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Waverly Mar 2012
takes it in
the mouth.

She'd get on her knees,
positioning herself
of focus.

Just enough for Joe,
behind the Cannon,
to capture
the whole thing.

the producer,
was on his hands and knees
beside Joe.

'Come on Izzy
work it,
work the ****.'

'That's right,
stroke it,
make him sing.'

'I love it,

Izzy wanted to bite

She hated each and every ****,
she ever saw,
but she had a few things to do.

Her **** had to be new
and renewed
on the daily,
her ***** had to get wet
on command,
and her stroke had to be
so fast
they'd burn the dude
as her mouth

After her mouth
was littered,
and her face was a mess
of spinal glitter -- You could make a man
come out of his
brain, Eric would say.

Izzy would get in her car,
wiping her arm
where'd she'd gone
to the clinic
to get pricked
and tested,
and pull a long haul of Virginia Slims
down her throat.
It was always the first sweet thing
she tasted.

Izzy would pull into the Terrace View apartments,
all that long black hair,
and wipe all that make-up off,
three napkins-worth,
so she could kiss her baby.

Because Rocco was in for a bid,
and not coming home anytime in
the forseeable future.

Her microbiology degree was somewhere
in her closet underneath those pink stillettos and
more fishnets than fish.

And Izzy knew
that with those double d's;
*** like a backseat,
mouth that could grease
a ****,
and her hands
Eric liked to call his own,
that she could pay the light bill
and maybe
put Romeo
into a daycare center
that wasn't full of roaches
angry *******.

"Someday I'll get out,
but it's illogical
to say
with all the money I'm making,
and it's just a job
when you get down to it,
I've ****** a lot of *****
and never gotten

Rocco Jr.'s cheeks were always the second
sweet thing
she tasted.

"I know a lot of girls
that got defeated by this game."
When you talk about pornstars, prostitutes, strippers in a derogatory way, think for a sec without a lack of compassion and especially not with a heightened sense of sympathy.
F Alexis Dec 2013
Isn't it ironic, lovely ones,
How so many pretty faces
Can hide a demon's soul?

How the same eyes which bat their lashes
In flirty beckoning,
Offer a window into wickedness,
An entrance to an evil place,
That harbors evil things....

How the same lips which speak such pretty words,
And lovely falsities,
In pleasant company
Drip poison behind the safety of closed doors,
Without the courage to speak so
In the outer realm...

How the same mind which seems so wise
Can foster such horrid operations,
An assembly line of treachery
Which twists and warps that
Which really is
Into what is isn't,
For its own selfish, devilish purposes...

Isn't it odd how the world's
Cruel jokes
Have remained so timeless,
Doomed, like history,
To be repeated,
Over and over again?

"Do not judge a book by its cover," they say.

And isn't it funny how this phrase
Aims to promise some unknown good
Behind that cover,
But never entertains the possibility
Of evil behind it,

Yet it still holds true.

It is far more dangerous
To trust a pretty face not supported
By pretty words and actions,
To have faith in a glittery exterior
Without pondering the worms
Which breed underneath,
Than it is to doubt
A far less attractive cover,
Beaten, threadbare, its title worn off
By the winds of the world,
May guard a mine of diamonds within.

How foolish of us all
To take at face value
That which we see, hear, and touch.

How irresponsible
To abandon the idea and support of proof,
And let our judgment laze around,
About as useful as if it we hadn't had it at all.

I find it hard to pity those moths
Which do not examine the light
Before letting themselves fly into it.
When the static crackles,
And the glimmer flickers,
And the wings are burnt and injured,
It is too late for a second thought, then.

And as a bystander,
I cannot reach out and pull them from it.
I can call out my warnings,
My cautionary tales,
And even my proof that the light,
In all its beauty,
Harbors a special kind of evil
That they clearly cannot see,
But I must let them learn.

As much as it hurts.

I truly believe that what we put out
Into the world
Will come back to us.
Perhaps not today,
Or tomorrow,
Or anywhere
In the forseeable future ahead.
But it will return.

