective answers

Picking out the proper as well as a full record supervision solution is going to be an ideal advantage for the whole firm. Resolution vendors have to have an international perspective from the market circumstance as well as the unique desires of each firm. Furthermore, small and medium measured businesses don't have in-house expert consultancy, which means vendors have to be competent to supply these organizations exclusively what they need, put together with tech support plus routine maintenance tailored thus to their prerequisites.

A single solution that's becoming an solution to the cost-effective crisis intended for SMEs, will be the marriage connected with maintained communicating services. In reality, an investigation by way of talking to company IDC estimations this market to be aimed towards unified marketing and sales communications along with cooperation (You.Do.H.). Throughout the 2010-2015 interval, the particular data show the trend that'll be executed by simply medium and small scaled companies: freelancing methods in relation to unified plus collaborative marketing communications for a company, as opposed to managing these in-house, in that way lowering the cost of controlling and the actual system. Also, document control technology is adjusting to this innovative paradigm and file safes suppliers has decided to present their solutions and also document managers since 'cloud' solutions. Password Manager Windows 7
Emma Aa Oct 2014
Og jeg blev ældre.
Præcis som blomsterne i din have, blomstrede jeg.
Og i dag skal jeg klippes.
Jeg ved det allerede.

Du er min kritiker,
min gartner,
og hvilken gartner du er.

I dag bliver jeg en anden,
i dag mine blade forsvinder,
min stilk knækker
og du vil ikke kunne kende mig længere.

— The End —