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Umi Dec 2017
Oh radiance of the sun, do not leave us and go
Illuminate the path and we will turn to guidance
Do not leave us
For darkness, no!
We'll be back

Light up, Oh sun of pride and beauty, with your radiance to provide the growth of the wonderful spring flowers whichs oud and fragrants we enjoy!

And then the night comes to break
We'll look at the horozon and make
A prayer that will take
all the darkness from the night
Make this world bright
Beautiful with the suns might

~ Umi
inspired by an nasheed which was on arabic though
ManVsYard Oct 2014
Each generation of we-bots
installs an app called "Been Forgots"
(of-the-wheres), we came from long ago.

So, each can play their special part
in life, just one great big, freak, show.

Hairies, fairies, ordinaries
hybernating with trolls and stealths.
Hypertexting to alternate selfs
churning, burning, always, on - the - go.

Grinnin as-if all is peachy.

"It's like they have and endless supply
of hi-grade hy-dro!"

So, drink eight ounces e-v-ery day,
Eat an apple every night
(you add ten gigs with every bite).
Bytes! Liquids help the data flows.

PS: garbage in, garbage out,
power down nightly, for upgrades of, your "knows".

Blowing, wafting, in the cool breeze,
the exhalations of the trees.
Solid ground on which we walk,
becomes the tongue, with which we talk.

The seeds we planted last December
will bloom into beauitful fragrants.

Take a sniff. Now, remember.
Mark Crane Mar 2016
I adore the sweet fragrants of freshly fallen rain
Mother natures remedy to cleanse away the pain

The bright sun piercing through the blackened cloud
A resemblance of hope burning down the vile shroud

A brisk dewy morning gives birth to a new day spawning happiness
Unveiling natures true essence, comforted by her warm finesse

Come! let us dance amid the wild orchids my love, my sacred one
Bathe me in your alluring glow that sooths and warms like a rising sun

The morrow may bring with it my death! Take my soul as this mornings gift
Your love is the air this soul breaths lost without it, meandering adrift
love life nature happiness

— The End —