And though my human nature
Demands I bring order to the wicked,
Expose their evils for the world
To shudder at,
And cower away from,
It is not my job.

These forces which surround us
Bear that burden.

I, a small and staggering presence
Among billions,
Can only perform what I know it right,
And good,
And kind,
And hope that my fellow man,
Instead of drooling at the sight
Of fool's gold,
Will find a true beauty in this instead,
And choose to abandon all that deceives.

On a day which has no date,
No time,
No existence until it is ready,
Justice will come to the evil ones,
And those foolish enough to follow them.

How gloriously the wicked will fall,
Their cries ringing in ears
Which heard their sneers and cruel remarks,
Underhanded jabs and petty,
Childish words,
So many times.

Ears which will hear the music
Of that which was sown,
Being reaped
In the rays of a glorious sun.

Those untrained minds,
Which sought the disappointments
Of easy friendships
And sparkling facades,
Will fall, as well,
Regretting their decision to
Believe in the unreal,
And abandon their sense.

And I, at the end of it all,
May stand with fewer than I started with.

But, with those solid few,
Apart from the unstable masses,
I will still stand stronger
And better than I was,
And with minds like mine,
Rooted in goodness, kindness,
And grateful for the difficult journey
Which brought forth the lesson that
Examining a person's cover
Is well worth discovering what lies beneath.

Michael Siebert May 2013
I crush my face
against the studded ceiling
and thank God I finally got the acne scars
I always wanted for Christmas.
Yesterday I saw a dog
get hit by a car
spoiler alert
it was me,
I hit the dog.
These Caribbean rhythms
make me all tense
I'm afraid of
dying in the middle of a race riot
because then who would remember me?
spoiler alert
no one.
spoiler alert
I'll die when I'm fifty for no forseeable reason
spoiler alert
I'll continue breaking
Digital Millennium Copyright Laws
and spoiler alert
I'm afraid of falling any deeper in love
with girls
I'm afraid of falling in love with guys
I'm afraid of falling out my chair
and cracking my skull open on the ground.
I guess what I'm trying to say is
I really hope I never get fat.
Vic Apr 2019
I realize how fruitless any words of mine, a stranger on the internet, must be to you. though I am not able to say that I know what you're going through, I am able to say that I understand, and that, maybe, one day, in the forseeable future, you're gonna look back at all of your poems and smile a smile of relief and joy.
Thank you so much.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2022
title: chirp
body: sparrow, bold.    a 502 bad gateway bypass...

in the dimension of "things" pre-,
  i must be premeditating every possible scenario,
although i hate playing chess
i sometimes do... i'm more in favour of backgammon
but that's just me...
like i said to the other girls in the workforce:
wait... just wait... don't tell her i know...
so she was pressured... i put on the charm offensive:
there were already rumours of she *******
the supervisor... eh... i go to prostitutes...
what's the big deal? it's not like you use
a cloth to dry dishes with once: then get a new
one every single time... i always tend to buy
second hand books... they have a certain feel
to them... i'm not the sort of person who likes things
in mint condition...
everything leading up to this point just seems:
well-slotted, premeditated... but at least it
wasn't self-sabotage... i had to fall in love her...
in order to get at something: so she would retreat...
i wasn't even the "friend zone": i was in
the... "priest zone"... the "psychologist zone"...
the stuff i heard... and that's another thing...
there was no common language... some vague *******
barrier... we didn't really talk about music,
we didn't really talk about films or books...
we talked: well, she talked... i listened...
just talk about her son... and more about her son...
what a brilliant mother she was... back-stabbing
her friends... blah blah... oh... and plenty about her
exes... if i could... draw a schematic...
let's just say it wouldn't be a treasure map
with one              X marking the spot...
it would be more like:

  x                  x

  x  x        x          x

  x      x        x

with her good looks, back when she was in her 20s?
oh man... she was having a rave...
esp. since she worked in the financial sector,
so all the financials "jocks" would be all
over her... now she's in her... coming to 40...
well... imagine my dis-belief!
- and yet she's still playing a game of a 20 year
old party-****...    she's out to lunch...

