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Lost in despair, Found on faith.
These happen to the forsakened, things just happen with no warning.
Rather it be lossing your bearings, Or just walking in the believe of something greater than yourself.
Forsaken can break their curse, But can also be bound if they so choose to let it.

Ravenous from rage, Claimed with love.
Two things that monster's feel, though they can't control this outcome.
Rage fills them when barricades block their path, Love fills the monster with clearity allowing it to relax.
Just remember the monster is no different from being forsakened.

Monsters feel rage, Forsakened feel vengeful.
Forsakend feel hope, Monsters feel love.
Those who barricade or break a path are in the direct path to being ******,
For on the otherside is a Merciless and Vengeful being heading your way.

To be forsakened is to become a monster, To be monster was once forsakened.
Thinking about it is no diffent then watching you lose your humanity,
Doing something is to change that which you became.
Forsakened to become a monster, Once forsakened and now choatic.

The monster is and will always be a reminder for those who barricade ignorantly,
Forsakened is the first path of the monster, It's up to thy forsaken to be monster or human.
Which path would you choose if you become forsakened?
Would you let vengence fill your veins, or try forgiveness?

My path can't be alterd, I didn't get the chance for choice.
Too many barricades, Too many losses.
Those who know this are already monsters, Those who don't make your decision.
The path is yours to make, For those who been blessed with a path.

Monster Forsaken or Human?
Semerian Perez Aug 2012
Lost and forgotten
I carry on
Throughout my life
Hoping to find
Of my meaningless exsistance.

For months
I thought of things
No more excuses really
As to why
What did I do to you
And the answer never appears
So why do I even bother

Holding onto something
That at the time
Felt so good
So right
And for what
Just to be cast
Into the darkest
Recesses of this wretched life
By those closest to me

What will it take?
What do you want?
Tell me...
Or am I just a fleeting memory

I know I mean nothing now
I knew it from the start
My mind has fallen victim
To sweet
And empty
The grounds
Have been defiled
With lies
To where it has no room
For honor

So I walk alone
In this life
With nowhere in mind
For you see
All I ever was and ever will be
Is Forsakened.
Semerian Perez Sep 2012
So many things
I want to tell you
But they were never
Able to come out
And now they haunt me
Torment me
In the darkest recesses of my mind.

Sometimes being away
Makes me realize
Just the right amount
Of emotion I have bottled
Inside and away from you.

If you only knew.
How sometimes at night
Id pray to disappear
To die
I find the answer
Death would only end the suffering
And start another.
Would you care?
Would you stop me?
No, you would let me go
Down that forsakened path alone.

Torn my heart
Stained my soul
Tears of blood
Flow from unseen wounds
And pool on the floor
As I stand before you

Pure tears
Fall down my face
And mix with the blood
That seems to flow
More from my chest cavity

In my hands
I held the still beating heart
As I hold it out to you
Looking in your hands
Where the silver metal
Flashed in the moonlight.

Wake up
Its just a dream
Or is it.

Images seem to haunt
My mind

So was it really a dream
Or am I eternally alone
And haunted
By a memory.
Jay M Wong Dec 2014
Josephine, in her time, harbors tales untold,
Accompanied by actions at which plots unfold,
Yet, inevitably forsakened by forgiving light,
When all is adieu shall we sleep soundly tonight.
Oh Cecilia, shall final parts with final endowments,
Nests true hearts with false tongues and sediments,
Ghosts to which unharmed shall caged birds fly free -
A poem on some final thoughts before finally departing...
these wings in diversion

I've elapsed..

there Is no misreading

these wings exhaust

breaking away

to the milky way moon
and dark ivory sea
with swaying hips
glowing by the glint
in a raven vault of heaven


lanced inside me
like a helix

and your lambent visage
is etched by our waves

you endure
emptiness with you

the delicate rosey interior you
had coveted in the passed

you had set free the anchor

and forsakened the charity

depleted blue reflections
grow vaguely in my hand

so i bandaged up my box
of its battered soul ,
and i stitched myself shut

and i abandoned your escape
of memory

[ ||. ]

hostile. incisive. and sunkened
in this entity i revered
you will somehow
breathe me into exaultaion
for the final time
-before all else maybe-

you and I
two serpants intertwine
we brutaly encircle as one

you are the zeal
no more

in the act of the dying beat

i lay it to rest
as you dreamed

one of these nights
it will shatter skyward
it will tred lightly in your inkling
in baptizems of sand
in torrents of blood


in each other


missing you.

