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In a perfect world...they met.
He loved computers, she loved books.
The kitchen was their favourite place though now they eat more of junk.
He said the first "hello", she really didn't say "hi".
Tall, handsome and some more
White teeth, curvy and "very intelligent."
Somewhere in the future they became friends
Intelligent conversations, you'd think they had knowledge.
Cat fights and playful jibes
Unseen glances and pregnant silences
A little bit of sarcasm to spice up the talk
An invite to dinner sealed it up.

A pause, a sigh...uncertain glances
and some hiccups in their once flawless discuss.
An inch to reduce the centimeter long distance between them
"I like you...I more than like you," he said.
She called his bluff off but she didn't sleep well that night.
All the sermons forgotten, she only could remember
The gospel her "liker" preached.
A handful of MTN extracool calls still didn't quench the fire
Something kept fanning the flames.

Finally he gave up on her or did he?
Some serious talk and several quarrels
She decided to "try" him out.
So many things happened,  God was watching this "Titanic"
The ship set sail but not before they christened her "relationship".
Oblivious to the massive ice cold danger, they climbed aboard and became passengers.
The voyage was disturbing, turbulent waters and serious storms
Two captains in one closet, they hit their heads too many times.
No destination in mind, they just kep moving like a waving flag.
This titanic crashed and heaven had a field day.
What was left of the movie was take-home memories.

But unlike that Titanic, no casualties were recorded
Only a mind fullof regrets and pain indescribable
Because they forgot the One whose mind is full of them.
But He told you to ask first
He said to you, you'll never lack a mate
So why did you jump ship? His ship.
Why was a relationship more important to you than fellowship?
He loves you still and that's why you have a bleeding heart and not a broken home..

Start all over, this time with Him in the equation.
Bring that man before your Maker
and ask God to put you to sleep
So your "Eve" can be brought out.
The lady, her man and their Maker
The eternal principle for a lasting relationship.
"The Triangular Love Story" is a collection of my poems that talks about marriage, divorce, dating, failed relationships and lasting relationships.
This one is for every heart that has been stretched or broken..start over.
*MTN is a telecommunications network service provider
*Extracool call is an MTN plan that allow customers to make free calls to other MTN subscribers from.12:30AM to 4:30AM
Dave Williams Aug 2018
it's me
i miisss yookuouoso muruch i dontnowottodoabouutitit
iim acaar fulll of ******, a shipp ffull of sssailas
a ccsamp fullof boyscouutss

it's you
twiddledy-twiddly-twiddle the kknob
pussshing thhe buutons, fiftyytwo, fourtythree, tennn-hup
a maggneticpo leto my compasss

it's us
qmdkksjdjjaiekmkrrrrfkfk, nsdjndf
kkksksiashiuyiddrirttranoth erone, go on, doit
do it aagin, ynotit works dunnitit

it's ours
and from over here it loooks likke
we'll never get tto do it evva again, unnless
itl earns anoth erlanguage
thhatw ebothu ndusttaaaand
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
last nights date was fullof colors the red wine staining every snoby watreses white shirt
funny how it only takes our little prank to laugh all rest off the night with our sperits high and our thoughts open. we didnt even get in the door till around 2:00 god knows what. we tryed to be quiet but our laughs can quiet last nights date idk what really happened when i just woke up next to my date half way hung over my mind drew a blank. what did happen cause our room is a mess. my hair is mess and my clothes smell like a horrifying. idk where i was last night just the message i read. we went out on a date witch turned in to hellish pranks that waitor i triped making him get covered in food and the horrable thing that makes you laught so hard you cry

what the hell happened on last nights date
no clue

— The End —