- and as much as i love women...
love: but sure-as-**** and a penny-drop i don't
want to understand them...
no-can do... why?
      makes my life easier and: ensures i'm
out of their hair... both parties satisfied...
i hope...
but it's not that i don't have something to do...
there's always something to do...
i'm already getting past the fact that at 35 i'm
living with my parents...
after all... the plan is...
they're not going into a care home...
i'll be there... and once i reach a certain age...
there's always Switzerland or the Benelux
euthanasia clinics... so...
plus i'm already the custodian of the property:
i do the cleaning, i do the cooking...
i do the d.i.y. - i pay them rent...
while the other option would be... what?
get a mortgage or pay rent to some stranger
and what? live alone?
no thanks.

i'm already over the disappoint of hoping for
a romance... yeah, my mother's pedicurist / manicurist
is coming over on Friday and she's bringing...
my new favourite lady...
my TOY... oh she's not even 1 year old...
she takes a **** into a ***** on the spot...
but she's disinhibited... she pokes my nose...
tugs at my beard, sits on my lap...
looks into my eyes like trying to hypnotise me...
she's yet to speak a word but i already
managed to teach her my mimic...
cluck... pluck... whatever the onomatopoeia
is... she reciprocated...

        here's to fulfilling the role of the: alt vater...
the old father...
she's not mine, but she's of my stock,
my ethnicity... obviously i'm going to go
for ethnic bias... everyone else is...
maybe that's what put Jeminah off... i'm a ******
and she's of Scotch English stock...
maybe i'm not black enough...
yeah... i must not be black or Pakistani enough...

she blocked me / deleted me on WhatsApp...
thank god i took that screenshot of her pretty face...
i think i'm going to listen to some The Cure
Pictures of You and attempt at glee...
what could have been...
her dog liked me... from the get go...
couldn't stop licking my ears... then started
to lick the wounds from me having put out
cigarette buts on my knuckles...
licked those scabs clean... i started bleeding:
she noticed... i didn't...
well... pain... it's a hyper-sensation...
you get used to it and afterwards... you sort of
ignore it... or... rather:
everything else is THERE... HERE...
that's a res extensa (extending "thing") when
meditating on Heidegger's dasein... weird, right?
how philosophy morphs... you read something in your
mid 20s... then it only becomes applicable in your
mid 30s... something so, so unpractical needs to
wait a while in your head... before it turns out to
be as useful as a ******* hammer...
who would have known?!

i'm guessing she blocked me because her son
had a conversation with her about...
is that my real dad? or... n'ah... that's me gloating...
what happened to that guy who made
that delicious banana loaf?
well... Freddy... mummy has... IS-USE...
            hyphen for an S...
                i could have seen it straight away:
i'd be bored after a week...
  there would be nothing to talk about...
  i don't remember even having said anything about
oh... but she ticked all the right boxes
when there were more people involved:
on that superficial interpersonal level with
the public... but she wouldn't...
she wouldn't allow for an explicit bond to take form...
it would always have to be implicit:
think about the starving children of Africa
sort of *******... what? the Somali pirates?!
the Nigerian scammers?!
those, "starving" children?
                      the ones with birth rates like
the harem of the sultan of Brunei?!
must be rich... hardly starving... if they're having
all those mouths to feed!

i already mentioned this little curiosity before:
it took **** Germany AND Soviet Russia...
longer... LON-GER to subdue the Polacks
than it took **** Germany to subdue the French...
the French... Napoleon... the French Colonial
Superpower... and these modern leftists "think" i'm
going to be easily swayed?!
pronoun dickly-squat my sore *** from
sitting on the toilet... and the feminists?!
            well... what's on offer, gentlemen?
let's... broaden our minds... Lawrence...
  (Prince's Partyman playing in the background)...