© S.T. Rebel of Eden
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
Somberness, see it sanctuarily swearing
sword-tongue worded spellspeech secretly sunder a number
apart from another,
no ear so keen just to hear the equation
crackle into informal shatter.
No regrets nor bother
among preachers nor hypocrits,
so same as it's sad, their chatter
a masked creature
that fits this disordered scripture
of us.

Aware of a far-reaching freedom
each of them fathomless to their undone dares
to fail becoming one;
all feature a familiar pattern
which matters even less to them
than a fantasy's thorn to their first thoughts, frankly;
who share the same history they're enacting
their manifest destiny of a doom chosen
their fair share of despair
so spectacularily reflecting through
their fleet tranquil escaping
from those fear-forsakened frail bone-marrowed
branch brittles they've rosen
so fro as they are, frighteningly awake
fleeing those fractures so alive
in fashions gorgeous fractals alike
no grit, no wit capable of constructing such a lit, yet aesthetic scene of delight.

each afraid of their boundaries beloved
to be breached apart so badly
only for captivity and nothing else
as they beg
counter-intuitive measurements taken
caught from under the counter countlessly
those captives, their algorithms split, entwined;
so better, better don't mind it;
undozens of them
all death-grasping frozen
from just a slightliest rattle
of the crispy pages bearing a poem
or a *** pinched by a laddle.

Falsely do they believe revolving
advancing their middle
however, with its Forever forgotten
prayer by prayer
for the sake of a splendid soil
oblivious to the seed that is rotten.

Oil-devouring tumoil tactically targets their entire toil
pouring visions filling each stare
for each one to chisel only another
effort-evaporating Escheresque stair
for ground and ground apart at the borderline
they are,
the sharp scraping of the air
gnashing winds under the ice of a somber sunshine.

These crystalline brimstones
spacelessy stranded;
vile ambers, yet of beauty unspoken
sparking like cider, from apples royalty-branded
perhaps even prickling, peach-flavoured honey wine
reminiscing silent lovers' moans
ones a satyr favours in folly
in gayness he eaves his hallowed shrine.

Without answers
a riddle is meant unbroken
shards of their failure, silkenly sanded
faintly, a filthless spirit's essence,
so fine.
Some insight may have been awoken
perhaps this and not another time.
Just the right questions
painfully born from the sublime.

In and on,
however a retrospect away
a new future rises from the ashes of fallen hells
mere memories of an old fiend
darkness encountered
for each delusion you slay
and eventually
even you, as well, will listen
listen to the bells from the yondersome elsewhere ringing, wailing
hailing their soul-crackling harmony
somewhere from above us all.

Cardinal numbers are breathless,
while we,
so proud to appraise prime numbers
so wishfully down to their core,
rather dream unparalyzed a dream
of an unclaimed nowhen
stuck in a less corrupt algebratic behaviour than before;
error-ridden operations so holdlessly scaffolded
our somberness
submerged and suffocated.
down we swam to see sunken cities of sorcery;
suicidal endeavour, hive mind agony
our race means for the next galaxy
yet still a race meant for parsimony.

All in all, ****** in brickly rubble
what once was wall, popped much like a bubble;
crumbling, stars burst our skies apart
fates laughing the madnesses' mirth
no hand unscorched, suddenly so much to win.
They listen, scent, and see,
the ones they miss, and what they've lost;
gasping, gazing up ahead
wings spread, glare brightly
flame-feathered doves of rebirth
released, everyone's dignity
finally freed from the heart.

We're not, not mindlessly suffering a somewhere
but this time, facing this inquiry:
What else is there
reality or not
modality or possibility, probably an actuality;
as we learn to sincerely care and to feel
the current breath, the nation, the spot
they all are our responsibility
doubtlessly and definitely real.

Thus, secondary to me
each second that ***** my spirit dry
throughout a minute
as we spire from hour to hour
honestly, far, far too often
and not from now and then.

Primary, however, is
my mistake which I'll hold me dire
I would rather not anymore, ever
divide zero by itself again.
What I learned like so many before
cannot count in this realm of some foreign heart
- now, for me -
which is indeed my problem
as I'm burning these pages I tore apart.

— The End —