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wordvango Aug 2014
Blown, fuse.
All the power out.
I can't find the short circuit.
a roundabout and electric light
are all charged up
awaitin' to  play.
I test with me probe
to find any all
broken connections.
Eel ect try fye
I search Google for help.
I search the walls I have
built (my
fuse is blown, I suspect)
Jude Jaden Aug 2015
I believe, as fast asleep,
my soul, flews away,
enjoying sight-seeing,
at random spot,
which is,
step ahead from me.
Its just one of my fictional brain computing, sharing my thought.
Yet "Deja Vu" far more away to explains.
Black Rose Jan 2019
The endless golden light
that flews into to distance.
The light that signals
persons to come back home.
Sometimes it seems to be
a thing or person that is
the light from the lighthouse.
The light is the thing that is trying
to pull you back home
So it doesn't loses you.
So it can keep loving you.

— The End —