just like that lie i was told in my childhood:
that there are more women in the world
than men... i've been sleeping:
the opposite is true... and now we're supposed
to compete on already banged and bagged women?
that's the option?
maybe there was a rumour going about
my knuckle scars and the time i gave myself
a plum mascara pouch on my left eye
from having wrestled with myself...
turn-off... i get it...

  or... perhaps she's just into coke-addicts...
wouldn't know... i just drink a lot of coffee...
perhaps she's just into all the sort of range of *******...
but, seriously... if i can only be decent,
romantic, tender... with prostitutes...
at least it's in the open... there's a transparency
of a transaction...

the last text i sent her she didn't even read...
i was talking about the conundrum of:
the way into a man's heart is through his stomach...
i thought: well... given the stomach cramps...
that's a misnomer phraseology...
it's a ****** metaphor... because it can't be taken
oh too literally... why? i think the original meaning
has been lost...

the text?
yesah, to reiterate, thanks for these stomach cramps
flirting with butterflies...
although i'm a keen student of etymology, this has nothing
to do with etymology... the phrase:
the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
the modern interpretation insinuates that a woman
ought to cook a decent meal for a man...
no... sorry... i can do the cooking myself...
i didn't choose to have these stomach cramps,
"transgender"et al. feeling like i'm giving birth
to nothing more than dizziness and watery eyes...
there's something quiet sinister afoot here,
i can't point in any sort of direction: it's almost
a malaise of disorientedneness...
sorry, i have to play this "role" for the forseeable
future if i'm going to get anything done...
you might as well pretend that i'm wearing
two masks to keep my cool... otherwise it's such
a welcoming prospect to write to someone
directly and see them in person than what i'm used to,
when writing... staring at a blank canvas...
or messaging someone who lives in... ******* Hawaii...
of all places...

see... problematic...
i am problematic... i exfoliate with language...
this is that, this isnt that... games...
or my other theory goes along the lines of:
she can't find me on social media...
she can't snoop on me...
i bet that's her grinding her teeth...
well: obviously i'm not going to give her access...
i'm writing about her...
i don't want her to find out what my narrative pursuit
is like her... of course she's the momentum bringer...
i'm not going to give that up: so easily...

she knows my first name...
maybe she typed that in, along with my ******
****** / Stalin sort of type of surname...
it has changed... i always argue:
there's a missing -SCH- in the Elert...
no... i'm not "alert"... let's pause there...
maybe she typed in Matthew with Conrad...
but then again... i tend to hide in my mother zunge...
Mateusz... and hide doubling down
on hiding the Z with a caron S...
i.e. Mateuš... well... she won't figure that crap
out... i'm prone to the pastt-ime of looking up
googlewhacks... while listening to Prince...
esp. Raspberry Beret...
or REM's happy shiny people...

  ha ha... 43, 300+ readers on one poem alone...
imagine: if i were paid a penny for merely that...
i'm groovy, i don't mind doing something
for: not even peanuts...
the art needs to stay alive...
i can't allow the last avenue of freedom
to go "missing"... i'll just pay myself
with FEELZ... self-help my ***... therapy my ***...
but if you're inclined to be the sort of
******... tired of watching *******...
hey... my legs are spread wide-open...
or rather: someone scalped me...
then took a massive chunk of my skull off
and now my brain is wired
to a pickle jar... for pickled: transparent
brains... jelly-fish territory...

              ha... prior to protein... prior to sinew...
          prior to bone...
what did we have? gelatin floating about
in salt water... nice... rubber stamps of:
oogle doodle do no good but leave numbing
sparks of mini-lightning storms of:
lazy gods began thinking...
    my my... as expected: it took them a while...
******* hedonists... ambrosia custard soon
to be wise-ups, but all the way prior?
crazed ***** and complete hard-on morons...
the gods...
funny that... you can't go mad twice...
they took a stab at me once...
                      sorry for being the party pooper...
i sort of can't go mad, twice...
i literally missed nothing on the dating scene having
been a recluse in my 20s... apparently...

now? i'm going to make some Silesian gnocchi
for today's dinner, i've already cleaned the house...
i'll be making some curry for my parents for tomorrow...
play the chemist with the spices available...
i might make myself some lunch for tomorrow's shift...
hey, life... plenty of it...
  but... oddly enough: not enough people in it...
no matter... i can at least ping-pong backwards
and forwards with my own words to: eh: ech... echo echo O!

sure... it would have been nice to play
the surrogate father... perhaps we could have learned
German together...
i could have cooked for the pair of them:
i never know how to cook for one person to begin with...
but if she's into boxers and coke-heads...
hey... Pontius Pilate...
i have to left hands... and their pointing outward...
if i tried... then i shouldn't have tried... to begin with...
if modern women are going to be their stupid
selves... so be it... there's always the night,
the forest, the moon, there's always the scent
of autumn... there are so many things that can keep
me disorientated in an orientated sort of way
that... all the lies from the 1990s Rom-Coms can
fizzle out...

maybe being love is a luxury that not even
the richest in the world can buy...
thank god i don't earn the sort of money
that might attract gadflies...
  thank god i earn what is necessary...
            who's not going to buy those Valentine
flowers, those anniversary "sputniks"...
those sofas... those iPhones for the kids...
                              i'll be buying food... etc.
better spend money on food than on a doctor...
that's how the saying goes...
to hell with women and all their superficial
*******... and if i'm in dire straits because
the bone-**** of a hand is not enough?
£120 for an hour with a Turkish *******...
problem solved!

i just can't stomach being an ******* in order
for women to stick around...
something so deep as: self-integrity is making
potential suitors turn me off...
esp. given their past histories...
i don't want to be an ******* when it comes
to loving women... and no... i'm not nice...
one thing i've learned from the English is...
******* Thespian crowd... actors...
two-faced juxtaposition makers...
or... or? they sing, they dance...
a nation of alcoholics or workaholics...
  but if i have to be this sort of ******* that women
feel the need to fix?
no... covert: under the radar...
i'm not doing that crap...
                    i'm not going to be a ****** man just
because a woman might find that appealing
to hone in on her lost archetypical requirements...
she's going to **** it up anyways...
  she always does...
                      i'll just be me... do me...
and if i'm predisposed to have to have to give
off steam with some bedroom antics...
i'll go the the women that still crave masculine
sensibility... prostitutes!
James Daniel May 2020
May 1, 2020

Beelines and Relics, that's what I'll make.
The Devil makes use of idle hands...

Two days ago, this corona virus thing, looked like a good relaxing world reprieve. A much needed slowing down.
But just like the construction builders who have worked throughout, that come in for coffee in the mornings, I wouldn't just relax and let it all slide.

I was on the phone to my mother the other month. "It's *******," I said. "When have they ever cared so much?"
And in Tesco the other day, a growing disbelief, a cynicism. "They can just mark in a car accident as a corona death," I overheard a guy saying to the clerk. "It's true," I chirped in.

Walking along the street today, masks everywhere. Signs up, billboards, ATM machines, corona virus this, corona virus that. Social distancing. NHS heroes.

I think now we are heading into a new form of control. Biological control. I was talking to Stef the other month, and he had the notion that in the future, people would need to have the appropriate vaccinations before they could get on a plane. Totally forseeable.

We, the human populace, the animal, biological component. Easily docile, easily, easily controlled.

The big guns may hit us yet.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2021
perhaps i was looking for the over-man:
a man that could be a way to overcome man:
per se...
forever the riddle...
impossible feat... esp. when nihilism was
stressed as something to overpower...
i don't have a problem with nihilism...
i can make a visit to the brothel on moral
well... between the 3Ps...
priests, psychiatrists and prostitutes...
with the latter i can stretch an hour's worth
into... a dry period of... years...
i'm not bothered about nihilism...
something "new" came up...
                     fatalism... fatalism:
i will be married to death... however i like it...
my "concern" began with:
the limited number of living souls...
moving in between a zombie horde of flesh...
now... a lamb madras makes sense...
a chicken korma makes sense...
the Hindus have yet to attract me with their
reincarnation... monstrosity...
parasite souls looking for dead-end
zombie cull of hosts...
perhaps i had enough of body to compete
at something worthy of exercising my body
to its full potential...
i tried exercising my mind by studying
chemistry... that didn't go so well:
when i hit the rock bottom in the branch
of physical chemistry...
if you... took me to an only organic chemistry
some people still believe i could have
been a decent police office... a detective even...
because of my photographic memory...
me... and the police?
oh... i'd just love to... fill in the shoes
of Sherlock Holmes...
but now...
               right here: now... jetzt! hier!
me and my mediocre... counter paragraph
bundles of: anti-lyricism...
                  why the letztemennsch?
the "last man"?
                a common saying among people
who have yet to or have
suffered a minor injustice:
the usual excuse is: and it can be heard
publically: but it's the 21st century!
no one... expected the misgivings of the past
centuries to be... persistent in this one?
well... so much for looking back
for nostalgia...
so much for looking forward...
oh sure... i look forward: i'm only certain
of one obligation: that i am to wed death...
or if not death: meet her plough of giving birth
to absences: of shadow banquet to be eaten:
eaten later regurgitated...
i'll drink a bottle of Argentinian red in
the form of a kalimotxo...
and it'll feed me: feelings of being in the ownership
of a spine... and two legs to stand on...
enough for lulu- the lullaby before
i plunge into the abyss of dreamlessness...
when... in the vicinity: people are woken
by my agonies in my deepest of the deep of sleep...
a bit like bemoaning the fate of
Germany... when... the people are so well
entertained by the football team...
it's almost impossible...
to pity a resurrected Germany...
it's easy to brush aside a resurrected Russia:
somehow... pit them against the evil genius
that... they probably are...
would do the "job" at half the price:
simply for the exaltation of self in
the undertaking of... said "job"...
everything in the west becomes... overpriced...
but of course... a celebration of an Afghan refugee's
success story... you only later learn that...
he only became a... radiologist...
i am: die... der... i never know which
definite article the german would use...
but at the same time... i'm not somehow last...
idle talk of alpha males and beta-orbiters
taught me something...
i don't want to be either...
however much i don't like his cannibalistic
metaphors i'll agree:
if he can be the alpha & the omega...
well... i'll be last...
i'll watch the dolphins... pretend to watch
dolphins... i'll most certainly watch the crab-bucket...
a mound of ants...
i once watched how a dobberman of mine
bit into a ****... a **** that was filled
with crawling parasitic worms...
i smacked the dog in the snout before he
had a chance to swallow what he chewed off...
yes... i hit my dog: right on the snout...
but then as any eager child...
i inquired into this...
**** filled with wriggling worms...
i was... sickened with a fascination...
like now, i am...
concerning: not concerning...
the idea of reincarnation...
         limited number of living souls...
while all this harvest of zombie flesh....
i am the last man because:
i find no inspiration in the eastern thought...
i find nothing worth of clue
to succumb to given...
Buddhism or Zen or Tao...
or Hinduism...
         there's a big although...
                 King Sejong is no myth...
around the year 1443... he invented: "invented"
the Korean script... he's no myth...
enough time passes and the credentials of a story
become... foggy... did Romulus reinvented Greek
into Greek?
concerning the scales of temporal concerns
within what's written and in what guise:
history takes into account year, decades... centuries...
journalism... takes into account days...
hours... at best weeks...
poetry? takes into account...
what best can survive: the longest...
a day here: a day there...
the terrible truth of not lying...
then again:
             the terrible lie is that of telling the truth...
a thing so mundane so obvious...
i am the last-man... but i'm not the last-man...
i'm the last to see how well the understudy point
of overcoming-man has come
to fruition...
but unlike a focus on man having to struggle
with nihilism: with the condemnation of existence...
fatalism... the "argument" follows:
well... i'm here (already): might as well get
something "done": since what i'd like to "be"
will never become truly available...
nor if it was: this writing wouldn't be either...
given the position of having achieved
such a lot that: writing this would be...
laughable... but since i'm writing this little scribble
over 'ere... well...
an hour's worth in a brothel with
a *******... can extend into years of not
wanting more of the corporeal feeding glut &
suckling mouth...
no more than... 10 hours with a priest
or... 1 hour per week with a psychiatrist might solve:
if i just talk: but never touch the tender parts
of the: being spoken to... ember of body,
eyes, tongue...
this is all mediocre:
one thing that self-deprecating humour
was taught me is that: the best is the waiting...
which is... something of a surprise...
but better to undermine yourself: your esteem...
than... create a falsehood associated with it...
while i condone self-help gurus
and all that jungle of motivational speak...
listening to too much of it: no wonder i too have
succumbed to some of the honey-trickle
pomegranate juice squirting!
- the same reservations my mother had
after the aftermath of the Chernobyl "incident":
where i was left as the forced... only child...
have managed to translate themselves
into me questioning whether to have children
at all...
i'm still looking for a zenith of my libido
expression... 16+ years since...
wait... 18... 2 _ 10 + 5... 17 years since first
encountering my thirst chance
at a leech of a **** at that oyster cushioning
of... the one and only: uncircumcised phallus...
from a muddle of red wine mixed with
coca-cola to a sip to another sip
of... clarifying water...
god: the epitome of mediocre on my behalf!

charlie big potato says: no go
to ***** envy... match-up on beard envy...
then we're properly: proper: go-go...
but no yo-yo...
if **** and **** where all the rave
concerning similar scrutiny of a "forseeable
then i'd be reading a newspaper: from

alpha... malaise: too much responsibility...
added the fact that...
once you're richer: the ******* cost stacks
up higher...
it's no longer paying for an hour's worth
that can stretch for years..
it's... paying for student debt...
sugar-daddy-oh sighs...
beta-orbiters don't, pay,
for... ***... such pristine attitudes...
and... "honour":
honour implies having...
            being expected to do... or be...
i don't have honour because
i don't have... a reputation...
honour = reputation...

i'm a freefall:       ロニン

past the ideas to match-up to be borrowing
a crutch of an idea to stand on:
just give me the ways these people encoded...
how: there's an F to resound
within the confines of
surd-H... theta through to pi & phi...
      F... stands... menacingly... runic...

i can steal a kiss from a *******:
i can stretch an hour's worth with one:
to allow the fingers the fingers to speak...
the hands to touch...
to hell with speaking:
some... variation concerning the depth
of the original plight of animation...
to hell with Darwinism being: nothing
more than a conversational vogue:
hell... away with the Copernican revision:
if i need to read a map...
if i need to get from point A to point B...
the globe of earth travelling
in... the squashed encircling...

a "flat earth" will get me from point A to point B...
to hell with all that fudge, smoke and mirrors
of imagining myself:
the subjective-eyed presence of feet
on the moon... i will not be this... myth...
nor will you...
but i heard that some people
have had trouble when being guided-misguided
by their... satellite-guiding pin-pointers...

this day's worth didn't owe me as much
that became so little to rush forward and nonetheless
that it came, nonetheless...
will forever be a welcome surprise...
this mediocre day, this Sunday...
i further my life...
with... the dream of speaking through
my fingertips once more...
for an hour's worth that might stretch me...
camel-******... satiated...
into half a decade's worth of...
Onoma Mar 2020
these fire escape bars subdivide

space like a Barnett Newman painting.

stripes running down for a signal,

across these windows.

a thirty eight degree rain, with steely

grey whisks of snowy blind eyes.

shook off somewhere in this full frontal

depth perception, dripping the cagey

dynamics of backdrops.

a present tense of forseeable future

harkening back.

— The End —